Fall Kills the Calendar 's 2009 Concert History

Rising to the top in today's music scene comes down to setting yourself apart from the rest. For pop-indie band, Fall Kills The Calendar, they continuously prove that they are no exception to this rule. The savvy quartet of Sidney, Ohio knows how to get new and current fans alike excited about their lively music. "Playing for Anyone- Be it 50 People or 1,000 people- keeps us alive. As long as we're spreading our music and giving our fans a hint of a reason to continue to listen, we can all leave the stage smiling ear-to-ear," says lead vocalist/keys Eric...

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 24, 2009
Push Play / Fall Kills the Calendar / Phil Benson

Push Play Promo Tour

Basement Columbus, Ohio, United States
Indie Rock
Alternative Rock
Art Rock
Experimental Rock
Alternative Dance
Art Punk
Alternative Pop Rock
John Peel
Show more genres
2010 2 concerts
2009 1 concert

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