"iMatter Music Festival" Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 15, 2012
"iMatter Music Festival" / The Devil Wears Prada / For Today / My Heart To Fear / The Glorious Unseen

iMatter Music Festival

Eldridge Park Elmira, New York, United States
Sep 03, 2011
iMatter Music Festival
"iMatter Music Festival" / August Burns Red / Emery / Texas In July / Impending Doom / A Plea for Purging / Life In Your Way / I, the Breather / Hundredth / The Great Commission / To Speak of Wolves / Gideon / My Heart To Fear / As Hell Retreats / The Ember Days Show all bands
Eldridge Park Elmira, New York, United States
Jun 13, 2009
"iMatter Music Festival" / The Devil Wears Prada

iMatter Music Festival

Eldridge Park Elmira, New York, United States
New French Touch
Hungarian Classical Performance
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2009 1 concert
 Justin Wilcox
 David Ranzino
 Fluffy Taco96

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