Fahran is a five-piece, melodic, hard-rock band from Derbyshire. Formed in 2006, under the name, Toxic Federation, the band quickly set about writing and performing their own material. The songs, honed on the road, were released independently by the band, in 2008, on their debut album, 'Behind the Mask' - incredibly, when the average age of the band was just sixteen. From these humble beginnings, the band moved to an entirely different level.
The Amorettes / Fahran / A Joker's Rage / Hell's Addiction / Liberty Lies / Sister Shotgun / Fragile Things / The King Lot / Wicked Stone / Tomorrow Is Lost
Pallbearer / Gojira / Nightwish / Orphaned Land / Combichrist / Fozzy / Judas Priest / Bleed From Within / Mr. Big / At The Gates / Mantar / Fahran / Arkona / Alestorm / Emperor / Onslaught / Evergrey / Nailed To Obscurity / Jasta / Voyager / Limb / Venom Inc. / Doomsday Outlaw / Alien Weaponry / Lovebites / King Bison / Hundred Year Old Man / Kamikaze Test Pilots / Turbyne / Deity's Muse / Feed The Rhino / Kilonova / Aonia / Vola / True Believer / Gemma Fox / Ethyrfield / This Place Hell / Barbarian Hermit / Dead Before Mourning / Servers / Devil Driver
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Fahran / Cats Charis / NODISCO / Dreadzone / Def Digby / The Mantells / Catbone / Great Imitation / Adam Clarkson / FANZINES / The Lagan / Headsticks / Luna & the Moonhounds / Jake Smallbones / These Skies / Whisky Stain / Eddie and the Hot Rods / Alex Young / Bar-Steward Sons of Val Doonican / Funke and the Two Tone Baby / Unknown Era / Lorna / Dirty Vertebrae / The Sweetchunks band / Joel Sarakula
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Rise To Remain / Architects / Asking Alexandria / Papa Roach / Down / Korn / Bullet for My Valentine / Slipknot / Black Stone Cherry / Gogol Bordello / 3 Doors Down / Volbeat / Europe / Dragonforce / Uriah Heep / Dir En Grey / Monster Truck / Emperor Chung / Palm Reader / Patent Pending / Hang The Bastard / The Sword / In This Moment / Turisas / Motionless In White / Converge / HIM / Hammer Of The Gods / Free Fall / Akord / Semperfi / Hoax / Page 44 / Verses / Blood Command / Zico Chain / The Algorithm / FIDLAR / Fearless Vampire Killers / Avosetta / Rob Lynch / Toseland / Hear Kitty Kitty / Walking Papers / We Are the Ocean / UFO / Young Guns / Black Star Riders / Mastodon / Alice In Chains / Motörhead / Queens of the Stone Age / Iron Maiden / I Divide / Heaven's Basement / Hardcore Superstar / Escape the Fate / Katatonia / Karnivool / Lit / Thunder / Jimmy Eat World / Enter Shikari / Broken / Hill Valley High / Crowns / Nekrogoblikon / Walking Papers / Empress / Heart of a Coward / Bury Tomorrow / Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats / Chthonic / Kvelertak / The Hives / Cytota / The Wild Lies / Idiom / Astroid Boys / Black Moth / Silent Screams / Sky Valley Mistress / Wounds / Searching Alaska / Press To Meco / Voodoo Six / Lonely the Brave / Rat Attack / Last Witness / The AfterParty / The Killing Floor / Fahran / Crowns / Buffalo Summer / Acoustic TV / Sacred Mother Tonge / Cancer Bats / Coal Chamber / Five Finger Death Punch / Parkway Drive / Stone Sour / The Gaslight Anthem / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Rammstein / Blitz Kids / The Ghost Inside / Graveyard / Masters of Reality / Amon Amarth / Rival Sons / Ghost / Airbourne / Limp Bizkit / Bovine / State Of Panic / Krokodil / Little Caesar / Brutality Will Prevail / Hacktivist / Bleed From Within / Visions of disorder / Red Fang / Newsted / P.O.D. / Modestep / Satyricon / Naked Flame / The First / Mordecai / Black Dogs / Huntress / Buffalo Summer / Radkey / Forever Can Wait / The Howling / Falling With Style / I Am I / Glamour Of The Kill / Sonic Boom Six / Arthemis / The Graveltones / Night x Night / I Am I / New Killer Shoes / Crash Mansion / Heaven's Basement / A Day To Remember / Hellyeah / Earthtone9
