Hansen Band's 2012 Concert History

Hansen Band was founded for a movie called "Keine Lieder über Liebe". The band consists of Thees Uhlmann (Tomte), Marcus Wiebusch (Kettcar), Felix Gebhard (home of the lame), Max Martin Schröder (der "Hund Marie" from Olli Schulz & der Hund Marie) and Jürgen Vogel (a German actor, who plays the band's vocalist). Hansen Band basically is a Grand Hotel van Cleef (a German indie-label) all-star band. The album was recorded alongside the making of the movie called "Keine Lieder über Liebe".

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 18, 2012
Kettcar / Tomte / Hansen Band / Young Rebel Set / Thees Uhlmann & Band / Kilians

10 Jahre Grand Hotel van Cleef

Trabrennbahn Bahrenfeld Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany
German Indie
Hamburger Schule

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2012 1 concert
2007 1 concert
 Uli Neumann
 Irene Neumann
 Wolfgang K.
 Melanie K

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