El Rey's 2022 Concert History

kiss, confucious, jake the snake snare, BOOZARRA!, butch thunder drum, ching chong doctors, glynn johns, reverend jay horton, jerk marinade, painting is dead, white room, top ramen (first you fry, then boil!), flush fever, terry and larry, erik lee, sam kinison, michael jackson bean (MJB), drunk kevin darras, neuromancer, vinegar, marshall tucker band, steven segal (has anybody seen ritchie?), sonic the hedgehog, white p-coats, devils advocate (especially when charlize theron sees the 'monster in her mirror')...

Date Concert Venue Location
Feb 02, 2022
Red Rum Club / El Rey PJ Molloys Dunfermline, Scotland, United Kingdom
Modern Salsa
Urbano Chileno
2022 1 concert
2011 1 concert
 David Harrold
 Fiona Wilson

As Seen On: