Host Skull Concert History

Founded by David Bernabo and Will Dyar, Host Skull also includes Brandon Masterman, Ben Montgomery, and Erik Cirelli. A number of other musicians are in the mix,. The current live band is: David Bernabo, Erik Cirelli, Christopher James, Dan Harding, and Rich Kawood. In 2011, the group released the "Fourth River" composition on Chicago's Contraphonic label's Sound Series. The piece attempted to document Pittsburgh's fourth river, an underground acquifer that exists both in fact and in myth.

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 26, 2017
On Avery Island/In The Aeroplane Over The Sea: A 20 Year Tribute to Neutral Milk Hotel
The Hills and the Rivers / Chase The Monkey / Two Tall Twins / Host Skull / Pro Wrestler / Rowan Erikson / Mara Yaffee
Cattivo Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Jan 27, 2017
delicious pastries / Mariage Blanc / Sleep Experiments / Host Skull

Golden Magnet Showcase

William Pitt Union Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Dec 01, 2012
Triggers / Host Skull / Good Night, States

Triggers / Host Skull / Good Night, States at Brillobox

Brillobox Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
Dec 03, 2011
Donora / Host Skull Brillobox Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
2017 2 concerts
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
 Thom 98

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