ERRA is a progressive metalcore band hailing from Birmingham, AL. Erra was founded in 2009, and they have released multiple EPs and studio albums. The name "Erra" comes from the god of mayhem in Akkadian mythology. The band's song 'Seven' on the album"Impulse" tells some of the epics of Erra.
Green Day / Good Charlotte / Knocked Loose / Alice In Chains / Killswitch Engage / Underoath / Sublime / Kublai Khan TX / Jinjer / Saosin / Jimmy Eat World / Incendiary / Bush / New Found Glory / August Burns Red / Silverstein / ERRA / Candlebox / As I Lay Dying / The Devil Wears Prada / Bowling For Soup / Invent Animate / Everclear / All That Remains / Silent Planet / Lit / Boundaries / It Dies Today / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Dorothy / One Step Closer / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Butcher Babies / Alesana / Dexter and The Moonrocks / Left To Suffer / Bleed From Within / I Set My Friends On Fire
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Green Day / Linkin Park / Korn / Three Days Grace / Sublime / Incubus / Alice In Chains / 3 Doors Down / Marilyn Manson / Jimmy Eat World / Pierce the Veil / Shinedown / Good Charlotte / Sleeping With Sirens / Bullet for My Valentine / Rob Zombie / Daughtry / Asking Alexandria / Hollywood Undead / Bush / Taking Back Sunday / Hoobastank / Bowling For Soup / Chevelle / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Theory of a Deadman / Escape the Fate / Of Mice & Men / Killswitch Engage / Motionless In White / P.O.D. / Halestorm / Everclear / New Found Glory / Snot / Mastodon / I Prevail / Finger Eleven / We Came As Romans / Trivium / Insane Clown Posse / Bad Omens / All That Remains / Silverstein / Blue October / Mudvayne / The Devil Wears Prada / Set It Off / Underoath / Memphis May Fire / August Burns Red / Filter / Beartooth / Lit / Sevendust / Blessthefall / As I Lay Dying / Hawthorne Heights / Saving Abel / Testament / Saosin / Arch Enemy / Candlebox / Crossfade / Emmure / HEALTH / Chiodos / Attila / The Plot In You / Knocked Loose / Whitechapel / Alesana / Attack Attack! / Real Friends / From Ashes to New / A Skylit Drive / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Dorothy / Fit for a King / Caskets / Exodus / The Black Dahlia Murder / Deafheaven / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Kublai Khan TX / Municipal Waste / Dayseeker / Converge / Evans Blue / Obituary / After the Burial / Jinjer / Upon A Burning Body / Smile Empty Soul / ERRA / The Acacia Strain / I Set My Friends On Fire / Body Count / GWAR / Chimaira / Bilmuri / Fit For An Autopsy / Lilac / Silent Planet / Nails / All Shall Perish / Bleed From Within / Power Trip / Brand of Sacrifice / AngelMaker / Wind Walkers / Invent Animate / Butcher Babies / Sleep Theory / Sunami / Quicksand / Shadow of Intent / Of Virtue / Nevertel / Until I Wake / Havok / Full of Hell / Dexter and The Moonrocks / Left To Suffer / Dry Killl Logic / Incendiary / Nerv / Gatecreeper / Sanguisugabogg / Harm's Way / The Union Underground / Candy / It Dies Today / Boundaries / Peelingflesh / Adam Gontier / 200 Stab Wounds / The Funeral Portrait / One Step Closer / ALLT / Mugshot / Pain of Truth / Gates to Hell / Frozen Soul / Return to Dust / Royale Lynn / Bodybox / Pretty Wild / Big Ass Truck / Dead Heat / Seven Hours After Violet / Chained Saint / Anastasia Kobesh & Ruslan Saberov
