Fourth Face Concert History

Band from Czech republic playing hardcore/nu-metal/crossover. Band was founded in 1994 and it is still active nowadays.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 03, 2010 –
Jul 06, 2010
Rock For People 2010
Muse / The Prodigy / Editors / Coheed and Cambria / NOFX / Morcheeba / Billy Talent / Tricky / Skunk Anansie / Suicidal Tendencies / Alexisonfire / The Subways / Does It Offend You, Yeah? / Archive / Skindred / Gallows / Dreadzone / Jello Biafra / Evergreen Terrace / Juliette Lewis / Horse the Band / Disco Ensemble / Cell / Wisdom in Chains / Night / The Inspector Cluzo / Divokej Bill / Vypsana Fixa / Blasted Mechanism / Skyline / Charlie Straight / UDG / Southpaw / The Feud / Illbilly Hitec / The Blackout Argument / Už jsme doma / Hentai Corporation / Poletíme? / Ready Kirken / ______ / Gaia Mesiah / the.switch / Dark Gamballe / ______ / Atari Terror / Queens of Everything / Rattle Bucket / Horska Chata / My Funeral / Cornflakes / Five Oclock Tea / Shogun Tokugawa / River Jordan / The Gangnails / Le Pneumatiq / Fourth Face / Dirty Game / Mother's Angels / X-Left To Die / Crashpoint / Mindway / Simple Muffin / Satisfucktion / Bundy Tad / Jolly Joker & PBU Show all bands
Rock For People 2010 Hradec Králové, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Jul 04, 2009 –
Jul 06, 2009
Rock For People 2009
Placebo / Gipsy.CZ / 10000 maniacs / black president / Arctic Monkeys / The Kooks / Bloc Party / Underworld / Gogol Bordello / The Freestylers / Static-X / Hadouken! / The Bouncing Souls / Ska-P / Comeback Kid / Defeater / Therapy? / Switch / Keziah Jones / Emma Marrone / Ignite / Sunshine / Rain / Firewater / Pooh / Chico / Expatriate / Fancy / Scratch Bandits Crew / Navigators / Horkyze Slize / Luca Brasi / K2 / Revelation / Chinaski / Skyline / Plus Minus / Tata Bojs / The Inspector Cluzo / Vypsana Fixa / Mucky Pup / Xindl X / Wohnout / Locomotive / Divokej Bill / Southpaw / Polemic / Sto Zvirat / UDG / Please The Trees / Aneta Langerova / Visaci Zamek / Enter / Blue Effect / Sunflower Caravan / Zrni / Už jsme doma / Xavier Baumaxa / Fast Food Orchestra / United Flavour / From Our Hands / Prague Ska Conspiracy / Clou / Cocotte Minute / Miroslav Zbirka / Tleskac / Standby / The Chancers / The Coolers / Ready Kirken / 7 Weeks / Gaia Mesiah / Imodium / Plexis / Znouzectnost / Mnaga And Zdorp / Atari Terror / Laco Deczi / Svihadlo / X-Core / $£$ / Zluty Pes / The Prostitutes / Dark Gamballe / Krausberry / Kill the Dandies / Eggnoise / Rattle Bucket / No Heroes / Gocoo / Obri Broskev / The Fake Tapes / Fleret / Lety Mimo / Prohrala V Kartach / Le Pneumatiq / Evelynne / Status Praesents / Jana Lota / Circus Ponorka / River Jordan / Fourth Face / Five Oclock Tea / Medved 009 / Crashpoint / Fpb / Vypsan Fixa / Satisfucktion / Gang Ala Basta / Miroslav Birka / Horke Sle / Magma Hotel / Vihadlo / DERFINE / Circus Praha / Zrn / Tleska / Aneta Langerov / Mga And Orp / Bundy Tad / Rybiky 48 / Lut Pes / Personal Signet / Sto Zvat / Broumband / Medvd 009 / Flavour Band / Michal Hrza / Anna Mlinarikov / Prohrla V Kartch / Visac Zmek / Ob Broskev Show all bands
Letiště Hradec Králové, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Jul 17, 2008
Fun Lovin' Criminals / Exilia / Lydia Lunch / Bankrupt / Gaia Mesiah / Tata Bojs / Fun-Da-Mental / Dan Brta / Fast Food Orchestra / Prague Ska Conspiracy / Lenka Dusilov / David Koller / Paige / Outrage / SPS / Crom / Rabastabarbar / United Flavou...
