Emperor Yes Concert History

A London, UK trio formed in 2012 comprising of Three Trapped Tigers’ Adam Betts, Summer Camp and Emmy The Great producer Ash Gardner and solo artist and former Summer Camp member Hugo Sheppard.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 09, 2015 –
Jul 11, 2015
2000 Trees 2015
Nothing But Thieves / Alkaline Trio / The Subways / We Were Promised Jetpacks / Idlewild / Benjamin Booker / Young Guns / Deaf Havana / The Twilight Sad / Defeater / We Are the Ocean / And So I Watch You from Afar / Bury Tomorrow / Honeyblood / Blaenavon / Jake Isaac / The Skints / Pulled Apart By Horses / Alice Phoebe Lou / Boston Manor / Future of the Left / Jonah Matranga / Errors / CREEPER / Arcane Roots / ROAM / The Xcerts / Turbowolf / Hacktivist / Fatherson / Skinny Lister / Milk Teeth / Black Peaks / Indoor Pets / Bridges / Nai Harvest / Tellison / Acollective / Fort Hope / Feed the Rhino / The Computers / Kiran Leonard / Tim Vantol / Ghouls / Kerbdog / Allusinlove / Great Cynics / Rob Lynch / Sam Russo / Cleft / Rebecca Clements / Tax The Heat / Solemn Sun / Vennart / Hannah Lou Clark / Bite the Buffalo / Boy Jumps Ship / These Ghosts / St Pierre Snake Invasion / Woahnows / Big Sixes / &U&I / Only Rivals / Lloyd Yates / The Lion and the Wolf / Human Pyramids / The Cadbury Sisters / Dead Harts / Goan Dogs / Lonely Tourist / When We Were Wolves / Thrill Collins / Electric River / Bare Knuckle Parade / Samoans / Emperor Yes / OhBoy! / Rozelle / George Wilding / Jurassic Pop / New Palace Talkies / BRIDGES (UK) / To The Wall / Billy Lunn / McLusky* Show all bands
Upcote Farm, Withington Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for Jul 09, 2015
Oct 18, 2014
The Brawlers / Woahnows / Blossoms / Emperor Yes Games Room, Brudenell Social Club Leeds, England, United Kingdom
Sep 20, 2014
Southsea Fest 2014
Nothing But Thieves / Slaves / Fickle Friends / Doe / The Magic Gang / Ed Harcourt / Laurel / Honeyblood / DZ Deathrays / Phoria / Meadowlark / Gossling / Spring King / Eliza and The Bear / Prides / Pulled Apart By Horses / Dinosaur Pile-Up / Happyness / Flyte / Fear of Men / Ultimate Painting / Racing Glaciers / Falls / Martha / Mazes / Menace Beach / Kagoule / Tigercub / Brontide / The Proper Ornaments / Raglans / Life (US) / The Cairos / Tangled Hair / Hunter & the Bear / Holy / Waylayers / Ramona Flowers / Talons / Employed To Serve / We the Wild / Trampolene / Michael A Grammar / Thought Forms / Alpha Male Tea Party / Gang / Pawws / Pixel Fix / Kassassin Street / Passport to Stockholm / Life / Cleft / Prestige / Wyldest / Saint Agnes / Theo Verney / Castles / The Brawlers / Fred Page / FURS / Goodtime Boys / Happy Accidents / Boy Jumps Ship / Blessa / Woahnows / Big Sixes / Sacha / SLM / Wildest Dreams / The Lion and the Wolf / Curxes / Personal Best / The Cadbury Sisters / The Looks / Body Hound / Natasha North / Harker / Emperor Yes / Rough Hands / Matt Emery / The Boy I Used to Be / The Layers / Bad Grammar / Eighteen Nightmares at the Lux / Beautiful Boy / Lyger / The B of the Bang / Teef / House of Thieves / Andy Oliveri / Big Fin / Southsea Alternative Choir / REX DOMINO / Pure Graft / Unknown Soldiers / The Fairweather Band / Osca (UK) / Rickyfitts / Lu'Ami / Eloise Keating / Battery Hens / Iced Out / Deluxe Flamingos / Pedro Don Key / Lucky One Dies First / Dear Everyone / Floella Grace / Sam Brothers / Uncle Luc / Popobawa / Lillian Todd Jones / Jesse Wyldes and the Stallions / Tom Moody / Joythief / Break Ups / Jimmy Islip & The Ghosts / Thisplanet / Flash Fires / Plastic Beats Band / Richie & The Remedy / ELEPHANTANTRUM / 100 Ounces / Love Park / Matt Jarvis Show all bands
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Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
Jul 11, 2013 –
Jul 13, 2013
2000 Trees 2013
Frank Turner / Mystery Jets / Funeral for a Friend / Stornoway / King Charles / We Are the Ocean / Nine Black Alps / Future of the Left / Childhood / Beans on Toast / Stealing Sheep / The Xcerts / The Bats / Gnarwolves / InMe / Fight Like Apes / Empire / Sky Larkin / The Family Rain / Adebisi Shank / The Physics House Band / Brontide / The Crimea / Gallops / Her Name Is Calla / Black Moth / Landscapes / Crash of Rhinos / Empress / Max Raptor / That Fucking Tank / Stagecoach / Wet Nuns / John J Presley / Arteries / Axes / Low Chimes / Woahnows / Park Bench Society / Bear Cavalry / Hildamay / Arctangent / Rat Attack / Wot Gorilla / The Cadbury Sisters / Retrospective Soundtrack Players / Gunning for Tamar / Emperor Yes / Portasound / Casimir / Cold Crows Dead / Velcro Hooks / Grappler / Black Art / Bovine / Andy Oliveri / Cauls / Andy Oliver / Bermuda Ern / As I Watch You From Afar Show all bands
Upcote Farm, Withington Cheltenham, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicates for Jul 11, 2013
Mar 07, 2013
Tall Ships / Emperor Yes / Islet
Scala London, England, United Kingdom
Mar 01, 2013
Tall Ships / Three Trapped Tigers / Emperor Yes / Little Leagues Inc Falmouth, Trelawny, Jamaica
Dec 20, 2012
Emmy the Great / Nimmo and the Gauntletts / Emperor Yes

Emmy the Great & Tim Wheeler/ Nimmo and the Gauntlets/ Emperor Yes

Scala London, England, United Kingdom

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Southsea Fest 2014 on Sep 20, 2014 [463-small]

Southsea Fest 2014
Sep 20, 2014
 Portsmouth, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by A Badger Faced Man

Indie Pop
United Kingdom

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2015 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2013 3 concerts
2012 1 concert
 A Badger Faced Man
 Sam Cooper
 Chris Mount
 Brian Connor
 Andy Applecoe

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