Fixkes are six fellows from Stabroek, a village north of Antwerp, Belgium. Sam Valkenborgh, his brother Jan Valkenborgh, Peter Deckers, Johan Pauwels, Bart Palmers and Joris Van den Broeck combine since 2005 acoustic pop and rap in the local Dutch dialect. Fans of Jack Johnson, Everlast, G. Love and Flip Kowlier will probably like the band.
Bat Eyes / Fiona Brown / Snow Coats / Midlake / La Jungle / Cucaramas / Arsenal / Portland / Roza Parks / Tukan / BDRMM / Talk Show / Kids With Buns / Lucy Dacus / Gurriers / Home Counties / Noordkaap / Dans Dans / Takeshi’s Cashew / Strand of Oaks / Snapped Ankles / Elephant / Anna Nita / Maxim x Glyn / Togo All Stars / Raman. / Fixkes / Sloper / Teen Creeps / Darlyn / Admiral Freebee / Dehd / The Howl and the Hum / Selah Sue
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De Joenges / MAF / Isolde / Ine + Michael Asnot / Radio Guga / Wör / Maaike Ouboter / Narrengold / Rik Verheyden / Douglas Firs / Verdwaald / Rapalje / Yellow City / pIE P. KLeiN / Fixkes / Arkona / Among the saints / Rick de Leeuw / Lost Highwayknight / Harmonie Vorselaar / Bram Desimpelaere / Ketnetband / Reginald en de bosbeesten / Frank Vander Linden / The Royal Hounds / Paddyhats / Skratt / De Kreuners / Mumfords calling
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Broes XL / Four Fingered Fre and Friends / Barefoot and The Shoes / Arbeid Adelt! / The Scabs / Firkin / Angela Campbell / Emzjs & 't Koadazer / Rocket Sauce / Farce Fatale / Bottle of Moonshine / Selfish Murphy / Het Zesde Metaal / Fixkes / De Mens / Guido Belcanto / De Post met Koen de Graeve / sens unique / D & the MP's / Walrus / Captain's Beard / Bunch of Bastards / Harmonie Vorselaar / De Planken / Lais / Kleinkunstrockband / Yevgueni
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Kings Of Leon / Fall Out Boy / Arcade Fire / The Smashing Pumpkins / M.I.A. / The Shins / Nine Inch Nails / Justice / Kaiser Chiefs / Spoon / Iggy Pop / Cobra Starship / Matt and Kim / Tool / Silversun Pickups / Dizzee Rascal / Editors / LCD Soundsystem / Biffy Clyro / Groove Armada / Brand New / Basement Jaxx / The Hives / STRFKR / Devendra Banhart / The Streets / Hellogoodbye / Jamie T / Dinosaur Jr. / Digitalism / Tokyo Police Club / The Whitest Boy Alive / Chris Cornell / Eagles of Death Metal / Unkle / Boys Noize / Architecture In Helsinki / Gogol Bordello / Armand Van Helden / CocoRosie / Rodrigo y Gabriela / Badly Drawn Boy / Trentemøller / Enter Shikari / CSS / MSTRKRFT / Patrick Watson / The Stooges / Battles / Low / The Cribs / Noisettes / Within Temptation / Ash / The Academy Is... / Apparat / Cassius / Skream / Lacuna Coil / Booka Shade / The Pigeon Detectives / The Go! Team / Soulwax / Silverchair / Rilo Kiley / The Sounds / Devotchka / Just Jack / Albert Hammond Jr / Jack Peñate / The View / Tiga / +44 / SebastiAn / Seasick Steve / Funeral for a Friend / Liars / The Enemy / Felix da Housecat / Iggy & the Stooges / Soulfly / Bedouin Soundclash / Zombie Nation / The Black Dahlia Murder / Uffie / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Dennis Ferrer / Reverend and the Makers / Sonic Youth / Fujiya & Miyagi / New Young Pony Club / Riton / Patrick Wolf / My Brightest Diamond / Voxtrot / Willy Mason / Laurent Garnier / Art Brut / Turbonegro / Beatsteaks / Mad Caddies / The Rakes / I'm From Barcelona / Balkan Beat Box / Goldie / The Rifles / Triggerfinger / Alex Gopher / Two Gallants / Goose / DJ Jazzy Jeff / From Autumn to Ashes / Andy C / Sparta / The Twang / Black Strobe / Bonde do Rolê / The Blackout / The Besnard Lakes / Loney Dear / Tanya Stephens / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / James Holden / Erol Alkan / Dominik Eulberg / Madball / Hayseed Dixie / La Coka Nostra / Lo-Fi-Fnk / Absynthe Minded / Henry Rollins / Peeping Tom / Juliette And The Licks / Ignite / Richard Swift / Black Box Revelation / wovenhand / DJ Marky / Deetron / Ozark Henry / Shameboy / Buscemi / Shitdisco / Pop Levi / Hanne Hukkelberg / Home Video / Sophia / 1990s / Speedy J / The Fridge / Baloji / The Van Jets / Bromheads Jacket / The Glimmers / The End / Matt / The Tellers / Fire / The Draft / Flip Kowlier / 120 Days / Heavy Heavy Low Low / Arbouretum / Peter Pan Speedrock / Mud Flow / The Bony King of Nowhere / Von Sudenfed / Mintzkov / Milanese / APSE / Fixkes / Nosfell / Tussle / Sharko / Dez Mona / Polytechnic / Nid And Sancy / DAAU - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung / Hollywood Porn Stars / Larsson / Cajuan / Gildas & Masaya / Tomàn / Krakow / Superdiscount 3 / The Jai-alai Savant / Arquettes / El Guapo Stuntteam / Jerboa / White Circle Crime Club / Various Productions / DJ Feadz / Morda / Ed And Kim / Cosy Mozzy / DJ 4t4 / Collabs 3000 / prima donkey / Monica Electronica / soapstarter / Tōmn / Matthew Dear's Big Hands / RYE JEHU / Fear before
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Kings Of Leon / Fall Out Boy / Arcade Fire / The Smashing Pumpkins / M.I.A. / The Shins / Nine Inch Nails / Justice / Spoon / Kaiser Chiefs / Tool / Iggy Pop / LCD Soundsystem / Cobra Starship / Dizzee Rascal / Matt and Kim / Silversun Pickups / Biffy Clyro / Editors / Groove Armada / Brand New / Basement Jaxx / The Hives / STRFKR / Devendra Banhart / The Streets / Jamie T / Dinosaur Jr. / Hellogoodbye / Digitalism / Tokyo Police Club / Eagles of Death Metal / The Whitest Boy Alive / Patrick Watson / Unkle / Armand Van Helden / Boys Noize / CocoRosie / Gogol Bordello / The Stooges / Enter Shikari / Rodrigo y Gabriela / Chris Cornell / Trentemøller / Badly Drawn Boy / Architecture In Helsinki / Within Temptation / Low / CSS / Ash / Apparat / MSTRKRFT / Battles / The Cribs / Noisettes / Cassius / The Academy Is... / Lacuna Coil / Skream / Soulwax / Booka Shade / The Pigeon Detectives / The Go! Team / Albert Hammond Jr / Riton / The Sounds / Devotchka / Just Jack / Tiga / The View / Silverchair / Rilo Kiley / SebastiAn / Jack Peñate / +44 / Seasick Steve / Funeral for a Friend / The Enemy / Liars / Soulfly / Felix da Housecat / Iggy & the Stooges / Zombie Nation / Bedouin Soundclash / The Black Dahlia Murder / Uffie / Dennis Ferrer / Reverend and the Makers / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Fujiya & Miyagi / New Young Pony Club / Sonic Youth / Voxtrot / Laurent Garnier / My Brightest Diamond / Willy Mason / Patrick Wolf / Turbonegro / Goldie / Mad Caddies / Beatsteaks / Balkan Beat Box / Art Brut / Triggerfinger / The Rakes / The Rifles / I'm From Barcelona / Andy C / Goose / Alex Gopher / DJ Jazzy Jeff / Two Gallants / From Autumn to Ashes / The Twang / Sparta / Black Strobe / James Holden / Tanya Stephens / Dominik Eulberg / Erol Alkan / Bonde do Rolê / Loney Dear / The Besnard Lakes / The Blackout / Madball / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Hayseed Dixie / Richard Swift / La Coka Nostra / Absynthe Minded / Henry Rollins / Ignite / Peeping Tom / Lo-Fi-Fnk / Juliette And The Licks / wovenhand / Black Box Revelation / DJ Marky / Deetron / Ozark Henry / Buscemi / Shameboy / Shitdisco / Pop Levi / Sophia / The End / Hanne Hukkelberg / Baloji / Home Video / Speedy J / 1990s / The Van Jets / The Fridge / The Glimmers / Bromheads Jacket / Matt / Fire / Flip Kowlier / The Draft / The Tellers / The Bony King of Nowhere / Mud Flow / 120 Days / Heavy Heavy Low Low / Arbouretum / Peter Pan Speedrock / Von Sudenfed / Mintzkov / Milanese / Fixkes / APSE / Nosfell / Tussle / Sharko / Dez Mona / Nid And Sancy / Polytechnic / DAAU - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung / Hollywood Porn Stars / Tomàn / Larsson / Cajuan / Krakow / Gildas & Masaya / Superdiscount 3 / The Jai-alai Savant / Arquettes / El Guapo Stuntteam / Jerboa / White Circle Crime Club / Various Productions / DJ Feadz / Morda / Ed And Kim / Cosy Mozzy / DJ 4t4 / Collabs 3000 / prima donkey / Monica Electronica / soapstarter / Tōmn / Matthew Dear's Big Hands / RYE JEHU
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Kings Of Leon / Fall Out Boy / Arcade Fire / The Smashing Pumpkins / M.I.A. / Nine Inch Nails / The Shins / Justice / Tool / Kaiser Chiefs / Spoon / LCD Soundsystem / Iggy Pop / Dizzee Rascal / Cobra Starship / Matt and Kim / Biffy Clyro / Silversun Pickups / Editors / Groove Armada / Brand New / The Hives / Basement Jaxx / STRFKR / Devendra Banhart / The Streets / Jamie T / Dinosaur Jr. / Patrick Watson / Hellogoodbye / Digitalism / Eagles of Death Metal / The Whitest Boy Alive / Tokyo Police Club / Armand Van Helden / Unkle / Enter Shikari / The Stooges / Within Temptation / Boys Noize / Rodrigo y Gabriela / Low / CocoRosie / Gogol Bordello / Trentemøller / Ash / Badly Drawn Boy / Chris Cornell / Apparat / Architecture In Helsinki / CSS / The Cribs / Battles / MSTRKRFT / Cassius / Noisettes / Lacuna Coil / Booka Shade / The Academy Is... / Soulwax / Skream / The Pigeon Detectives / Riton / Albert Hammond Jr / The Go! Team / Devotchka / The Sounds / Just Jack / The View / Tiga / SebastiAn / +44 / Seasick Steve / Jack Peñate / Funeral for a Friend / Silverchair / Rilo Kiley / Soulfly / The Enemy / Liars / Felix da Housecat / The Black Dahlia Murder / Iggy & the Stooges / Bedouin Soundclash / Zombie Nation / Dennis Ferrer / Uffie / Reverend and the Makers / …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead / Fujiya & Miyagi / Laurent Garnier / Voxtrot / New Young Pony Club / Goose / Sonic Youth / Turbonegro / Goldie / Mad Caddies / Willy Mason / Patrick Wolf / My Brightest Diamond / Beatsteaks / Balkan Beat Box / Art Brut / Triggerfinger / Andy C / The Rifles / The Rakes / I'm From Barcelona / Alex Gopher / DJ Jazzy Jeff / From Autumn to Ashes / Two Gallants / The Twang / Sparta / James Holden / Dominik Eulberg / Black Strobe / Tanya Stephens / Madball / Erol Alkan / Bonde do Rolê / Loney Dear / The Blackout / The Besnard Lakes / Hayseed Dixie / Richard Swift / La Coka Nostra / Absynthe Minded / 2manydjs (DJ Set) / Ignite / Henry Rollins / Peeping Tom / DJ Marky / wovenhand / Black Box Revelation / Juliette And The Licks / Lo-Fi-Fnk / Deetron / Ozark Henry / The End / Sophia / Buscemi / Shameboy / Shitdisco / Pop Levi / Baloji / Hanne Hukkelberg / Fear Before the March of Flames / Speedy J / Home Video / 1990s / The Van Jets / The Fridge / The Glimmers / Matt / Bromheads Jacket / Flip Kowlier / Fire / The Bony King of Nowhere / The Draft / The Tellers / Mud Flow / Heavy Heavy Low Low / 120 Days / Peter Pan Speedrock / Arbouretum / Mintzkov / Von Sudenfed / Milanese / Fixkes / Nosfell / APSE / Dez Mona / Sharko / Tussle / Tomàn / Polytechnic / Nid And Sancy / DAAU - Die Anarchistische Abendunterhaltung / Hollywood Porn Stars / Larsson / Cajuan / Krakow / Morda / Gildas & Masaya / The Jai-alai Savant / Superdiscount 3 / Arquettes / El Guapo Stuntteam / Jerboa / White Circle Crime Club / Various Productions / DJ Feadz / soapstarter / Ed And Kim / Cosy Mozzy / Collabs 3000 / DJ 4t4 / prima donkey / Monica Electronica / Tōmn / Matthew Dear's Big Hands / RYE JEHU