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Green Day / Linkin Park / Korn / Three Days Grace / Sublime / Incubus / Alice In Chains / 3 Doors Down / Marilyn Manson / Jimmy Eat World / Shinedown / Pierce the Veil / Good Charlotte / Sleeping With Sirens / Bullet for My Valentine / Rob Zombie / Daughtry / Asking Alexandria / Hollywood Undead / Bush / Taking Back Sunday / Hoobastank / Bowling For Soup / Chevelle / The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus / Theory of a Deadman / Escape the Fate / Of Mice & Men / Killswitch Engage / P.O.D. / Motionless In White / Halestorm / New Found Glory / Everclear / Mastodon / I Prevail / Finger Eleven / Trivium / We Came As Romans / Snot / All That Remains / Blue October / Insane Clown Posse / Silverstein / Mudvayne / Bad Omens / The Devil Wears Prada / Underoath / Set It Off / Memphis May Fire / August Burns Red / Filter / Lit / Beartooth / Sevendust / Blessthefall / As I Lay Dying / Saving Abel / Hawthorne Heights / Testament / Arch Enemy / Saosin / Candlebox / Crossfade / Emmure / Chiodos / HEALTH / Attila / The Plot In You / Alesana / Whitechapel / Knocked Loose / Attack Attack! / A Skylit Drive / The Dillinger Escape Plan / Real Friends / From Ashes to New / Dorothy / Fit for a King / Exodus / The Black Dahlia Murder / Caskets / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Deafheaven / Evans Blue / Converge / Municipal Waste / Dayseeker / Kublai Khan TX / Obituary / After the Burial / Upon A Burning Body / Jinjer / Smile Empty Soul / The Acacia Strain / I Set My Friends On Fire / ERRA / Body Count / GWAR / Chimaira / Bilmuri / Fit For An Autopsy / Silent Planet / All Shall Perish / Nails / Power Trip / Bleed From Within / AngelMaker / Brand of Sacrifice / Butcher Babies / Invent Animate / Wind Walkers / Quicksand / Sunami / Sleep Theory / Shadow of Intent / Of Virtue / Full of Hell / Havok / Until I Wake / Nevertel / Dexter and The Moonrocks / Dry Killl Logic / Left To Suffer / Incendiary / Nerv / Gatecreeper / Harm's Way / Sanguisugabogg / The Union Underground / It Dies Today / Candy / Adam Gontier / Boundaries / Peelingflesh / 200 Stab Wounds / One Step Closer / The Funeral Portrait / Mugshot / Pain of Truth / ALLT / Gates to Hell / Frozen Soul / Royale Lynn / Return to Dust / Bodybox / Dead Heat / Big Ass Truck / Seven Hours After Violet / Chained Saint / Liliac / The Pretty Wild / Acid Bath
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Linkin Park / Incubus / I Prevail / Jimmy Eat World / Bullet for My Valentine / Trivium / Underoath / grandson / Crossfade / Of Mice & Men / Hoobastank / Citizen Soldier / Silverstein / The Devil Wears Prada / Set It Off / ERRA / Invent Animate / Escape the Fate / Trust Company / Sick Puppies / Silent Planet / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Framing Hanley / The Funeral Portrait / I Set My Friends On Fire / Nevertel / Return to Dust
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Metallica / Linkin Park / Korn / Three Days Grace / Incubus / Alice In Chains / Jimmy Eat World / Bullet for My Valentine / Rob Zombie / Alice Cooper / Hoobastank / Chevelle / Escape the Fate / Of Mice & Men / Killswitch Engage / Motionless In White / Mastodon / I Prevail / Trivium / All That Remains / Bad Omens / Silverstein / grandson / Alien Ant Farm / Set It Off / Underoath / Memphis May Fire / Sick Puppies / Filter / Poppy / Suicidal Tendencies / Sevendust / Ministry / As I Lay Dying / Ice Nine Kills / Testament / Cannibal Corpse / Arch Enemy / Crossfade / Hatebreed / HEALTH / The Plot In You / Whitechapel / From Ashes to New / Fit for a King / Exodus / Caskets / The Black Dahlia Murder / Framing Hanley / Deafheaven / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Corrosion Of Conformity / Municipal Waste / Converge / Orgy / Obituary / After the Burial / Jinjer / Upon A Burning Body / Fame On Fire / Overkill / The Acacia Strain / ERRA / I Set My Friends On Fire / GWAR / Fit For An Autopsy / Silent Planet / Nails / All Shall Perish / Power Trip / Citizen Soldier / AngelMaker / Wind Walkers / Cavalera Conspiracy / Invent Animate / Sunami / Quicksand / Nitzer Ebb / Shadow of Intent / Nevertel / Bloodywood / Left To Suffer / Trust Company / Jesus Piece / Gatecreeper / Sanguisugabogg / Candy / Boundaries / Armored Saint / Peelingflesh / Adam Gontier / 200 Stab Wounds / The Funeral Portrait / Pain of Truth / Frozen Soul / Return to Dust / Silly Goose / Gridiron / Dead Heat / Seven Hours After Violet / Uncured / Category 7 / Asking Alexandria / The Devil Wears Pradaa
