ian james's 2016 Concert History

Discovered Jimi Hendrix when I was four years old and the rest as they say, was history. Couldn't play sports well, was socially awkward as a kid. Thought there was something cool about about hippies and their music. So I looked up to musicians, especially ones who died young and left behind legacies of legendary music and debauchery. I wanted to be one of them. Now I just want to make music that I enjoy hearing, and hope other people will also enjoy it.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 08, 2016
Bend Summer Festival
"Bend Summer Festival" / Larry and His Flask / Chiringa / Jones Road / Precious Byrd / ian james / Cody Ray & The New Favorites / Jive Coulis / Nice & Brown / Doc Ryan and The Wychus Creek Band
Downtown Bend Bend, Oregon, United States
2016 1 concert
1993 2 concerts
 Kapt Kopter
 Matthew Matthew
 James Borland
 Ali Bongo
 Mel Wedlake
 Jenny Bartlett
 Doll Wendy Stocking
 Alex Boucher
 Paul Bowen
 Dr. Jeep
 Rich L
 Juliet Doyle74

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