Exile Into Suffery Concert History

Modern death metal/deathcore band from Lithuania. Formed in 2013 from the remains of Posterity by vocalist and ex guitarist of other famous bands of lithuanian death metal scene: Saples and Paralytic.

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 25, 2014
Manslaughter / Tehace / Exile Into Suffery

Yearning Demons Tour 2014: Chapter 1

Metro Club Vilnius, Vilnius, Lithuania
Jul 11, 2013 –
Jul 14, 2013
Devilstone 2013
Enslaved / Avulsed / Angelus Apatrida / Kongh / Shining / Vomitory / Argharus / Koldbrann / Wolf / EVILE / Goatwhore / Los Turbos / Tesa / Samsara Blues Experiment / Battalion / Kadavar / Orange Goblin / Exile Into Suffery / Stiffer / The Perfect Pill / Indygo / Tides From Nebula / Taine / Stoned Jesus / Cantilena / La Chudra / Feedbak / Summer Five / Confession / Nyksta Show all bands
Dainuvos slėnis Anykščiai, Utena, Lithuania
Death Metal
Technical Death Metal
Technical Deathcore
Lithuanian Metal
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert

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