Fixture Concert History

Fixture was a powerviolence-influenced hardcore band from Massachusetts. Within their short lifespan they had three releases: a demo, Kill What You Believe EP, and Demise of Man EP. They disbanded in April of 2012 and members went on to form multiple bands, such as d-beat/crust trio Krokodil, female-fronted fastcore/powerviolence Necklacing, and hardcore/punk Trespasses.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 13, 2011
Hurt Reynolds Music Festival
Death Threat / Full Blown Chaos / Naegleria / Under Lying Truth / Birch Hill Dam / Anchorlines / The Approach and the Execution / Longshot / Hell Within / Foxfires / Revenge / pathogenic / Hivesmasher / The Bonus Army / Fixture / Acaro
Club Oasis Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Feb 11, 2011
BATTLESHIPS! / Together PANGEA / Chewed Out / Weak Teeth / Fixture The Captain's Lounge Leominster, MA, US
Oct 08, 1999
the nixons / Valve / Fixture

The Nixons / Valve / Fixture

Curtain Club Dallas, Texas, United States
Drift Phonk
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2011 2 concerts
1999 1 concert
 H B

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