Einstein’s Little Homonculus Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 28, 2000 –
Jul 30, 2000
Winterhawk Bluegrass and Beyond Festival
Auldridge, Bennett & Gaudreau / Ben Demerath / Beth Molaro / Big Table / Bob Malone / Boozoo Chavis / cheryl wheeler / Chris Hillman / Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen / Dave Carter & Tracy Grammer / Dave Fry / Eileen Ivers & Immigrant Soul / Einstein’s Little Homonculus / Erica Wheeler / George Marshall with Wild Asparagus / Gillian Welch & David Rawlings / The Hickory Project / Hoopoe the Clown / The Ivy Vine Players / Jeff Lang / Jim Hurst And Missy Raines / Jimmie Dale Gilmore / John Cowan Band / Judith Edelman Band / Kathryn Wedderburn / Kevin Welch / Laurie's Stories / The Lemonade Parade / Mark Erelli / Mary Gauthier / The McKrells / Mustard's Retreat / Vassar Clements With Northern Lights / Paul Rosenberg / Reckless Abandon / Rotary Pancake Day / Sam Pacetti / Stacey Earle / Steve Reilly & the Mamau Playboys / The Storycrafters / Tim Mason / Vanida Gail Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Jul 25, 1997 –
Jul 27, 1997
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Caroline Aiken / Dan Bern / Chuck Brodsky / Greg Brown / Dee Carstensen / Cordelia’s Dad / Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie / disappear fear / Einstein’s Little Homonculus / Vance Gilbert / Kim & Reggie Harris / janis ian / Magpie / Bob Malone / Tim Mason / David Massengill / Moxy Früvous / Viva Quetzal / June Rich / David Roth / Salamander Crossing / Les Sampou / Karen Savoca & Pete Heitzman / Martin Sexton / Jay Unger & Molly Mason with Swingology / Washboard Slim & the Blue Lights / cheryl wheeler / David Wilcox / Wild Asparagus / Dar Williams Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Jul 26, 1996 –
Jul 28, 1996
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Dan Bern / Greg Brown / catie curtis / Jonathan Edwards / Vance Gilbert / John Gorka / Greg Greenway / The Horseflies / The Kennedys / patty larkin / Christine Lavin / The Shirley Lewis Experience / Magpie / Susan McKeown & The Chanting House / moxy fruvous / Peter Mulvey / Mustard's Retreat / The Nields / June Rich / Martin Sexton / Vikki True & The Sweet Sisters of Mercy / Nancy Tucker / Sloan Wainwright Band / Susan Werner / Wild Asparagus / Raelinda Woad / Bayou Brethren / The Clayfoot Strutters / Steve Zakon-Anderson / Grand Picnic / George Marshall / Kathy Anderson / Pat Melita / Paul Rosenberg / Peter Ecklund and Strings Attached / Ralph Sweet / Pete Sutherland / New Nile Orchestra / Deadline Poet / Susan Piper / Bob Malone / Armor & Sturtevant / Mary Ann Rossini / Mica Richards / Justina & Joyce / Erica Wheeler / Vox One / Ilene Weiss / Michael Johnathon / Margo Hennebach / Laurie Rose Griffith & Peter Mealy / Dee Carstensen / Pete Nelson / Einstein’s Little Homonculus / Rachel Bisse / Chuck Brodsky / Robin Greenstein / Betty & The Baby Boomers / Terry Gonda / Karen Savoca & Pete Heitzman / Bernice Lewis / David Roth / Annie Gallup / Wildest Dreams Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
1997 1 concert
1996 1 concert
 Leah Tedesco
 The Valley Archivist

As Seen On: