Finnmark!'s 2014 Concert History

Finnmark! is an indiepop band from Leeds in the UK. The band was conceived from a conversation about indiepop between good friends in a Gothenburg kitchen in the midst of a cold Swedish Winter. Fueled by a relentless hangover, jet-black coffee, and a plate of day-old cinnamon buns, the idea made its way back home to Leeds. From there, the idea grew; records were played, songs were written, coffee was drank, bicycles were ridden, Bergman was adored, guitars were strummed, friends were gathered, and the band was born.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 02, 2014 –
May 03, 2014
Live At Leeds 2014
Kodaline / Bipolar Sunshine / Circa Waves / Albert Hammond Jr / Blood Red Shoes / Rae Morris / Hudson Taylor / Neurosis / Teleman / Denai Moore / The Wytches / Superfood / Happyness / Norma Jean Martine / Cheatahs / Paul Thomas Saunders / Glass Caves / KHUSHI / Sam Airey / God Damn / Allusinlove / Pawws / Shy Nature / Lola Colt / Hero Fisher / Imp / Hilang Child / Dolomite Minor / Soulmates Never Die / The Mexanines / Crystal Seagulls / VITAMIN (UK) / Pip Mountjoy / Finnmark! / TWIN (UK) / Blue Laurel Show all bands
Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Indie Pop
Modern Country Pop
2016 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
 Leah Swales
 Duanne Porter

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