FeverSleep Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 26, 2024
Fest 22, Day 2
Hey Thanks! / Best Ex / arcadia grey / Aren’t We Amphibians / ANORAK! / FeverSleep / Chousand / Leisure Hour / Combat / Humilitarian / Farmer's Wife / Cape Crush / Shift Meal / 0 Miles Per Hour
Vecinos Gainesville, Florida, United States
Oct 25, 2024 –
Oct 27, 2024
THE FEST 22 2024 @ Fest
Matt and Kim / Cloud Nothings / Joyce Manor / Streetlight Manifesto / The Bouncing Souls / Cursive / Touché Amoré / Fucked Up / Hot Water Music / Superchunk / The Flatliners / Ted Leo and The Pharmacists / Big D And The Kids Table / Mustard Plug / Further Seems Forever / Chuck Ragan / A Wilhelm Scream / You Blew It! / Dikembe / Soul Glo / Michael Cera Palin / The Planet Smashers / Monk / Riverboat Gamblers / saturdays at your place / Walter Mitty and his Makeshift Orchestra / Rozwell Kid / Prawn / Cobra Skulls / Single Mothers / Scream / Apes of the State / Tim Barry / Updog / Pigeon Pit / The Copyrights / Broadway Calls / Odd Sweetheart / Mean Jeans / Carly Cosgrove / Ceschi / Ted Leo / Harrison Gordon / Heart to Gold / american steel / Bad Luck / Gillian Carter / Restorations / State Faults / Dollar Signs / War on Women / The Dopamines / Chastity / City of Caterpillar / Annabel / Zeta / Pageninetynine / Equipment / Gameface / Codefendants / Kill Lincoln / Teenage Halloween / Walter Etc. / New Junk City / arcadia grey / Candy Hearts / MakeWar / Carpool / punitive damage / Steady Hands / Sainthood Reps / The Bollweevils / Bad Cop/Bad Cop / Sam Russo / Ways Away / Pageninetynine / Flagman / Brendan Kelly / Gumm / Caravels / Anorak / Camp Trash / Coffee Project / Half Past Two / Aren't We Amphibians / Kerosene Heights / Tiny Stills / Mikey Erg / J. Robbins / Matamoska / Orbiter / Seagulls / The Real You / Chousand / Bad Operation / Chris Gethard / Penske File / Destiny Bond / The Raging Nathans / Combat / Hans Gruber & the Die Hards / Dosser / Dead Bars / Bong Mountain / Omnigone / Flying Raccoon Suit / Whiskey & CO. / Pohgoh / Billy Liar / Tightwire / Boss' Daughter / The Iron Roses / Rebuilder / City Mouse / Tiltwheel / Worlds Scariest Police Chases / Codeseven / Suzie True / Still Alive / Assholeparade / latewaves / the doped up dollies / Best Ex / Expert Timing / Mechanical Canine / Fortitude / Wolf-Face / Mvll Crimes / Teens in Trouble / Quiet Fear / Glazed / Somerset Thrower / Fat Heaven / The Holy Ghost Tabernacle Choir / Distants / Wolves&wolves&wolves&wolves / King Friday / Dial Drive / Circuit Circuit / The Tim Version / Endless Mike And The Beagle Club / You Vandal / Leisure Hour / Debt Neglector / The Von Tramps / Cinema Stare / Doc Hopper / Tired Radio / Virginity / Vampirates / Borderlines / Pangolin / Godseyes / Reconciler / Bad Dog / Horsewhip / Hey Thanks! / Hans Condor / American Television / Suck Brick Kid / Tim Holehouse / Heart & Lung / Thunderclap / Youth League / Greg Rekus / DFMK / Boardroom Heroes / 430 Steps / NAW / Stunner / Lovelorn / PG14 / Chris Fox / Bumsy and the Moochers / Jen Pop / Curse Words / The Co Founder / Middle-Aged Queers / Crossed Keys / Thought Control / The Mizzerables / Too Many Daves / Houseghost / Gentlemen Rogues / Her Heads On Fire / Danny Attack / Rutterkin / To Forget / Lightweight / Hell Beach / Academy Order / Sweet Gloom / The Heavy Seas / Meth Rats / Career Day / Postage / Ezra Cohen / off day / Talk Me Off / Mugger / Freezing Cold / Rad Owl / ¡Fuákata! / Porch Coffin / Bear Away / Heavy Lag / Destroy Orbison / Yardboss / Stud Count / Royal Dog / The Eradicator (Squash Man) / Regrowth / Cape Crush / Charlie & Margot / Evening Standards / Drosera / Payphones / Matt Caskitt and The Breaks / Snakeout / Sports Reference / the longest hall / Staircase Spirit / Goodridge / Plastic Flamingos / Startle / The Skluttz / The Super High-Tech Jet Fighters / Love Kills Joy / Sadlands / FeverSleep / Heaven Moto / GILT (FL) / Cursed Birth / Goodbye Viking / The Barbed Wires / Night Jobs / steelboy / Friends With Boats / Grave Animosity / Rodeo Boys (US) / The Snorts / Kinghorn / Shark Anatomy / Early Riser (BK) / Dead-Key / Wolf Face / Loud Graves / Endless Mike / The Most (US) / Articles (Gainesville) / Big_Sad / Machinist! (GA) / Carpool (NY) / Ezra Cohen & The Big City Band / Distortions (US) / Ill Star / Endless Mike & Beagle Club / After the Fall (US) / Johnathan Coody / Borderlines (ME) / Articles (US) / Spells (US) / Chimes-USA / Nomore (HU) / Stunner (FL) / Damage Done (FL) Show all bands
Fest Gainesville, Florida, United States
Jul 21, 2023
The Flatliners / Broadway Calls / FeverSleep / First-Class Martians

