ELEMENT Band Concert History

Some may describe Element's music as "folk" because it embodies the expressions and traditional sounds of diverse cultures and styles. But the band serves up a compelling combination of melodic rock that's harmoniously partnered with the bold yet warm sounds of the Mediterranean. More still, the fiery and passionate notes of the tango and flamenco waft in and out with pulsing cadences, infusing listeners with an upbeat energy in a way that only Element can.

Date Concert Venue Location
Sep 17, 2022 –
Sep 18, 2022
Playlist Live Festival 2.0 2022
Maliq & d'Essentials / Dewa 19 / Rossa / Ungu / Kahitna / Alexa / D'masiv / Kerispatih / Armada / Hello / Andra and the Backbone / Ari Lasso / JKT48 / Pee Wee Gaskins / J-Rocks / Search / KOTAK / Jamrud / Audy / The Changcuters / Andien / Project Pop / Bondan Prakoso / Radja / Marcell / Saykoji / D'cinnamons / Cherrybelle / Pas Band / Mulan Jameela / Cinta Laura / Repvblik / Setia Band / ELEMENT Band / Kangen Band / The Lucky Laki / Vierratale / Ebiet G. Ade / Hijau Daun / Gigi Band / Vagetoz / Padi Reborn / Pinkan Mambo / Garasi / T-Five / Angkasa / Kuburan / The Virgin (ID) / T2 (ID) / Astrid (ID) / SMASH (ID) / Maia Estianty / RE:UNION (ID) / Wali (ID) / Oomleo / Donnie Sibarani / Firman Siagian / Rijja Show all bands
Laswi City Heritage Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
United States
Armenian Folk
 Zhafira Chairuls
 Pat T
 Afif Sjarif

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