Flashlight Brown Concert History

Fil, Mike, Matt and Tim formed a band, then simply called "Flashlight", out of boredom and frustration and quickly moved from the small college town of Guelph to the much larger Toronto, Ontario. At first, they were unable to get the attention of nightclub owners, so they devised a fictitious talent agency, called the Harry Wells Booking Agency, which would "represent" them. With the agency as their intermediate, they quickly gained enough recognition to go on tour.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 21, 2023
Home Grown / Riddlin' Kids / The All-American Rejects / Flashlight Brown The Brick Works Chico, California, United States
Aug 05, 2006
Vans Warped Tour 2006
Paramore / Rise Against / Plain White T's / Gym Class Heroes / Bullet for My Valentine / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / AFI / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / NOFX / Billy Talent / RAC / Hellogoodbye / Silverstein / Motion City Soundtrack / MuteMath / Underoath / Buzzcocks / Less Than Jake / Senses Fail / Saosin / Cartel / The Academy Is... / Anti-Flag / The Sounds / Every Time I Die / The Bouncing Souls / Helmet / The Spill Canvas / Thursday / Saves The Day / From First to Last / The Living End / Emery / Zebrahead / State Radio / Protest the Hero / The Early November / Armor for Sleep / Meg & Dia / Aiden / Amber Pacific / From Autumn to Ashes / The Casualties / Distance / Emanuel / My American Heart / Reggie and the Full Effect / Evaline / The Bled / Greeley Estates / A Loss for Words / Patterns / The Pink Spiders / Riverboat Gamblers / Loved Ones / I Am Ghost / Moneen / Gatsby's American Dream / Zox / Spitalfield / illScarlett / Vaux / ASG / Left Alone / Lorene Drive / Stretch Arm Strong / Valient Thorr / Wheels On The Bus / Over It / Tokyo Rose / Dog Fashion Disco / Dropping Daylight / The Years Gone By / The Chop Tops / Nural / Adair / Outernational / The Sunstreak / Jet Lag Gemini / Die Hunns / Down to Earth Approach / Flashlight Brown / Danny Diablo / Shiragirl / Duo (US) / We Are The Fury / Lifeline / Ultimate Power / Germs / Fully Down / Royden / The Randies / Pistolita / Corrupted Youth / Smashup / Bangkok Five / near miss / The Stiletto Formal / The Crazy Anglos / Faulter / Grounded / Eight Fingers Down / Alabaster / The Fold (US) / Voodoo Blue / Super Geek League / Black Sunday / 18 Visions / Round Three Fight / Voltera / The Appreciation Post / Skint / Dork / Final Round / Adelyn / Inamere / Code 4-15 / The Ackleys / No Way Jose! / J4 / University / Everdae / The Burning Room / Minutes Too Far / Kincaide / Pretty In Stereo / Mastema / The Campaign 1984 / Building A Better Spaceship / Promise Divine / split fifty / Take the City / The Lovekill / Mourningstar / Loko Phylum / Variety Workshop! / Feature Presentation / Fuscia / Morgan Knockers / Cities Apart / Jealousy Curve / Mackenzie First / Class Of Zero / Curt Phillips / Strap-on Tools / Starving Goliath / Nadafinga / Dynamite 8 / The Septic Tank Disasters / Stigma 13 / LISTED M.I.A. / The Last Car in Alaska / Sorry About Your Couch / Modern Day 84 / OK STRANGER / Everybody Else Wins / Amanna 18 / Post Bliss / VERBANA DARVELL / As Seasons Fall / The Black Out Pact / Vampire Dolphin Repellant Show all bands
NYCB LIVE: Home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum Uniondale, NY, US
Show Duplicate for Aug 05, 2006
Aug 03, 2006
Vans Warped Tour 2006
mewithoutYou / The Sounds / Aiden / Paramore / Saves The Day / From Autumn to Ashes / MuteMath / Bullet for My Valentine / Rise Against / Germs / Silverstein / Helmet / Over It / Less Than Jake / Reggie and the Full Effect / Hellogoodbye / Gym Class Heroes / Eighteen Visions / Gatsby's American Dream / The Pink Spiders / Greeley Estates / NOFX / Flashlight Brown / The Casualties / State Radio / Plain White T's / Senses Fail / Down to Earth Approach / Pistolita / Die Hunns / The Bouncing Souls / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Stretch Arm Strong / Amber Pacific / Anti-Flag / Emanuel / Thursday / Motion City Soundtrack / Riverboat Gamblers / From First to Last / The Early November / Emery / Lorene Drive / Say Anything / The Bled / Every Time I Die / Horse the Band / Fully Down / Saosin / Armor for Sleep / Moneen / The Academy Is... / Billy Talent / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / ASG / Dropping Daylight / Protest the Hero / Alexisonfire / Against Me! Show all bands
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Tweeter Center Camden, New Jersey, United States
Show Duplicates for Aug 03, 2006
Aug 02, 2006
Vans Warped Tour
