Hundy Thou Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 13, 2012 –
Sep 16, 2012
Rifflandia Music Festival 2012
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis / The Flaming Lips / The Head and the Heart / Cake / Best Coast / Band of Skulls / The Antlers / Everlast / Family of the Year / Morgan Page / Austra / The Jezabels / Mother Mother / Horse Feathers / Fucked Up / The White Buffalo / Saul Williams / Dan Mangan / Reggie Watts / Frazey Ford / Sloan / Lunice / Wake Owl / Trust / Current Swell / The Aggrolites / White Lung / Jinja Safari / Hey Ocean! / Doldrums / Kode9 / The Bright Light Social Hour / iLL.Gates / Royal Canoe / MC Yogi / Lazy Rich / Humans / Brasstronaut / King Dude / Rich Aucoin / The Dudes / L-VIS 1990 / Zerbin / AFK / Lost Lander / Nightbox / Chixdiggit! / Cold Blank / Northcote / Snowblink / Wolfheart / Grand Analog / Hayley Sales / Rennie Foster / The Washboard Union / Good for Grapes / The Stanfields / Rykka / Indian Handcrafts / Zara Taylor / The Archers / Mat the Alien / Kids & Explosions / 5AM / longwalkshortdock / Grenier / Needs / Krief / Christopher Smith / Carmanah / Monolithium / Leisure Suit / Natron / Graintable / Old Wives / Wicks / Rooftop Runners / Xylopholks / Christopher Arruda / Okpk / The Chantrelles / The June Fiasco / Okibi / Hundy Thou / Bonehoof / Niña Mendoza / En Noir Show all bands
Royal Athletic Park Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Show Duplicate for Sep 13, 2012
Hip Hop
Indie Pop
Modern Rock
Melodic Hardcore
Pov: Indie
Modern Alternative Rock
Korean R&B
Rva Drill
Show more genres
 Kayla Quan

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