Guns Of Moropolis's 2012 Concert History

Keep your horses confined – the Guns of Moropolis are letting the spurs burn!!! Being launched in a gloomy westernpub in the Land of Swabia in 2009, and after a double whiskey they sold their soul to the devil. In return apart from the most beautiful chicks they received the secret ingredient for the perfect sound. Rockabilly is past – Metalbilly rules now! The Guns of Moropolis threw their glasses at the wall, mounted their horses and careered into the studio.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 29, 2012 –
Jul 01, 2012
With Full Force Festival 2012
Aborted / All Shall Perish / August Burns Red / The Bones / Broilers / The Browning / Cannibal Corpse / The Carburetors / Carnifex / Comeback Kid / Crushing Caspars / Dark Funeral / Debauchery / Defeater / DevilDriver / Do Or Die / Dying Fetus / Einherjer / Ektomorf / Eläkeläiset / Elsterglanz / Emmure / Endstille / Evergreen Terrace / Eyes Set to Kill / Excrementory Grindfuckers / Fleshgod Apocalypse / Flogging Molly / Gojira / Guns Of Moropolis / Heaven Shall Burn / I Killed The Prom Queen / Immortal / Insomnium / Kill Devil Hill / Lamb of God / Machine Head / Madball / Meshuggah / Nasty / Nasum / Pennywise / Perkele / Poison Idea / Pro-Pain / Serum 114 / Skeletonwitch / Smoke Blow / Soulfly / Stick To Your Guns / Street Dogs / Suicide Silence / Tenside / Texas In July / Toxpack / Trivium / The Turbo A.C.'s / Unearth / We Butter The Bread With Butter / Winds of Plague / Xibalba / Children of Bodom / Neaera / Electric Callboy Show all bands
Flugplatz Roitzschjora Löbnitz bei Leipzig
Show Duplicate for Jun 29, 2012
Hardcore Punk
Heavy Metal
Melodic Hardcore
Straight Edge
Boston Rock
Basel Indie
Cook Islands Pop
Show more genres
2012 1 concert
2011 3 concerts
2010 1 concert
 Ohngil Unkenbein

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