Fun Lovin' Criminals / Exilia / Lydia Lunch / Bankrupt / Gaia Mesiah / Tata Bojs / Fun-Da-Mental / Dan Brta / Fast Food Orchestra / Prague Ska Conspiracy / Lenka Dusilov / David Koller / Paige / Outrage / SPS / Crom / Rabastabarbar / United Flavour / Sputnik / Matahari / Fuego / Post-it / V.t.marvin / Selfish / Mandrage / Hypnotix / Fandangle / Plexis / Znouzectnost / Innocens / Mona / Locomotive / Totln Nasazen / Defcon / Barricade / Zpraku / Remorse / Passengers / Temperamento / minus123minut / Delusion / Fly / Pandora's Dawn / Yellow Sisters / Upland / Accelerators / Slobodná Európa / Iva Frhlingov / NV / ESP / Steve Walsh / Lajky / Nonsense / Dukla Vozovna / Punk Floid / Fourth Face / Magnetik / Green Frog Feet / X-Core / Snowblind / More Than Crossed / Znouzecnost / Wet Paint / Disgroove / November 2nd / Status Praesents / Atari Terror / Heller / Grobiani / Mimesis / Hazydecay / Medvd 009 / Straight / Phenomenon / Roads / to be continued / Mauritius / Outcry / Backspace / Selfbrush / The Upgrades / Bed Sores / Bra Zemanov / Unite Tribe / The Airbags / Blank Promise / Compromise / Brutal Polka / Mat / Apple Juice / Cyrcus / Tainted / Phantoms On Fire / Mashy Muxx / HC3 / Madfinger / The Coolers / CALATHEA / Hypnotic Face / Urban Bushman / Narot / Crionic / Black Hill / Carma Star / ZATREST / Heebie Jeebies / Kashmir 9:41 / Underside / Rattle Bucket / Deexs / Drunken Boomerang / Soil / Aggressive Tyrants / Vilm Ok / Double Bubble / Gravel Juice / The Crux / Orangecap / BugABoo / Scound / Lionman / The Special Edition / Vision Days / Loose Canon / 5 Symbols / Partisan / Carrie Anne / Oz One / Deem / BRD / Promile / Helldorado / Groteska / Pork Soda / Back One Out / Crooked Beats / Madcult / 4 Axid Butchers / Inarcadia / Mother's Angels / Komplex Oidipus / Loosavanna / Positive Mind / A Certain Shade / Rv-4 / Zerostar / BLUE FIRE / Sole Method / Virgin Island / Immoral / Espionage of the Loc / Bludy / Propala Gramota / Taking Over Mars / Fights and Fires / The Red One / Crossband / Radio Jerevan / Takoma Star / Saint Shoes / Social Band / Running Sushi / Plate of Hate / Mystery of 19th October / Gentle Patience / BuFu / Jill Walsh / Nou Entry / Hangover Painters / Chernobyl Generation / Morokweng / Pd / the dead heads / Nior W. / 克 (CHN) / The Local Villains / Too Late Lucy / Show all bands
Letiště Hradec Králové, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Jul 03, 2008 –
Jul 05, 2008
Rock For People 2008
Gipsy.CZ / The Offspring / Massive Attack / Kaiser Chiefs / Flogging Molly / Enter Shikari / Helmet / Black Mountain / Holy Fuck / Ghost / Dreadzone / H2O / VNV Nation / Panteon Rococo / Madball / Donots / Hopes Die Last / Sunshine / Demented Are Go / Los de Abajo / N.O.H.A. / Watcha Clan / Happysad / Empyr / The Locos / Horkyze Slize / Kabat / Ee / Krystof / Skyline / Montreal / Tata Bojs / Para / Vypsana Fixa / Wohnout / Tri Sestry / Indios Bravos / Divokej Bill / Southpaw / UDG / Sto Zvirat / Aneta Langerova / Mig 21 / Blue Effect / Temperamento / Roulette / Už jsme doma / Landmine Spring / Xavier Baumaxa / Fast Food Orchestra / United Flavour / Priessnitz / Anna K. / Clou / Psi Vojaci / David Koller / Lavagance / Park Avenue / Tleskac / Cocotte Minute / The Chancers / Karras / Kasparek V