Hot White Concert History

Hailing from the grim frostbitten suburban underbelly of the Centennial State's capital cesspool known as Denver, these three assholes have been receiving beatings from both themselves and their estranged audience for a few years now. It is rumored that all the members can't stand each other, but they have banded together to defile the earholes of any two-bit music snob who will actually pay to hear them. Their wide array of musical influences seem to have no effect on their sound, and stuff like that is boring to write about anyway.

Date Concert Venue Location
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Indie Rock
Alternative Rock
Blues Rock
Garage Rock
Modern Rock
Noise Rock
Modern Blues Rock
Punk Blues
Garage Rock Revival
Rebel Blues
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2011 1 concert
2010 4 concerts
2009 1 concert
 Max J
 Therese Denver
 Whitney Testa

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