Ephen Rian Concert History

Ephen Rian is a post-hardcore band from the Austrian skiing-village Grossraming. Associated by a long-lasting friendship between the band members and their shared preference for highly emotional music, Ephen Rian was founded in may 2003 by Stefan, Klaus, Markus, Manuel and Peter. Inspired by bands such as Thrice or Thursday the band started writing songs right on. The five recorded their demo "Heroes Don't Ask Why"in 2004 and got featured instantly as demo of...

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 18, 2006
Billy Talent / Ephen Rian
Le Batofar Paris, Île-de-France, France
Jun 13, 2006
Kettcar / Ephen Rian / Jupiter Jones / Mediengruppe Telekommander / Pale

Viva La Mopped Festival

Tanzbrunnen Köln Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
Apr 01, 2006
Ephen Rian / Rentokill / The Minute between

Blowup Marchfeld #3

3er Wirtshaus Zwerndorf, Austria
Nov 19, 2005
Rentokill / Ephen Rian

Chilibox Party

Arena Wien Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Oct 14, 2005
Satanic Surfers / Ephen Rian / Cueball Bi Nuu Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Aug 04, 2005 –
Aug 05, 2005
Heidenspass Festival #2 / 2005
Redlightsflash / Rentokill / Ephen Rian / Dedicated to / When The Music's Over / Jan feat. UDSSR / Half Past Ten / K Punkt / Beatbrats / PBH Club
Culture X Club Tulln, Austria
2006 3 concerts
2005 3 concerts
 Klaas Croissant

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