Go Van Gogh's 2007 Concert History

We are Go Van Gogh from St. Louis, Missouri and we have something we want to give you. We are so excited about the two songs we just finished, and we couldn’t hold them back for a full-length release. With the unlimited opportunities that the digital format and the internet provides, we figured it was perfect to get “Blood Money” and “Get Up” to as many people as possible. Now, by the grace and innovation of iChannel.fm, this music is available for FREE…….

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 21, 2007
Play:STL Music Festival
"Play:STL Music Festival" / John Boy's Courage / The Feed / Jason Vigil / Go Van Gogh / Go Motion / Semi Precious Weapons / Todd Carey
Cicero's St. Louis, Missouri, United States
Apr 19, 2007
Go Van Gogh Mojo's Columbia, Missouri, United States
Indie Rock
Yugoslav Rock
2007 2 concerts
1997 2 concerts
 Yvette Kay

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