Hexnut Concert History

Hexnut is an ensemble of five soloists coming out of the Karnatic Lab, the Amsterdam modern music club responsible for many of the new developments in Amsterdam’s contemporary music circles of today. The blueprint for Hexnut was the work “Tools”, a high-energy, virtuosic set of nine pieces composed by Ned McGowan in 2003. This collection of miniatures, winner of the Henriëtte Bosmans Prize in the Netherlands, puts the flute, trumpet, piano and modified recorder into a living interaction...

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 22, 2007 –
Sep 23, 2007
ZXZW Festival 2007
Pantha du Prince / Psychic Ills / The Locust / Psychic TV / Despised / The Black Atlantic / Kap Bambino / The Bloody Honkies / Crippled Black Phoenix / Orphax / Long Distance Calling / Jozef Van Wissem / autonon / Atlantis / Jakuzi's Attempt / Minitel./!/... / Grinding Halt / Infinity / The New Dominion / Suicidal Rap Orgy / vortex rex / Die! Die! Die! / ?alos / Union Town / Vloeistof / Blowfly / Hexnut / staplerfahrer / Pierre Normal / Ceephax Acid Crew / Weltbrand / KHIMA FRANCE / Pornologic / The Hickey Underworld / kazuamsumaki / Disinvectant / Yoke & Yohs / Monotonix / RIOTEER / Thye / Furio / Awkward I / Stel-r / Marco Zanetton / Shit and Shine / The Jim Morrisons / Le Chien Violet / Hacride / Goska Isphording / Agent Side Grinder / Volt Voice / Meldy Peaches / Ex Zero / Knut / Rhys Chatham / Drumcorps / Todd / Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat / Chris Forsyth / Meneguar / Träd, Gräs och Stenar / Electric Electric / OvO / The Haters / Dÿse / Niobe / Chevron / Cutting Pink With Knives / These Monsters / Curse Ov Dialect / John Wiese / The Setup / CHECK 1-2 / Sudden Infant / Leine / Blutch / Lewd / Ignatz / Beehoover / MoHa! / Jacob Kirkegaard / Paul Marshall / Syntheme / Ostinato / Get Hustle / The Hydromatics / A Challenge Of Honour / The Moi non Plus / Peter Evans / Le Prince Harry / Grey Daturas / End Of Level Boss / Passenger Of Shit / AC Berkheimer / GTUK / Monno / Germlin / Blue Sabbath Black Fiji / velvet underwear / Fuck the Writer / Praise The Twilight Sparrow / Wouter van Veldhoven / Family Battle Snake Show all bands
Poppodium 013 Tilburg, North Brabant, Netherlands
Lo-Fi Beats
 Ruud Lemmen

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