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Slipknot / Bullet for My Valentine / Korn / Down / Papa Roach / Asking Alexandria / Architects / Rise To Remain / Black Stone Cherry / Gogol Bordello / 3 Doors Down / Volbeat / Dragonforce / Uriah Heep / Skin / Dir En Grey / HIM / Converge / Motionless In White / Turisas / In This Moment / The Sword / Hang The Bastard / Patent Pending / Palm Reader / Emperor Chung / Fearless Vampire Killers / FIDLAR / The Algorithm / Zico Chain / Blood Command / Verses / Page 44 / Hammer Of The Gods / We Are the Ocean / Walking Papers / Hear Kitty Kitty / Toseland / Rob Lynch / Avosetta / Iron Maiden / Queens of the Stone Age / Motörhead / Alice In Chains / Mastodon / Buckcherry / Young Guns / UFO / Enter Shikari / Jimmy Eat World / Thunder / Lit / Karnivool / Katatonia / Hardcore Superstar / Escape the Fate / Heaven's Basement / Red White & Blues / I Divide / The Hives / Kvelertak / Chthonic / Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats / Bury Tomorrow / Heart of a Coward / Empress / Walking Papers / Crowns / Earthtone9 / Hill Valley High / Broken / After the Burial / Last Witness / Rat Attack / Voodoo Six / Wounds / Silent Screams / Astroid Boys / Idiom / Cytota / Black Moth / The Wild Lies / Devin Townsend / Acoustic TV / Buffalo Summer / Crowns / straight lines / Fahran / The Killing Floor / The AfterParty / Rammstein / Thirty Seconds to Mars / The Gaslight Anthem / Stone Sour / Parkway Drive / Five Finger Death Punch / Coal Chamber / Cancer Bats / Sacred Mother Tongue / Limp Bizkit / A Day To Remember / Airbourne / Ghost / Rival Sons / Amon Amarth / Masters of Reality / Graveyard / The Ghost Inside / Hellyeah / Blitz Kids / Satyricon / Modestep / P.O.D. / Newsted / Red Fang / Visions of disorder / Bleed From Within / Hacktivist / Brutality Will Prevail / Little Caesar / Krokodil / States of Panic / Sonic Boom Six / Glamour Of The Kill / I Am I / The Howling / Buffalo Summer / Huntress / Black Dogs / Mordecai / The First / Naked Flame / Heaven's Basement / Pig Iron / Skin / Red White & Blues / Night x Night / Crash Mansion / The Gravel Tones / Arthemis / Nekrogoblikon
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Slipknot / Iron Maiden / Rammstein / 3 Doors Down / The AfterParty / After the Burial / Airbourne / Akord / The Algorithm / Alice In Chains / Amon Amarth / Architects / Arthemis / Asking Alexandria / Astroid Boys / Avosetta / Black Dogs / The Black Lanterns / Blacklist Royals / Black Moth / Black Star Riders / Black Stone Cherry / Bleed From Within / Blitz Kids / Blood Command / Broken / Bovine / Brutality Will Prevail / Buckcherry / Buffalo Summer / Bullet for My Valentine / Bury Tomorrow / Cancer Bats / Chthonic / Coal Chamber / Converge / Crash Mansion / The Crowns / Cytota / A Day To Remember / Demoraliser / Devin Townsend / Dir En Grey / Down / Dragonforce / Earthtone9 / Emperor Chung / Empress / Enter Shikari / Escape the Fate / Europe / Fahran / Falling With Style / Fearless Vampire Killers / FIDLAR / First / Five Finger Death Punch / Forever Can Wait / Free Fall / The Gaslight Anthem / Ghost / The Ghost Inside / Glamour Of The Kill / Gogol Bordello / Goldsboro / The Graveltones / Graveyard / GraVil / Hacktivist / Hammer Of The Gods / Hang The Bastard / Hardcore Superstar / Hear Kitty Kitty / Heart of a Coward / Heaven's Basement / Hellyeah / Hill Valley High / HIM / The Hives / The Howling / Huntress / I Am I / Idiom / I Divide / In This Moment / Jimmy Eat World / Karnivool / Katatonia / The Killing Floor / Korn / Krokodil / Kverlatak / Last Witness / Limp Bizkit / Lit / Little Caesar / Lonely The Brave (UK) / Masters of Reality / Mastodon / Modestep / Monster Truck / Mordecai / Motionless In White / Motörhead / Naked Flame / Nekrogoblikon / New Killer Shoes / Night By Night / Newsted / P.O.D. / Page 44 / Papa Roach / Parkway Drive / Patent Pending / Pig Iron / Press To Meco / Queens of the Stone Age / Radkey / Rat Attack / Red Fang / Red, White and Blues / Rival Sons / Rise To Remain / Rob Lynch / Sacred Mother Tongue / Satyricon / Searching Alaska / Semperfi / SHVPES / Silent Screams / Skin / Sky Valley Mistress / Sonic Boom Six / States of Panic / Stone Sour / straight lines / Subservience / Surrender the Coast / The Sword / Thirty Seconds to Mars / Thunder / Toseland / Turisas / UFO / Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats / Uriah Heep / Verses / The Vines / Vision of Disorder / Volbeat / Voodoo Six / Walking Papers / We Are the Ocean / The Wild Lies / Wounds / Young Guns / Zico Chain / Zoax / Skindred
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