Rohliku / Gaia Mesiah / INVASIVES / Krytof / Imodium / Atari Terror / Znouzectnost / The Prostitutes / Cankisou / Elektrick Mann / No Gravity / Zluty Pes / Dark Gamballe / Skop / Eggnoise / Nomad Soundsystem / Rattle Bucket / Post-it / Bkn / Lety Mimo / Jaroslav Uhlir / Status Praesents / Fourth Face / Prohrala V Kartach / Vladimir Misik And Etc... / Vypsan Fixa / Kabt / Medved 009 / Gang Ala Basta / HC3 / Horke Sle / Radim Hladik / Outvile / Bara Zemanova / Ti Sestry / Tleska / Sto Zvat / Aneta Langerov / Lut Pes / Prohrla V Kartch / Radim Hladk / Post - It / X Core / Maradona Jazz / Ps Vojci / Pavol Hamel / Bra Zemanov / Medvd 009 / Ankiou / Ligure / Io Show all bands
Letiště Hradec Králové, Královéhradecký kraj, Czechia
Apr 19, 2008
Ill Niño / Fourth Face Rock Café Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Czechia
Jul 12, 2007
Masters of Rock 2007
Sepultura / Motörhead / Black Majesty / Týr / Finntroll / Sabaton / Epica / Stratovarius / Hammerfall / In Extremo / Rising Dream / Uriah Heep / Sham 69 / Die Happy / Thunder / After Forever / Rage / Tleskac / Children of Bodom / Norther / Anna K. / Tleska / Lety Mimo / Rasta / Fleret / Alkehol / Silent Stream of Godless Elegy / Virgin Snatch / Debustrol / Fourth Face / Vypsana Fixa / Six Degrees of Separation / Free Fall / Tommys / X-Core / Vypsan Fixa / Divokej Bill / Hevein / Pink Cream 69 / Axxis / Tr / Visions of Atlantis Show all bands
Jelinek Distillery Area / Areál Likérky Jelínek Vizovice, Zlín, Czechia
Jul 03, 2005 –
Jul 06, 2005
Rock For People 2005
Garbage / Die Toten Hosen / Shy FX / Beatsteaks / Sick of It All / DJ Hype / U.S. Bombs / Sunshine / LU / Stretch Arm Strong / Babylon Circus / Albion / Cocktail / Zdob și Zdub / Leningrad Cowboys / Horkyze Slize / Krystof / Metropolis / ZSK / Unity / Santi / Chinaski / Blasted Mechanism / Julia / Wohnout / Vypsana Fixa / The Heyday / Divokej Bill / Skyline / Tri Sestry / Katcha / Ee / Khoiba / persiana jones / Mnaga A Zdorp / Southpaw / Aneta Langerova / Vec / UDG / Ine Kafe / Blue Effect / Priessnitz / Insania / Clou / Prazsky Vyber / Cocotte Minute / Clotaire K / Landmine Spring / Maraton / The Chancers / Indy And Wich / Suki / King Size / Le Payaco / Tleskac / Hudba Praha / Imodium / Gaia Mesiah / minus123minut / Marsyas / the.switch / Krausberry / Plexis / Houba / Otk / Znouzectnost / Atari Terror / Kurtizany Z 25. Avenue / philip t.b.c. / Dukla Vozovna / Jj 72 / Elektrick Mann / Eggnoise / Sayko / Roe-Deer / Excellent / Terne Čhave / Lety Mimo / Michael's Uncle / Trivial / Prohrala V Kartach / Medved 009 / Zaha / Vladimir Misik And Etc... / Kollerband / Fourth Face / Mango Molas / Rude Kostry / Natural / Meky Zbirka / Gang Ala Basta / Gulo Car / Chocolate Jesus / Benjaming Band / Satisfucktion / Mad Heads Xl / 4signs / 100% / Matyas / Koogi / Projekt Parabelum / Benedikta / Jolly Joker & PBU / DJ J.Majik / The Airbags / Filip M / Hraczki / Kaplick / Discoheroes / Nahore Pes / Maradona Jazz / Josef Sedlon / Krucipsk / Soubor Tradicniho Popu Show all bands
Ceský Brod, Czech Republic
Alternative Metal
Nu Metal
Industrial Metal
Rap Metal
Roots Americana
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2010 1 concert
2009 1 concert
2008 3 concerts
2007 1 concert
2005 1 concert

As Seen On: