Hope Lies Within Concert History

Hope lies within is a collaboration of 5 close friends doing what they love most. Each with very similar outlooks, goals, and ideas of what really defines music. They hope to bring joy to the listeners ears by simply making music that wanders from the norm and catches your attention by demonstrating raw emotion and a strong core musicianship all at once. In a nut shell, hope lies within is a melodic rock/ metal band that blends elements of progressive rock and classical voice to keep the sound original but also sound very natural.

Melodic Metalcore
Melodic Deathcore
UK Metalcore
Deep Metalcore
Scottish Metal
Austrian Punk
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2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2011 1 concert
 Feather In A Storm
 Apex Rooster117
 Austin Knowlton
 Bruce Hewes

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