Immortal Divination Concert History

Immortal Divination hail from Seattle, Washington with a world wide fan base numbering in the thousands. In late 2005, Orion and Micah Swift (ex-Cryptic Deity, Walpurgis Nacht), published an ad in the Seattle Stranger for their band, Singultus, with a request for a drummer. Jay Hanson (ex-Cryptic Deity, Myrotomy)immediately replied to this call and it was discovered that Jay and Micah were friends and band mates 15 years previous. As it turns out, Jay had accomplished much in his absence.

Hip Hop
Death Metal
Black Metal
Thrash Metal
East Coast Hip Hop
Gangster Rap
Hardcore Hip Hop
Conscious Hip Hop
Political Hip Hop
Symphonic Deathcore
Harlem Hip Hop
Norwegian Metal
Pagan Black Metal
Norwegian Black Metal
Ambient Dub
Milwaukee Indie
Polish Modern Jazz
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