Eden's Curse Concert History

In January 2006 songwriter/bass player PAUL LOGUE of CRY HAVOC and United States born and bred vocalist MICHAEL EDEN decided to form a rock solid partnership cemented in Metal. The two were 100% positive that the music created between them would break down walls worldwide and have people asking questions. The two new friends spoke for hundreds of hours being creative before making a battle plan.

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Hard Rock
Heavy Metal
Power Metal
Melodic Metal
Melodic Hard Rock
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2018 5 concerts
2017 1 concert
2014 1 concert
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 2 concerts
2010 1 concert
2009 6 concerts
 Steve Brodie
 Dougie Currie
 Andy Maddison
 Alan Howie
 Ess Gee
 Mark Hutchinson
 Tracy Keen
 Adam Eastment
 Sean P
 Michael Chambers
 Stephen Wilkinson
 Megan Beale
 Richard Hepburn

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