Epping Forest's 2007 Concert History

Epping Forest is a portuguese metal band. They play a kind of blackened death metal with reminiscences of the scandinavian essence, and their actual ‘style’ is increasingly difficult to characterise: the horde drinks from a myriad of different fountains, starting with metal and more obscure music, but not excluding other genres altogether.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 14, 2007
Samael / Epping Forest / ThanatoSchizO / Witchbreed

Dark Ritual Fest 4

Cine-Teatro de Corroios Corroios, District of Setúbal, Portugal
Death Metal
Black Metal
Blackened Death Metal
Symphonic Black Metal
Portuguese Death Metal
Portuguese Black Metal
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2008 1 concert
2007 1 concert
 Kid Irons
 Rui Monteiro

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