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The National / Gym Class Heroes / Justice / Aloe Blacc / Wu-Tang Clan / Hot Chip / Bonobo / Wilco / Bright Eyes / Dropkick Murphys / DJ Shadow / The Cinematic Orchestra / Black Rebel Motorcycle Club / RJD2 / Wiley / Digitalism / The Horrors / Clap Your Hands Say Yeah / Simian Mobile Disco / The Rapture / The Black Angels / Beenie Man / Skream / Amon Tobin / Midlake / Noisia / Vitalic / SebastiAn / Sizzla / The Notwist / Uffie / Autechre / The Thermals / Clark / 65daysofstatic / Converge / Coldcut / Black Milk / Balthazar / The Beatnuts / Goldie / Triggerfinger / The Skatalites / Two Gallants / Goose / Sick of It All / Andy C / Gabriel Rios / Busy P / DJ Food / Dr. Octagon / AaRON / Agoria / Hocus Pocus / Black Strobe / soprano / Venetian Snares / Israel Vibration / Anthony B / Terror / Ben Westbeech / Sunn O))) / Sean Lennon / Herman Düne / Erol Alkan / Para One / Stereo Total / Guilty Simpson / The Slackers / Luke Vibert / OM / Girls in Hawaii / The Congos / Peanut Butter Wolf / DJ Hype / Tiefschwarz / Black Box Revelation / Vive La Fête / Katerine / The Frames (IE) / Adult. / Walls of Jericho / Motorpsycho / Queen Ifrica / Le Peuple de l'Herbe / Shy Child / Swayzak / Dave Clarke / Feadz / Brujeria / Fantan Mojah / Teenage Bad Girl / Keny Arkana / Princess Superstar / Magnus / Nomeansno / A Hawk and a Hacksaw / Technasia / 1990s / Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra / J-Rocc / dälek / Kid606 / high tone / Tony Rebel / The Young Gods / Alamo Race Track / Merzbow / Nicole Willis & The Soul Investigators / Zombie Zombie / Motor / The Van Jets / Wolf Eyes / Fortune / black cobra / Grooverider / Warrior King / Year of No Light / Les Ogres de Barback / New York Ska-Jazz Ensemble / DJ Mehdi / Otto von Schirach / The Tellers / Zion Train / Vegas / Guitar Wolf / Percee P / DJ Kentaro / Sworn Enemy / Nicole Willis / Opgezwolle / Part Chimp / zZz / Michael Gira / Erase Errata / Joshua / Sioen / Murdock / Mud Flow / 108 / Repulsion / Resistance / Animosity / Dr. Lektroluv / LeFtO / Turzi / Earl Sixteen / Stones Throw Records / Mintzkov / Fermin Muguruza / Jah Shaka / Rise And Fall / Fixkes / Uman / PUNISH YOURSELF / The Micronauts / Sharko / DJ Food & DK / Sickboy / Fixmer/McCarthy / Nid And Sancy / La Kinky Beat / Blutch / Joe Lally / Treponem Pal / Sounds Like Violence / Final Fight / My Little Cheap Dictaphone / Grimelock / Percubaba / Improvisators Dub / DJ 3000 / Blue Velvet / dDamage / The Experimental Tropic Blues Band / Rotator / Abstrackt Keal Agram / SHOWSTAR / No means no / Melchior / James Delleck / Jimi Tenor And Kabu Kabu / The Setup / Sierra Sam / Veence Hanao / Pornorama / Joe Nice / Superlux / The Jai-alai Savant / Zucchini Drive / Diplomat / Les Cautionneurs / The Rhythm Junks / Surfing Leons / Gomm / Foxylane / Jerboa / I Love Ufo / X Makeena / Length of Time / Skarbone 14 / Dirty Fonzy / Nhl / K-branding / The Rones / Les Anges / Black Engine / Camping Sauvach / Dr. Voy / Frank Shinobi / Minerale / ??????????????? / Uffie & Feadz / Superamazoo / Cosy Mozzy / Tōmn / SPORT DOEN / Da Foxy Momaz / ALEX NILSON / Jah Voice / Peach ftl / La Dk Danse / Griots & Gods / Babylon Circus Experience / Tony Rebel & Warrior King / Lloyd Carter / Mr. Spartako / Tar One / THE DANCING NAKED LADIES / Lenght of Time / Bambi Kramer / Montevideo Vs Compuphonic / The Only Room / Dub Front Association / T 67
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