Egoexpress Concert History

Mense Reents, blond, quiet, the moody type, plays in billions of bands Stella, die Goldenen Zitronen to name but two. Alongside this the many previous commitments live bassist with Das Neue Brot, Die Regierung and Huah!. Via all these bands Reents made contact with the so-called Hamburger Schule movement and was immediately up with people or down with people, or at any rate, in the middle of the action. De:Bug magazine called him: Hamburgs best house producer.

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Alternative R&B
UK Contemporary R&B
Dark Electro
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2006 3 concerts
2005 2 concerts
1999 1 concert
 Emma Symonds
 Odessa Stafford
 Enrico Schwind
 João Freitas

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