"French Quarter Festival" Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 24, 2022
"French Quarter Festival" / Andrew Duhon

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Oct 01, 2021
"French Quarter Festival" / Rickie Lee Jones

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Sep 30, 2021
"French Quarter Festival" / Chapel Hart / Flow Tribe / The Dirty Dozen Brass Band

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 15, 2018
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Honey Island Swamp Band / Cullen Landry & The Midnight Streetcar / Lena Prima / Sarah Quintana / Andrew Hall's Society Brass Band / Bucktown All Stars / Johnny Sansone / Sam Price And The True Believers / Jeremy Davenport / Tin Men / Treme Brass Band / The Dixie Cups / Wanda Rouzan / The Vettes / Darcy Malone and the Tangle / Bonsoir Catin / Topsy Chapman / Mahogany Brass Band / Raw Oyster Cult / Ovi-G & The Froggies / Russell Batiste Jr. and Friends / Jonathon Long / Gina Brown / Rosie Ledet & the Zydeco Playboys / Dukes Of Dixieland / Creole String Beans / Cyril Neville's Swamp Funk / Corey Henry's Treme Funktet / Johnny Sketch & The Dirty Notes / Rockin' Dopsie Jr. & The Zydeco Twisters / Stephanie Jordan / Astral Project / Bamboula 2000 / Pfister Sisters / Gregory Agid / Joe Cabral / Vivaz / Barbara Shorts / Calvin Johnson / Hot Club Of New Orleans / Palmetto Bug Stompers / Kelcy Mae / Beth Patterson / Stone Rabbits / Andrew Duhon / Lars Edegran & The New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra / Kinfolk Brass Band / Aurora Nealand / Garden District Band Hot Groove Seven/Eight Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 14, 2018
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Big Sam's Funky Nation / Big Chief Bo Dollis & The Wild Magnolias / Christian Serpas & Ghostown / Zion Harmonizers / Tim Laughlin / New Birth Brass Band / the iguanas / Al "Lil Fats" Jackson / Paul Sanchez / Amanda Ducorbier / Wendell Brunious / Storyville Stompers Brass Band / Brass-A-Holics / Hot Rod Lincoln / Cole Williams / Zydefunk / Bruce Daigrepont / Ronnie Kole / Alfred Banks / SOUL Brass Band / Little Freddie King / Soul Project / Higher Heights / Dash Rip Rock / Babineaux Sisters / Charmaine Neville / Egg Yolk Jubilee / Leroy Jones / Mason Ruffner / Big Chief Monk Boudreaux / Funk Monkey / Sunpie & The Louisiana Sunspots / Shannon Powell / Papa Mali / TBC Brass Band / Rebirth Brass Band / Otra / John "Papa" Gros Band / Erica Falls / Amanda Shaw / Patrice Fisher & Arpa / Miss Sophie Lee / Anaïs St. John / Nayo Jones / The Last Straws / Paulin Brothers Brass Band / New Orleans Jazz Vipers / Washboard Chaz Blues Trio / Jumbo Shrimp / Steve Pistorius / Louis Ford & His New Orleans Flairs / Davis Rogan / Alexandra Scott / Kettle Black / Debbie Davis / Josh Paxton / The Fortifiers / Tom McDermott / Johnette Downing / Andre Bohren / John Rankin Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 13, 2018
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Cha Wa / Walter "Wolfman" Washington / Jon Cleary / Mia Borders / Marc Stone Band / Smoke n Bones / The Catahoulas / Meschiya Lake / Bon Bon Vivant / Marshland / Jamal Batiste / Waylon Thibodeaux / Ellis Marsalis / Benny Grunch & The Bunch / New Orleans Night Crawlers / Louisiana LeRoux / Lynn Drury / Curley Taylor & Zydeco Trouble / John Boutte / Magnetic Ear / Bonerama / Joe Krown / Mainline / The Crooked Vines / Dwayne Dopsie & The Zydeco Hellraisers / Leroy Jones / The Revealers / Red Hot Brass Band / Water Seed / Bill Summers / Naughty Professor / Sean Ardoin & Zydekool / Rory Danger & The Danger Dangers / Stooges Brass Band / Chocolate Milk / Shamarr Allen & The Underdawgs / Zachary Richard / Mario Abney / Luther Kent / Gypsy Elise & The Royal Blues / Airpark / Kumasi Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Show Duplicate for Apr 13, 2018