The Flatliners 20th Anniversary Tour

Mano Oculta Portland, Oregon, United States
Oct 28, 2022 –
Oct 30, 2022
FEST 2022
Anti-Flag / La Dispute / The Bouncing Souls / Cursive / The Menzingers / Hot Water Music / Comeback Kid / The World Is a Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid to Die / The Suicide Machines / The Flatliners / Into It. Over It. / Chuck Ragan / Mustard Plug / Piebald / Samiam / Algernon Cadwallader / Iron Chic / Tsunami Bomb / The Pietasters / Avail / kyle kinane / Against All Authority / Cobra Skulls / Pet Symmetry / Tim Barry / Big Bird / Broadway Calls / Dikembe / The Copyrights / Meat Wave / Their / They're / There / Paint It Black / the ergs / No Trigger / Pkew Pkew Pkew / Worriers / Slingshot Dakota / Perspective, A Lovely Hand To Hold / Chris Farren / The Dopamines / The Jukebox Romantics / War on Women / Homeless Gospel Choir / Toys That Kill / annabel / Dollar Signs / Audio Karate / jon snodgrass / Methadones / The Sonder Bombs / The Holy Mess! / Signals Midwest / Demons / Franz Nicolay / Bad Cop/Bad Cop / The Bollweevils / Zeta / Folly / Kill Lincoln / City of Caterpillar / Brendan Kelly / Joystick / Mobina Galore / Scowl / F.Y.P. / Timeshares / Carpenter / MakeWar / ann beretta / Callous Daoboys / Niiice. / The Underground Railroad to Candyland / Short Fictions / Kali Masi / Dan Vapid and the Cheats / Chris Gethard / Thank You, I'm Sorry / Sunsleeper / Moonraker / Bong Mountain / Abraskadabra / Typesetter / Restraining Order / Cliffdiver / Taking Meds / Jer / Harmony Woods / Goalkeeper / Catbite / Gillian Carter / Worlds Scariest Police Chases / City Mouse / Tiltwheel / Twelve Hour Turn / Intervention / Grey Matter / Dark Thoughts / The Best of the Worst / Billy Liar / Pohgoh / A Vulture Wake / Dead Bars / Caithlin De Marrais / Superbloom / Jonah Ray / Cheem / Rebuilder / Rational Anthem / Palomino Blond / Devon Kay & The Solutions / Save Ends / Hit Like A Girl / Wolf-Face / Crushed / New Junk City / Expert Timing / Max Stern / Sarchasm / Debt Neglector / Public Serpents / Bashful / Brightr / Flying Raccoon Suit / Noise Complaint / Tightwire / Worn In Red / Rundown Kreeps / Eichlers / Boardroom Heroes / Errortype 11 / Glazed / Dan Vapid / DFMK / Kid You Not / Errortype:11 / Oh The Humanity / Omnigone / Boss' Daughter / The Darling Fire / Terminal Bliss / American Television / The Upfux / Virginity / Reconciler / Braceface / Paige Beller / Empty Atlas / Original Sharks / DISSIDENTE / Postage / The Eradicator (Squash Man) / Clown Sounds / Thirsty Guys / Middle-Aged Queers / Nectar (IL) / Horsewhip / American Thrills / Madison turner / Sweet Pill (NJ) / Dry Socket / Cardboard Box Colony / Lone Wolf (NL) / Shiiva / Night Witch (Tallahassee, FL) / Tierney Tough / Velour Academy / SPELLS (Denver) / Joystick (AR) / 84 Tigers / Devon Kay / Flying Racoon Suit / Onlinedrawing / The Butts (ATX) / Protagonist (US) / Male Patterns / Panic Problem / Telepathic Lines / Menagramo / Royal Dog / Bitter Branches (US) / Max Stern (USA) / After the Fall (US) / The Carolyn (GA) / The Punk Cellist / FeverSleep / Suzie True / tiny stills / Carpool / Couplet / Sam Russo (UK) / Kerosene Heights / Downhaul / All Away Lou / worlds greatest dad Show all bands
Fest Gainesville, Florida, United States
2024 2 concerts
2023 1 concert
2022 1 concert
 Barney Stubble
 Anna B
 Kim Moenich
 Brandi Anderson

As Seen On: