Frogsuit Concert History

Just three solid dudes. Doing what solid dudes do. Steffen Messinger (My Parents Favorite Music), Joey Zadjino, and Duane Zuwala (Action Adventure World).

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 03, 2012 –
Aug 05, 2012
Captain Dan & the Scurvy Crew / Schäffer the Darklord / YTCracker / Mikal kHill / Kabuto the Python / NESkimos / Stemage / Marc with a C / Random Encounter / The OneUps / Dual Core / The ThoughtCriminals / Armcannon / Danimal Cannon / The Megas / Tribe One / The Money Boys / Random aka Mega Ran / Dj RoboRob / Bit Brigade / Those Who Fight / Brentalfloss / Sci-Fried / Adam WarRock / Descendants of Erdrick / Dj CUTMAN / D&D Sluggers / Professor Shyguy / Frogsuit / Koo Koo Kanga Roo Show all bands
The Social Orlando, Florida, United States

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