Apr 12, 2018
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Alvin Youngblood Hart / Nathan & The Zydeco Cha-Chas / Sweet Crude / Irene Sage / Panorama Jazz Band / Tuba Skinny / New Breed Brass Band / Alex McMurray / Gal Holiday & Her Honky Tonk Revue / The Quickening / Banu Gibson & The New Orleans Hot Jazz / T'monde / New Orleans Suspects / Deltaphonic / Fredy Omar con su banda / Alvin (Youngblood) Hart's Muscle Theory / Irma Thomas / Lisa Amos / Robin Barnes / Lost Bayou Ramblers / The Dirty Dozen Brass Band / Bag Of Donuts / Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 09, 2017
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Anaïs St. John / Andrew Hall's Society Brass Band / Astral Project / Babineaux Sisters / Bamboula 2000 / Bill Summers / Bonerama / Bucktown All Stars / The Ibervillianaires / Clive Wilson's New Orleans Serenaders / Corey Ledet / Creole String Beans / James Andrews / Jeremy Davenport / Joe Cabral / John Boutte / John Mooney & Bluesiana / John Royen / Leroy Jones / Linnzi Zaorski / Little Freddie King / Los Po-Boy-Citos / Magnetic Ear / Mason Ruffner / New Orleans Jazz Vipers / Ovi-G & The Froggies / Palmetto Bug Stompers / Paul Sanchez / Raw Oyster Cult / Red Hot Brass Band / ______ / Rockin' Dopsie Jr. & The Zydeco Twisters / Shamarr Allen & The Underdawgs / SOUL Brass Band / Steve Pistorius / Stooges Brass Band / The Friendly Travelers / T'monde / Tony Green’s Gypsy Jazz / Washboard Chaz Blues Trio / Wanda Rouzan / Wendell Brunious / Garden District Band Hot Groove Seven/Eight Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 08, 2017
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Andre Bohren / Barbara Shorts / Big Chief Bo Dollis & The Wild Magnolias / Chris Ardoin / Christian Serpas & Ghostown / Colin Lake / Dash Rip Rock / Dwayne Dopsie & The Zydeco Hellraisers / Erica Falls / Gregory Agid / Honey Island Swamp Band / Hot Rod Lincoln / John Rankin / Kermit Ruffins & The Barbecue Swingers / King James and the Special Men / Lars Edegran & The New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra / Lillian Boutte / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Louis Ford & His New Orleans Flairs / New Orleans Moonshiners / New Orleans Night Crawlers / New Orleans Swamp Donkeys / Orange Kellin's New Orleans Blues Serenaders / Robin Barnes / Roland Guerin / Tom McDermott / Shotgun Jazz Band / Some Like It Hot / The Soul Rebels / Sweet Crude / Tank and the Bangas / Thais Clark / Dukes Of Dixieland / the iguanas / New Orleans Suspects / Pfister Sisters / Tim Laughlin / Treme Brass Band / Walter "Wolfman" Washington & The Roadmasters Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 07, 2017
