Fejd's 2009 Concert History

Fejd is a Swedish folk band formed in 2001.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 30, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air 2009
Motörhead / Coheed and Cambria / Thin Lizzy / Volbeat / Anthrax / Dragonforce / The Smack Ballz / In Flames / Leave Scars / Crysys / Machine Head / Kielwater / Silence Means Death / Lacuna Coil / Reason To Kill / Victims of Madness / Irr / Amon Amarth / Callejn / A FINE DAY TO EXIT / Tank / Testament / Oa Firefighters / Airbourne / U.F.O. / Epica / Saxon / Hammerfall / Napalm Death / Mägo de Oz / Korpiklaani / D-A-D / Heaven Shall Burn / UK Subs / Enslaved / Turisas / Pentagram / The BossHoss / Nevermore / Gamma Ray / Rage / In Extremo / Walls of Jericho / Doro / Tristania / Cathedral / Trouble / Axel Rudi Pell / Running Wild / Grand Magus / Warlock / Borknagar / Adé / J.B.O. / Schandmaul / Frei.Wild / Engel / ASP / Callejon / Eths / Whiplash / Vreid / Einherjer / Swashbuckle / Retrospect / Kampfar / Der W / Waltons / Arkaea / Skyline / Endstille / Beneath / Feuerschwanz / Drone / Adorned Brood / Fejd / Nervecell / Torment / Mambo Kurt / Sarke / Tracedawn / Onkel Tom Angelripper / Eric Fish / Bai Bang / Rabenschrey / Scarred / Ingrimm / Onkel Tom / The Fading / Bloodwork / Hansi Kürsch / Insidious Disease / 5th Avenue / Feid / Split Heaven / RAGNARÖEK / Ferium / Cumulo Nimbus / Reincarnatus / Sui / Insidead / Jörg Michael / Marcel Schmier Schirmer / Heaven and Hell / subway to sally / SuidakrA / Bring Me The Horizon / Bullet for my Valentine / Pain / GWAR Show all bands
Unknown venue Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Show Duplicates for Jul 30, 2009
Jul 20, 2009 –
Aug 01, 2009
Wacken Open Air 2009
5th Avenue / Adorned Brood / Airbourne / Amon Amarth / Anthrax / Axel Rudi Pell / ASP / Bai Bang / Bloodwork / Borknagar / Bon Scott / Bring Me the Horizon / Bullet for My Valentine / Callejon / Cathedral / Charly Beutin / Coheed and Cambria / Cumulo Nimbus / D-A-D / Der W / Doro / DragonForce / Drone / Einherjer / Endstille / Engel / Enslaved / Epica / eths / Fejd / Feuerschwanz / Frei.Wild / Gamma Ray / Grand Magus / Gwar / Hammerfall / Heaven and Hell / Heaven Shall Burn / Ingrimm / In Extremo / In Flames / Insidious Disease / J.B.O. / Korpiklaani / Lacuna Coil / Machine Head / Mambo Kurt / Motörhead / Napalm Death / Nervecell / Nevermore / Onkel Tom / Pain / Pentagram / Rabenschrey / Rage / Ragnaröek / Reincarnatus / Retrospect / Running Wild / Sarke / Saxon / Schandmaul / Skyline / Subway to Sally / Suidakra / Swashbuckle / Testament / The BossHoss / The Fading / The Smackballz / The Waltons / Torment / Tracedawn / Tristania / Trouble / Turisas / UFO / UK Subs / Victims of Madness / Volbeat / Vreid / Walls of Jericho / Whiplash Show all bands
Wacken Open Air Wacken, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Apr 17, 2009 –
Apr 18, 2009
Ragnarök 6
Einherjer / Korpiklaani / Thyrfing / Dornenreich / Melechesh / Dark Fortress / Tyr / Fjoergyn / Adorned Brood / Adorned Brood / Andras / Heidevolk / Alestorm / Kivimetsän Druidi / Cor Scorpii / Wolfchant / Metsatöll / Draugnim / Sarkom / Alkonost / Falchion / Fejd / Finsterforst / Midnattsol / Yggdrasil / Irrbloss / Månegarm Show all bands
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Stadthalle Lichtenfels, Schützenplatz 10 96215 Lichtenfels, Germany

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Ragnarök 6 on Apr 17, 2009 [367-small]

Ragnarök 6
Apr 17 - 18, 2009
 96215 Lichtenfels, Germany
  Uploaded by Laza

Folk Rock
Urbano Latino
Trap Latino
Folk Metal
Pirate Metal
Viking Metal
Colombian Pop
Medieval Metal
Reggaeton Colombiano
Pop Reggaeton
Nordic Folk
Nordic Folk Metal
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2023 1 concert
2022 2 concerts
2018 3 concerts
2017 1 concert
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2010 2 concerts
2009 3 concerts
 J1 Sy
 Jeb Bangsholt
 Ax Ko
 Nick Conner
 Adi Clark
 Sara Kaminska
 Tiago Pombo

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