Gypsy Pistoleros's 2008 Concert History

Ima­gine a Flamenco-infused, glammed out noise in a head on col­li­sion with Punk and Rock N Roll riffs, laced with a touch of latin and you'll sure as hell have yourselves the Gypsy Pis­tol­eros. This ridicu­lously awe­some com­bin­a­tion was the brainchild of Lee Pis­tolero and it is through this bril­liantly orches­trated com­bin­a­tion that they have carved them­selves a unique­ness, sep­ar­at­ing them­selves from other bands in the Glam and Sleaze genres.

Date Concert Venue Location
Dec 05, 2008
Hard Rock Hell
"Hard Rock Hell" / Gypsy Pistoleros / Cancer Bats / Johnny Truant / Glyder / Thin Lizzy / Benedictum / Doro / Budgie / Tigertailz / Hexes / The Ghost of a Thousand / Textures / The Plight / Big Linda / Attica Rage / Get Vegas / Heaven's Basement / Jetblack Show all bands
Pontins Prestatyn Sands, United Kingdom
Sep 01, 2008
Rock The Bayou
"Rock The Bayou" / Bret Michaels / Twisted Sister / Jackyl / Kix / Firehouse / Pretty Boy Floyd / Bang Tango / Broken Teeth / Gypsy Pistoleros / Pantrix / Whorehound / Autumn Effect / Under The Green / The Apostles / The Ali Cat Project / Downfall 2012 / The Ultra Siberian Pant Factory / The Hates / New Disaster / Adrenaline Factor / Skepticynic / Killjoy 72 / Low Man's Joe / 359 / Rainchild / Half Of Forever / Think Tank / Vatos Locos / Shattered / Cockpit / Platypus Angst / Sevi / OPULENT Show all bands
Bayou Grounds Houston, Texas, United States
Aug 31, 2008
Rock The Bayou
"Rock The Bayou" / Alice Cooper / Warrant / Yngwie Malmsteen / Slaughter / L.A. Guns / Dangerous Toys / Lillian Axe / Black 'N Blue / Gypsy Pistoleros / Beautiful Creatures / Rockets To Ruin / Forever Falls / Lost Heroes / Muddspyder / Six Minute Century / The Hectic / PJ Flowers / de Sangre / Helstar / Crank Case / Knocturnal Maddness / Jumping Monks / Stamen / Seven Story Drop / epic / Rated E / Sister Mary Tarantula / The Huns / Krucible / Verdict Of Vengeance / Proximity / Almost Sober / Via Linda Show all bands
Bayou Grounds Houston, Texas, United States
Jul 26, 2008
Gypsy Pistoleros Dive Bar Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Jul 25, 2008
Gypsy Pistoleros Whisky a Go Go West Hollywood, California, United States
Jul 17, 2008
Gypsy Pistoleros / Dirty Penny George's Majestic Lounge Fayetteville, Arkansas, United States
Jul 13, 2008
Rocklahoma Festival
"Rocklahoma Festival" / Queensrÿche / Tesla / Ace Frehley / UFO / Steelheart / Zebra / Beautiful Creatures / Axe Feat. Bobby Barth / Gypsy Pistoleros / Bulletboys
Catch The Fever Festival Grounds Pryor, Oklahoma, United States
Jul 11, 2008
Rocklahoma Festival
"Rocklahoma Festival" / extreme / Dimension / Triumph / Gypsy Pistoleros / Lita Ford / Night Ranger / Living Colour / Kingdom Come / Armored Saint / Xyz / Mindflow / Lipstick Magazine
Catch The Fever Festival Grounds Pryor, Oklahoma, United States
Jul 11, 2008 –
Jul 13, 2008
XYZ / Armored Saint / Kingdom Come / Living Colour / Night Ranger / Extreme / Triumph / Pretty Boy Floyd / Every Mother's Nightmare / Tora Tora / Black 'n Blue / Trixter / Lynch Mob / Kix / Lita Ford / Warrant / Axe / Steelheart / Zebra / UFO / Ace Frehley / Tesla / Queensrÿche / Jetboy / House of Lords / Vain / Enuff Z'nuff / L.A. Guns / Dokken / Sebastian Bach / Bret Michaels / Six Minute Century / Azrael’s Bane / Gypsy Pistoleros / Lynam / Dirty Penny / Ron Keel Show all bands
Pryor Creek Music Festival Grounds Pryor Creek, Oklahoma, United States
Hard Rock
Album Oriented Rock (AOR)
Glam Rock
Sleaze Rock
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