Druzy Concert History

Bri Conroy and Luc Alexiades, both one-half of Los Angeles based duo Druzy, are putting the 'fun' back in funk. With an intoxicating dose of '80s nostalgia packed between each verse, the dynamic duo have figured out the formula to get you up and dancing with one listen. Almost instantly, Conroy's alluring voice warns you not to underestimate her, and as upbeat as Druzy's songs are - there's a depth to them that can't be ignored.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jan 30, 2020
G_Rad / DJ NOFUX / Druzy / Late Bloomer

Bass in the Basement SZN 2, EP 2 : Southern Oregon Takeover

The Capitol Bend, Oregon, United States
Sep 14, 2018
RISE: A Gathering of Southern Oregon Bass Heads
Moniker / Pressha / N.O.X. / EYEMC / NoWa / Sbk / Dank Pif / G_Rad / NOFUX / Rukus / Bassmint / Z!snap / Taken Off / For The Wicked / Druzy / Sylvah Sol / Thro-Bvk / Valour / Funky Junky / Rizlo / Sine Language / Aeolus / Tearza / Murdaboh / Deathrage / StoopKid / Dick De'Purr Show all bands
101 W Fork Trail Creek Rd Trail, OR
2020 1 concert
2018 1 concert

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