Easy Lovers Concert History

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 13, 2013
Cobra Skulls / Easy Lovers / Off With Their Heads / Community Pools / Masked Intruder / Teenage Bottlerocket 89th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States
Apr 27, 2012
Norman Music Festival
True Widow / Smithers / Lola-Cola / Lizard Police / The French Inhales / Expo 70 / Easy Lovers / The Copperheads
Guestroom Records Norman, Oklahoma, United States
Apr 28, 2011 –
Apr 30, 2011
Norman Music Festival 2011 @ Downtown Norman, Ok
Ty Segall / White Denim / The Walkmen / Other Lives / Broncho / Black Joe Lewis & The Honeybears / Keller Williams / THE GUNSHIP / John Moreland / Daniel / Audra Mae / Kylie Morgan / Neighborhood / Hex / Skating Polly / Colour Revolt / Stardeath and White Dwarfs / The Damn Quails / The Burning Hotels / Lumerians / Colourmusic / Unwed Sailor / Monte Negro / Horse Thief / Non / Josh Sallee / Ok Sweetheart / Peelander-Z / The Trishas / Debris / Ali Harter / Los Hollywood / Rainbows Are Free / Deerpeople / Chrome Pony / Bulletproof Tiger / Carter Sampson / Travis Linville / traindodge / Foot Patrol / Beau Jennings / The Boom Bang / Sherree Chamberlain / Psychotic Reaction / Montú / Soye / Pretty Black Chains / The Luna Moth / thirteen stars / Dustin Prinz / JUNEBUG SPADE / K.C. Clifford / Chase Kerby / Mama Sweet / Love Collector / Dr. Pants / Ben Kilgore / Nathan Brown / Tony Romanello / The Stuffies / Native Lights / Followed By Static / Student Film / Penny Hill / Camille Harp / Brendan Parker / The Rockettops / Monty Harper / Vandevander / Kite Flying Robot / The Wurly Birds / John Calvin / Green Corn Revival / Depth & Current / Scott Hartman / O Fidelis / Denver Duncan / The Copperheads / Gentle Ghost / Hush Hush, Commotion / Saturday Sirens / The Rum Fellows / The Nghiems / The Electric Primadonnas / Jd Thompson / Brother Gruesome / Black Canyon / Brad Fielder / Bottle Service / Locust Avenue / Brine Webb / Klipspringer / Will Gardner / The Purple Church / Easy Lovers / Daniel Walcher / Glister / Dorian Small / Jacob Abello / Pidgin Band / Addlib / Crown Imperial / The Gentle Art of Floating / Bloody Ol' Mule / Love Button / Magnificent Bird / Rats Rats Rats / Ryan Lawson / Frmr / Rude Amps / Samurai Conquistadors / The Workweek / Flatland Travelers / Resident Funk / Scales Of Motion / Russell Kabir / Travis Pierce / Caravact / Brotherbear / Shitty / Unmarked Cars / The Mimsies / The Gussissin / Anna Kinder / Riley Jantzen / Bitchwizard / Zombie Vs. Shark / Acoustic Ross / Of the Tower / Syloken / A Fate Far Worse / Los Hijos Del Diablo / Tim Jennings / Psymbience / Tod Barrett / Emory Grey / The Needlepoints Show all bands
Downtown Norman, Ok Norman, OK, US
Apr 24, 2010 –
Apr 25, 2010
Norman Music Festival 2010
Dirty Projectors / Electric Six / The Sword / Broncho / Leon Russell / the Gourds / Graham Colton / James McMurtry / The Octopus Project / Those Darlins / Audra Mae / Ishi / Edan / Indian Jewelry / The Burning Hotels / Grupo Fantasma / Colourmusic / T.I.P. / Li'l Cap'n Travis / Evangelicals / Unwed Sailor / Wild Moccasins / Non / Current / Ali Harter / Psychedelic Horseshit / Red Alert / The Orbans / Deerpeople / Bear Colony / Eagle claw / Rainbows Are Free / Debris / Chase Pagan / The Hillbenders / Radiant / Hosty / traindodge / Dikes Of Holland / The Boom Bang / The City Lives / Beau Jennings / Chuck Allen Floyd / Sherree Chamberlain / Maggie McClure / Marcy Priest / Paul Benjaman Band / Lost at Sea / Montú / JUNEBUG SPADE / Sugar Free Allstars / Odis / Dustin Prinz / Psychotic Reaction / Mama Sweet / Dead Sea Choir / Student Film / Native Lights / Fate Lions / The Panda Resistance / Shane Henry / Fiawna Forte / John Calvin / Depth & Current / Kite Flying Robot / Camille Harp / Green Corn Revival / Dante Schmitz / Wondernaut / The Copperheads / Venus Bogardus / Jesse Aycock / Hush Hush, Commotion / Gentle Ghost / mayola / Son Del Barrio / Brother Gruesome / Locust Avenue / Anvil Salute / Easy Lovers / Bloody Ol' Mule / Daniel Walcher / Cécada / Jacob Abello / Brine Webb / Klipspringer / Ghost Of Monks-hood / Scales Of Motion / Social Klash / Brad Fielder / Love Button / The Workweek / Miss Blues / HipHopotamus / Katie Mariah / Shitty / Zombie Vs. Shark / Plaid Rabbit / Radio Deception / Dylan Hammett / Berkeley To D.C. Show all bands
Downtown Norman Main St. Norman, Oklahoma, United States
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 1 concert
 Michael Melvin 95

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