Feces Munchers Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jun 22, 1999
OLD GRANDDAD / ICARUS / GENERICS / BLEED / FAMILY MEN / LIZARDS / DAIRY QUEENS / CAPTURED BY ROBOTS / MEDICATION TIME / EMBALMED ALIVE / The Jocks / Kablamies / SNEAKY CREEKINS / 3 OUT OF 4 / EULOGY / MOTH HOUR / The Snacks / Tongue / Sledwreck / The Stupid Jerks / Uberkunst / Left Out Lamont / Low Caloric Ham / Milhouse SMF / The Wunder Years / Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits / Los Rabbis / Bracket / Dori Tourette and the Skirtheads / Scratch Habit / Feces Munchers / DEADBODIESEVERYWHERE Show all bands
East Park Resevoir Lodoga, CA
Jun 11, 1999
Anti-Product / Aus-Rotten / Eulogy / Scenes from the Struggle / Knifethruhead / Feces Munchers Veterans Memorial Center Davis, California, United States
Sep 20, 1997
No Less / Benumb / Utter Bastard / Misanthropists / Feces Munchers Davis Teen Center Davis, California, United States
May 10, 1997
Scenes from the Struggle / Old Man Homo / Excruciating Terror / Lack of Interest / Bad Teeth / Liplock / The Buckys / Off the Cops / Gerber Militia / O.T.C. / Colby's Kids / Feces Munchers Eagle's Lodge Roseville, California, United States
Classical Performance
Ska Punk
Orchestral Performance
Historic Orchestral Performance
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1999 2 concerts
1997 2 concerts
 Sacramento Shows

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