Dragster Concert History

Dragster is the name of four different bands.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 03, 2023 –
Aug 06, 2023
Rebellion Festival 2023
16 Guns / 18 Fevers / 1983 / A Void / Ambition Demolition / Antagonizers ATL / Anti Nowhere League / The Attack / Attila the Stockbroker / Ausgang / Bad Manners / Bad Skin / Bar Stool Preachers / Bastard Squad / The Battery Farm / Beans on Toast / Big Country / Billyclub / Bite Me / Black Eddy / Black September / Blue Carpet Band / Blyth Power / Bob Vylan / Boggy Formby / Borrowed Time / The Briefs / Brix Smith / Cassie Fox / Cat and the Underdogs / Chaotic Dischord / Charlie Harper / Charred Hearts / Cheap Sex / Cherry & Peesh / Cherrym / The Chisel / Choked / Chub / Chubby and the Gang / Citizen Fish / Cock Sparrer / Clockwork Psycho / Colera / Conflict / Contempt / Contiental Lovers / Corrupted Youth / Coughin Vicars / Country Moans / Crisis / Culture Shock / The Cundeez / D.R.I. / Daffodildos / Dakka Skanks / Damh The Bard / Dangerous Dave and the Side Effects / Dave Sharp / David Delinquent and The I.O.U.S / Dayglo Abortions / Dead 77 / Dead City Rebels / Dead Fish / Dead Sheeran / Deadbeat At Dawn / DeeCracks / The DeRellas / Desperate Measures / The Dickies / Die Toten Hosen / The Dinz / Dirt Box Disco / DOA / Doug and the Slugz / Dragster / The Drowns / Dummy Toys / Duncan Reid & The Big Heads / Duncan Reid / Eastfield / Eater / Electric Press / Emily Flea / Erection / Eryx London / Evil Blizzard / The Exploited / The Fauves / Ferocious Dog / Filhos De Inacio / Fire Exit / Flores Y Fuego / FMA + 12 Gage / Foreign Legion / Fractured / Frenzy / The FU's / Gang Green / Gaye Bykers On Acid / The Generators / Ghost Dance / Gimpfist / Girls Like Us / Good Riddance / Grant Sharkey / Grito! / Hagar The Womb / Harbour Rebels / The Headlines / Headsticks / Healthy Junkiesd / Helen McCookerybook / Hellcity / Henry Cluney / Henry Rollins / Henshaw / Hi-Fi Spitfires / HR-Bad Brains / The Human Error / Hung Like Hanratty / I, Doris / Iconoclasts / Icons Of Filth / Il Complesso / In Evil Hour / The Insane / Instant Agony / Jess Raising Ravens / Jess Silk / Jessie Eastfield / Jo Jo & The Teeth / Joey Shithead / John E Vistic Rock N Roll Soundsystem / Jonny Robson / Kaleko Urdangak / Kerosin / Kicked in The Teeth / Kid Kapichi / Kings Alias / Knock Off / Knuckleheadz / Lambrini Girls / Last Tree Squad / Le Rox / Long Tall Texans / Loose Articles / Los Fastidios / Lost Cherrees / Lumpen / M.D.C. / Mannequin Death Squad / Mauri Clash / Max Splodge / The Meffs / Menace / Menace - A Tribute to Finn / Meryl Streek / The Meteors / Mick Rossi / Mick Rossi's Gun St / Midwich Cuckoos / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Millie Manders [Solo] / Millions of Dead Cowboys / Minatore / Misconduct / Muddy Summers & The DFWs / Murphy's Law / Narcoleptic Youth / Neville Staple / New Model Army / The Nightingales / The Nilz / No Consent / Noah And The Loners / Noogy / Nxb0dies / The Only Ones / Oorya / Opus Kink / The Outcasts / The Pack / Paranoid Visions / The Pawns / Pegboy / Penetration / Penny Blood / PET NEEDS / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Picture Frame Seduction / Pinhead Larry / Pirates of the Pubs / Pizzatramp / The Platitudes / Popes Of Chillitown / Problem Patterns / Protex / Public Serpents / Pulley / Raising Ravens / The Ramonas / The Ramstampits / Rat Boy / Raw Power / Razors / Red Bricks / Red London / Redeemon / Redlightz / Reno Divorce / Republica / Resistance 77 / The Restarts / The Rezillos / Riskee and the Ridiculue / Rites Of Hadda / Rubella Ballet / The Ruffianz / Rum Lad / Rumkicks / Ruts DC / Sak! / Sally Pepper / Screaming Dead / Sensa Yuma / The Shit Talkers / Sidekick / Simon & Gizzbutt / Skinny Lister / The Slackers / Slackrr / Slady / Slice of Life / Sloppy Seconds / Slow Faction / Sluggers 3 / Smoking Gives You Big Tits / Social Experiment / Sodaskapur / Spectrum 4 / Spizz Energi / Splodgenessabounds / The Sporadics / Spunk Volcano & The Eruptions / Static Kill / Steel Pulse / Steve Ignorant / Steve Lake / The Stitches / Subhumans / Sveltanas / The Swindells / T-Bitch / T.S.O.L. / Tape it Shut / Tear Up / Teenage Bottlerocket / Thee Acid Tongue / Tits Up / Tokky Horror / Toxic Reasons / Turtles Jr / TV Smith / TV Smith & Friends / TV Smith & Paranoid Visions / TV Smith & The Bored Teenagers / U.K. Subs / the vapors / Vic Ruggerio / Viki Vortex & The Cumshots / Virus / Voodoo Glow Skulls / The Wasps / Wasted Youth / Welch Boys / Wolfpack / The Young Ones / Yer Mum / Zen Baseball Bat / Zero Tolerance / The Zipz / Zounds Show all bands
Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Aug 04, 2022 –
Aug 07, 2022
Rebellion Punk Music Festival 2022
999 / Acidez / The Adolescents / Altered Images / Alternative / Anti-Flag / The Antipoet / Arch Rivals / Asfixia Social / The Avengers / Backstreet Abortions / Bad Ass / The Bar Stool Preachers / Batallion Zoska / Beans on Toast / Benefits / Billy Bragg / Bishops Green / Blockheads / Blyth Power / Bob Vylan / The Bolokos / Booze & Glory / The Bouncing Souls / The Boys / Bridge City Sinners / Broken Cuffs / Buzzcocks / Chameleons / Chaotic Dischord / Chelsea / Cherry & Peesh / The Chisel / Chron Gen / Circle Jerks / Cock Sparrer / Cockney Rejects / Conflict / Corrupted Youth / Country Moans / Crashed Out / Crimetime / Cro-Mags / Crown Court / Culture Shock / The Cundeez / Danbert Nobacon / Dead 77 / Dedo Podre / Dee Skusting & The Rodents / DeeCracks / Death Trails / The Defects / Demob / The DeRellas / Desperate Measures / The Dickies / Dirtbox Disco / Discharge / DOA / Dog Rotten / Doyle / Dragster / Dreadzone / Drongos For Europe / The Drowns / Emily Flea / The Exploited / Ferocious Dog / Filhos de Inácio / Fire Exit / Fluffy Machine / From The Jam / Funeral Dress / Gareth James / Gary Numan / GBH / GENN / Gimpfist / The Godfathers / Gogoponies / The Gonads / Grade 2 / Grandmas House / Grant Sharkey / He Who Cannot Be Named / Headsticks / Healthy Junkies / Heavy Lungs / Hellcity / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Hollie Cook / Honey Bane / Hung Like Hanratty / I, Doris / IDestroy / Infa Riot / Janus Stark / Jess Silk / Jilted John / JOHN / Karl Philips & The Rejects / Kicked in The Teeth / Knife Club / Knock Off / The Last Resort / Last Tree Squad / The Lee Harveys / Levellers / Los Fastidios / The Lovely Eggs / M.D.C. / M.D.M. / Maid of Ace / Mau Maus / Mauri Clash / The Meffs / Menace / Mick Rossi's Gun St / Miffy Englefield / Migrana Social / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Millions of Dead Cowboys / Miss Fragile / Misty In Roots / Moscow Death Brigade / Motorheadache / Newtown Neurotics / Nick Cash / The Outcasts / Paranoid Visions / Patriot / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Peter & The Test Tube Babies / Peter Hook & The Light / