Goratory Concert History

Goratory's original lineup was a 6-member outfit with Max on bass, Nick from Vinculum Terminatii (soon replaced by Joe), and Adam on vocals, Dana and Alan on guitar and Jay on drums. The youngest members at the time were 14.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 25, 2017
Maryland Deathfest 2017
Cryptopsy / Decrepit Birth / Gorgasm / Malignancy / Goratory / Cognitive / Ex Dementia
Baltimore Soundstage Baltimore, Maryland, United States
May 25, 2017 –
May 28, 2017
Maryland Deathfest 2017
Morbid Angel / Vader / Candlemass / Acid King / Cryptopsy / Tiamat / Fiend / Exhumed / Conan / Autopsy / grave / Gost / Terrorizer / Decrepit Birth / Siege / SubRosa / Oranssi Pazuzu / Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Akercocke / Behexen / Exumer / Macabre / Insect Warfare / Uada / Sargeist / Dopethrone / October Tide / In the Woods... / Morbid Saint / Iron Lung / Noothgrush / Nightbringer / Gorgasm / Malignancy / SKELETAL REMAINS / Samothrace / Nordjevel / Crud / Root / Acheron / Birdflesh / Genocide Pact / Usurper / Brodequin / Cognitive / P.L.F. / Fucking Invincible / die choking / War Master / The Occultist / Father Befouled / Captain Cleanoff / Embalmer / Fissure / Goolagoon / Goratory / Encoffination / Junior Bruce / Necropsy / Torture Rack / Meth Leppard / SUPPRESSION / Organ Dealer / Chepang / Mother Brain / Kerasphorus / Ex Dementia / UxDxS / Disparo / Night Raids / Flash Out / Myxoma / Stormtroopers Of Beer Show all bands
Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Show Duplicates for May 25, 2017
May 25, 2003 –
May 27, 2003
Maryland Death Fest 1
Necrophagist / Commit Suicide / Aborted / Internal Suffering / Saprogenic / Dying Fetus / Skinless / Severed Savior / Foetopsy / Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition / Lust of Decay / Retch / Suffocation / Devourment / Malignancy / Circle of Dead Chidlren / Incinerate / Pyrexia / Leng Tch'e / Mortal Decay / Drogheda / Soils of Fate / Abuse / Goratory Show all bands
The Thunderdome Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Death Metal
Brutal Death Metal
Technical Death Metal
Slam Death Metal
Boston Metal
Show more genres
2017 1 concert
2003 1 concert
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 Jonathan Sager
 C.Ell Arts
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