ASG / Against Me! / Aiden / Alexisonfire / Amber Pacific / Anti-Flag / Armor for Sleep / Billy Talent / Bullet for My Valentine / Die Hunns / Down to Earth Approach / Dropping Daylight / Eighteen Visions / Emanuel / Emery / Every Time I Die / Flashlight Brown / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heroes / Hellogoodbye / Helmet / Horse the Band / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Less Than Jake / Moneen / Motion City Soundtrack / MuteMath / NOFX / Over It / Paramore / Pistolita / Plain White T's / Protest the Hero / Reggie & The Full Effect / Rise Against / Saves The Day / Senses Fail / Silverstein / State Radio / Stretch Arm Strong / The Academy Is... / The Bled / The Bouncing Souls / The Early November / The Fully Down / The Germs / The Pink Spiders / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / The Riverboat Gamblers / The Sounds / Thursday Show all bands
Fitchburg Airport Fitchburg, Massachusetts, United States
Jul 30, 2006
Warped Tour 2006
Anti-Flag / Billy Talent / Motion City Soundtrack / Rise Against / Saves The Day / Thursday / Against Me! / The Bouncing Souls / Helmet / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Less Than Jake / The Living End / NOFX / The Academy Is... / Aiden / Armor for Sleep / The Early November / Eighteen Visions / Every Time I Die / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heroes / The Pink Spiders / ASG / Flashlight Brown / Pistolita / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Stretch Arm Strong / Valient Thorr / Vaux / The Audition / The Classic Crime / Emery / The Fully Down / The Junior Varsity / Misery Signals / My American Heart / Alexisonfire / Biology / The Bled / Down to Earth Approach / Emanuel / From Autumn to Ashes / Moneen / Protest the Hero / Senses Fail / Senses Fail / Adair / Cartel / Meter Maid / The Smashup / So They Say / The Sunstreak / We Are The Fury / Zebrahead / The Dog And Everything / The Honour Recital / Nerve Damage / The Translation / Treaty Of Paris / A Loss for Words / Crash Romeo / The Fold / The Hush Sound / I Am Ghost / I Voted for Kodos / near miss / Nural / The Years Gone By / Close To Home / Silverstein / Sunset West / MuteMath Show all bands
Tweeter Center Tinley Park, Illinois, United States
Jul 29, 2006
Vans Warped Tour 2006
NOFX / Rise Against / Anti-Flag / Thursday / Motion City Soundtrack / Senses Fail / Saves The Day / Against Me! / Less Than Jake / The Casualties / Joan Jett and the Blackhearts / Helmet / The Bouncing Souls / State Radio / Everytime I Die / The Academy Is... / Armor for Sleep / Hellogoodbye / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heroes / Reggie and the Full Effect / The Bled / From Autumn to Ashes / Moneen / Alexisonfire / Protest The Hero / Emanuel / Down to Earth Approach / Alkaline Trio / Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Emery / Riverboat Gamblers / Valient Thorr / ASG / As Cities Burn / Confession / June / Maylene and the Sons of Disaster / The Fully Down / Adair / The Smashup / We Are The Fury / Cartel / Eight Fingers Down / The Sunstreak / Catch 22 / Rock Hard Power Spray / Chiodos / Die Hunns / Flashlight Brown / Stretch Arm Strong / The Early November / The Living End / The Pink Spiders / The Sounds / The Weakend / Search the City / Natives of the New Dawn / The Lifeline / Zebrahead / Throwdown / So They Say / Mute Math / Downtown Brown / Biology / My American Heart / Misery Signals / The Junior Varsity / The Honour Recital / The Classic Crime / The Audtion / Vaux / Eighteen Visions / Pistolita / Aiden / Billy Talent Show all bands
Comerica Park Detroit, Michigan, United States
Show Duplicate for Jul 29, 2006
Jul 23, 2006
Van's Warped Tour 2006
The Academy Is... / A.F.I. / Against Me / Aiden / Alexisonfire / Anti-Flag / Armor for Sleep / The Audition / Biology / The Bled / The Bouncing Souls / The Casualties / The Classic Crime / Dork / The Early November / Eight Fingers Down / Emanuel / Emery / Every Time I Die / Flashlight Brown / The Fully Down / Greeley Estates / Gym Class Heros / Hellogoodbye / Helmet / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / The Living End / Misery Signals / Moneen / Motion City Soundtrack / My American Heart / NOFX / Over It / Patent Pending / The Pink Spiders / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Rise Against / Saves The Day / Senses Fail / Side 67 / Silverstien / The Sounds / The Stiletto Formal / Thursday / Underoath / Valient Thorr / the bleeding alarm / Down to Earth Approach / From Autumn to Ashes / Protest the Hero Show all bands
Invesco Field Parking Lot Denver, Colorado, United States
Jul 18, 2006
Vans Warped Tour
AFI / NOFX / Rise Against / Anti-Flag / Thursday / Saves The Day / From Autumn to Ashes / Helmet / Less Than Jake / The Fall of Troy / Senses Fail / Underoath / The Bled / Reggie and the Full Effect / The Bouncing Souls / The Casualties / The Sounds / The Living End / Against Me / Motion City Soundtrack / Forgive Durden / Gym Class Heroes / From First to Last / Moneen / My American Heart / Every Time I Die / The Academy Is... / Emanuel / Cartel / Armor for Sleep / Hellogoodbye / The Early November / Mute Math / Plain White Ts / The Audition / Adair / Protest the Hero / Crowned King / Greeley Estates / Silverstein / The Classic Crime / Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Emery / Over It / Amber Pacific / The Salads / Aiden / Flashlight Brown / Die Hunns / The Pink Spiders / Misery Signals / Riverboat Gamblers / The Sunstreak / Valiant Thorr / The Fully Down / Eight Fingers Down / We Are The Fury / Gatsby's American Dream / The Smashup / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts Show all bands
Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Jul 07, 2006
Bowling for Soup / Fenix TX / Flashlight Brown Saint Andrew’s Hall Detroit, Michigan, United States
Jun 22, 2006
Vans Warped Tour
Anti-Flag / Senses Fail / Cartel / Against Me! / The Bouncing Souls / Motion City Soundtrack / Thursday / Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Helmet / The Casualties / The Fully Down / Amber Pacific / The Bled / Gym Class Heroes / Damone / June / Plain White T's / NOFX / The Dollyrots / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / The Academy Is... / Emanuel / From First to Last / Hellogoodbye / The Fold / From Autum To Ashes / Down to Earth Approach / Armor for Sleep / Family Force Five / Dog Fashion Disco / Flashlight Brown / Catch 22 / Zox / Greeley Estates / State Radio / Saves The Day / Paramore / Valient Thorr / As Cities Burn / Less Then Jake / The Confession / Protest the Hero / Maylene & The Sons of Disaster / Biology / I Am Ghost / ASG / Over It / Kincaide / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Spitalfield / Rookie of the Year / Vaux / Moneen / Rise Against / Big City Dreams / Aiden Show all bands
Jacksonville Fairgrounds Jacksonville, Florida, United States
May 16, 2006
Flashlight Brown Starlight Social Club Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
May 15, 2006
Flashlight Brown The Casbah Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
May 06, 2006 –
May 07, 2006
Bamboozle 2006
mewithoutYou / October Fall / Happy Endings / Keating / Streetlight Manifesto / The Hush Sound / Sunglasses At Knight / The Killing Sequence / Fall Out Boy / The Matches / Armor for Sleep / The All-American Rejects / Veda Skyes / Pistolita / liam and Me / Over It / Forgive Durden / The Spill Canvas / The Inout Inout / Hellogoodbye / Hit the Lights / Relient K / The Pink Spiders / Mae / Jonas Brothers / Inventions / JParis / The Sleeping / Hawthorne Heights / Silverstein / Hidden In Plain View / sybris / Chiodos / MatchMaker / Paramore / The Rocket Summer / Halifax / Driveby / Bayside / This Day and Age / Desole / From First to Last / Lorene Drive / Flashlight Brown / John Ralston / Motion City Soundtrack / Valencia / Thursday / Never The Nines / In Harms Way / Just Surrender / Minus the Bear / House of Heroes / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / The Number Twelve Looks Like You / .moneen. / A Thorn For Every Heart / AFI / Aiden / Alexisonfire / Circa Survive / Cute Is What We Aim For / Emanuel / Every Time I Die / I Am the Avalanche / MC Lars / Method Man / Panic! At the Disco / Poison the Well / Saves The Day / Say Anything / Senses Fail / Stretch Arm Strong / Strike Anywhere / Taking Back Sunday / The Bled / The Receiving End of Sirens / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Underoath Show all bands
Meadowlands Sports Complex East Rutherford, New Jersey, United States
Show Duplicate for May 06, 2006
May 05, 2006
The Spill Canvas / liam and Me / Flashlight Brown Backstage Enterprises Kingston, Pennsylvania, United States
May 04, 2006
The Spill Canvas / liam and Me / Flashlight Brown Saratoga Winners Cohoes, New York, United States
May 03, 2006
The Spill Canvas / liam and Me / Flashlight Brown Living Room Providence, Rhode Island, United States
May 02, 2006
The Spill Canvas / New Atlantic / Flashlight Brown / liam and Me Higher Ground - Ballroom South Burlington, Vermont, United States
Apr 30, 2006
The Spill Canvas / Flashlight Brown / liam and Me Toad's Place New Haven, Connecticut, United States
Apr 27, 2006
Flashlight Brown / Die Mannequin The 27 Club Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Mar 11, 2006
The Slackers / Flashlight Brown CBGB Festival New York, New York, United States

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Vans Warped Tour 2006 on Aug 3, 2006 [199-small]

Vans Warped Tour 2006
Aug 3, 2006
 Camden, New Jersey, United States
  Uploaded by Zimtrim

Billy Talent / Yellowcard / Flashlight Brown / Death from Above 1979 on Dec 15, 2003 [665-small]

Billy Talent / Yellowcard / Flashlight Brown / Death from Above 1979
Dec 15, 2003
 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  Uploaded by Kat 😸

Punk Rock
Pop Punk
Ska Punk
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2023 1 concert
2006 30 concerts
2005 1 concert
2004 2 concerts
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 Emily Dalrymple
 Denver Concert Dude
 Sacramento Shows
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