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Amanda Shaw / Banu Gibson & The New Orleans Hot Jazz / Big Sam's Funky Nation / Bruce Daigrepont / Cedryl Ballou & The Zydeco Trendsetters / Charmaine Neville / Corey Henry's Treme Funktet / Cupid / Dayna Kurtz / Debauche / Fredy Omar con su banda / G & The Swinging Three / Gal Holiday & Her Honky Tonk Revue / Gina Brown / Higher Heights / Hot Stuff / Irma Thomas / Johnny Sketch & The Dirty Notes / Kid Merv / Lagniappe Brass Band / Leroy Jones / Louisiana LeRoux / Lynn Drury / Mainline / Marc Stone Band / Meschiya Lake / Miss Sophie Lee / Big Chief Monk Boudreaux / Nayo Jones / The New Orleans Cottonmouth Kings / Organic Trio / Panorama Jazz Band / Partners-N-Crime / Shannon Powell / Storyville Stompers Brass Band / Sunpie & The Louisiana Sunspots / Susan Cowsill / The Dixie Cups / Tin Men / Tonya Boyd Cannon / Topsy Chapman / Tuba Skinny / Jonathon Long / Airpark Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 06, 2017
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / ______ / Aaron Neville / Bag Of Donuts / Benny Grunch & The Bunch / Brass-A-Holics / Brother Tyrone / Cedric Watson & Bijou Creole / Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band / Darcy Malone and the Tangle / Dr. Michael White / Ellis Marsalis / Evan Christopher / Ingrid Lucia / Joe Krown / John "Papa" Gros Band / Lena Prima / Mahogany Brass Band / Mia Borders / Naughty Professor / Otra / Waylon Thibodeaux Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Show Duplicate for Apr 06, 2017
Apr 10, 2016
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Alex McMurray / Alexandra Scott / Amanda Shaw / Amy Trail / Andrew Hall's Society Brass Band / Andy J. Forest / Astral Project / Brass-A-Holics / Bucktown All Stars / Buckwheat Zydeco / Carl Leblanc Band / Chegadão / Colin Lake / Corey Henry's Treme Funktet / Creole String Beans / Debauche / Dwayne Dopsie & The Zydeco Hellraisers / Egg Yolk Jubilee / Erica Falls / Guitar Slim, Jr. / John Rankin / Helen Gillet / Honey Island Swamp Band / Ingrid Lucia / Jean Knight / Jeremy Davenport / Jimmy Maxwell & His Orchestra / Joe Cabral / Ken Swartz / Lagniappe Brass Band / Lars Edegran & The New Orleans Ragtime Orchestra / The Last Straws / Los Po-Boy-Citos / ______ / Mainline / New Orleans Moonshiners / Palmetto Bug Stompers / Patrice Fisher & Arpa / Paul Sanchez / Peter Novelli Band / Pfister Sisters / Raw Oyster Cult / Rockin' Dopsie Jr. & The Zydeco Twisters / Roddie Romero / Shannon Powell / Thais Clark / Treme Brass Band / Wanda Rouzan Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 09, 2016
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Flow Tribe / Feufollet / Anaïs St. John / Andre Bohren / Andrew Duhon / Big Chief Bo Dollis & The Wild Magnolias / Big Sam's Funky Nation / Bonerama / Brother Tyrone / Camile Baudoin / Charmaine Neville / Christian Serpas & Ghostown / Clive Wilson's New Orleans Serenaders / Dash Rip Rock / Dayna Kurtz / Creole Jazz Serenaders with Don Vappie / Donna Angelle / Duke Heitger / Erin Miley / Funk Monkey / Gal Holiday & Her Honky Tonk Revue / Gina Brown / Happy Talk Band / Hot Club Of New Orleans / Hot Rod Lincoln / the iguanas / Jo-El Sonnier / John Mooney & Bluesiana / Kelcy Mae / Lena Prima / Leroy Jones / Lillian Boutte / Linnzi Zaorski / Little Freddie King / Mahogany Brass Band / Meschiya Lake / Naughty Professor / New Breed Brass Band / New Orleans Jazz Vipers / New Orleans Swamp Donkeys / Paulin Brothers Brass Band / Red Hot Brass Band / The Revealers / Riccardo Crespo & Sol Brasil / Ronnie Kole / Smoke n Bones / Some Like It Hot (LA) / Stooges Brass Band / Storyville Stompers Brass Band / Sunpie & The Louisiana Sunspots / Tank and the Bangas / Tim Laughlin / Tom McDermott / Vivaz / Washboard Chaz Blues Trio / Wendell Brunious / Wes Raymond / Garden District Band Hot Groove Seven/Eight Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 08, 2016
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Babineaux Sisters / Banu Gibson & The New Orleans Hot Jazz / Benny Grunch & The Bunch / Bill Summers / Chris Mule (Solo) / Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band / Connie Jones / Davell Crawford / The Dirty Dozen Brass Band / Dukes Of Dixieland / Hot 8 Brass Band / Irene Sage / Irma Thomas / James Andrews / Johnny Sketch & The Dirty Notes / Kid Merv / Kim Carson / Leroy Thomas & The Zydeco Road Runners / Lost Bayou Ramblers / Marc Stone Band / Mason Ruffner / Mia Borders / Big Chief Monk Boudreaux / New Birth Brass Band / The New Orleans Cottonmouth Kings / New Orleans Night Crawlers / Otra / Sarah Quintana / Shamarr Allen & The Underdawgs / Sweet Crude / Susan Cowsill / Tuba Skinny / Walter "Wolfman" Washington / Waylon Thibodeaux Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 07, 2016
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Bag Of Donuts / Bruce Daigrepont / Cha Wa / Charlie Wooton Project / Cowboy Mouth / Deacon John / Delfeayo Marsalis / The Dixie Cups / Ellis Marsalis / Fredy Omar con su banda / Joe Krown Trio / John "Papa" Gros Band / John Boutte / Kermit Ruffins & The Barbecue Swingers / Lynn Drury / New Orleans Suspects / Panorama Jazz Band / Sonny Landreth / T'Canaille Cajun Band / The Revelers / Tin Men Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 12, 2015
French Quarter Festival
"French Quarter Festival" / Kristin Diable / Alexis & the Samurai / Amy Trail / Astral Project / Babineaux Sisters / Barbara Shorts / BOTTOMS UP BLUES GANG / Brother Tyrone / Bucktown All Stars / Cardinal Sons / Carl Leblanc Band / Corey Henry's Treme Funktet / Creole String Beans / Chubby Carrier & The Bayou Swamp Band / Dash Rip Rock / Duke Heitger / Erin Miley / The Friendly Travelers / Funk Monkey / Glen David Andrews / Higher Heights / Honey Island Swamp Band / Hot Club Of New Orleans / Irene Sage / Jeremy Davenport / Joe Cabral / Jo-El Sonnier / Kermit Ruffins & The Barbecue Swingers / The Last Straws / Leroy Jones / Los Po-Boy-Citos / Mahogany Brass Band / Michaela Harrison / New Birth Brass Band / Irvin Mayfield & The New Orleans Jazz Orchestra / Palmetto Bug Stompers / Peter Novelli Band / Pfister Sisters / Raw Oyster Cult / Red Hot Brass Band / Riccardo Crespo & Sol Brasil / Rockin' Dopsie Jr. & The Zydeco Twisters / Treme Brass Band / Tuba Skinny / Wanda Rouzan Show all bands
French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 13, 2014
"French Quarter Festival" / Nasimiyu / Dwayne Dopsie & The Zydeco Hellraisers / Treme Brass Band

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 11, 2014
"French Quarter Festival" / Nathan & The Zydeco Cha-Chas / George Porter Jr. and Runnin' Pardners / Nigel Hall / Dr. John

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 10, 2014
"French Quarter Festival" / Beausoleil Avec Michael Doucet

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Apr 14, 2013
"French Quarter Festival" / Honey Island Swamp Band / Eric Lindell / Beausoleil Avec Michael Doucet

French Quarter Festival

French Quarter New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Classical Performance
Contemporary Classical
Compositional Ambient
String Quartet
21st Century Classical
Modern String Quartet
Show more genres
2022 1 concert
2021 2 concerts
2018 4 concerts
2017 4 concerts
2016 4 concerts
2015 1 concert
2014 3 concerts
2013 3 concerts
2012 4 concerts
2011 3 concerts
2010 3 concerts
2009 3 concerts

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