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Metallica / Linkin Park / Korn / Three Days Grace / Incubus / Alice In Chains / Jimmy Eat World / Bullet for My Valentine / Rob Zombie / Alice Cooper / Hoobastank / Chevelle / Escape the Fate / Of Mice & Men / Killswitch Engage / Motionless In White / Mastodon / I Prevail / Trivium / Bad Omens / All That Remains / Silverstein / grandson / Alien Ant Farm / Set It Off / Underoath / Memphis May Fire / Sick Puppies / Poppy / Filter / Suicidal Tendencies / Sevendust / Ministry / As I Lay Dying / Ice Nine Kills / Testament / Cannibal Corpse / Arch Enemy / Crossfade / Hatebreed / HEALTH / The Plot In You / Whitechapel / From Ashes to New / Fit for a King / Caskets / Exodus / The Black Dahlia Murder / Framing Hanley / Deafheaven / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / Municipal Waste / Corrosion Of Conformity / Converge / Orgy / Obituary / After the Burial / Jinjer / Upon A Burning Body / Fame On Fire / ERRA / The Acacia Strain / Overkill / I Set My Friends On Fire / GWAR / Fit For An Autopsy / Silent Planet / Nails / All Shall Perish / Power Trip / Citizen Soldier / AngelMaker / Wind Walkers / Invent Animate / Cavalera Conspiracy / Sunami / Quicksand / Nitzer Ebb / Shadow of Intent / Bloodywood / Nevertel / Left To Suffer / Trust Company / Jesus Piece / Gatecreeper / Sanguisugabogg / Candy / Boundaries / Peelingflesh / Armored Saint / Adam Gontier / 200 Stab Wounds / The Funeral Portrait / Pain of Truth / Frozen Soul / Return to Dust / Silly Goose / Gridiron / Dead Heat / Seven Hours After Violet / Uncured / Category 7 / Asking Alexandria / The Devil Wears Pradaa
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Korn / Bad Omens / Three Days Grace / Sevendust / Alien Ant Farm / Orgy / Motionless In White / Poppy / Memphis May Fire / Fit for a King / Boundaries / Caskets / Wind Walkers / Killswitch Engage / Jinjer / All That Remains / Fit For An Autopsy / Left To Suffer / Ministry / Filter / HEALTH / Seven Hours After Violet / Nitzer Ebb / Uncured / Silly Goose / Rob Zombie / Alice Cooper / Testament / Exodus / Overkill / Mastodon / Acid Bath / Suicidal Tendencies / Deafheaven / Converge / 200 Stab Wounds / Dead Heat / Cannibal Corpse / Hatebreed / Municipal Waste / Gatecreeper / Armored Saint / Frozen Soul / Peelingflesh / Whitechapel / All Shall Perish / The Black Dahlia Murder / After the Burial / The Acacia Strain / Upon A Burning Body / AngelMaker / Linkin Park / Incubus / I Prevail / Trivium / Hoobastank / Sick Puppies / Bullet for My Valentine / Jimmy Eat World / Of Mice & Men / Escape the Fate / Set It Off / ERRA / Nevertel / grandson / Crossfade / Citizen Soldier / Trust Company / Framing Hanley / The Funeral Portrait / Return to Dust / Underoath / Silverstein / The Devil Wears Prada / Invent Animate / Silent Planet / Scary Kids Scaring Kids / I Set My Friends On Fire / Alice In Chains / Chevelle / Quicksand / Cavalera / Corrosion Of Conformity / Ice Nine Kills / Hollywood Undead / Asking Alexandria / Badflower / From Ashes to New / The Plot In You / Fame On Fire / Arch Enemy / GWAR / Obituary / Nails / Sanguisugabogg / Shadow of Intent / Power Trip / Sunami / Speed / Pain of Truth / Candy / Gridiron / Bleeding Through / Fulci / Harm's Way / Shadows Fall / Metallica
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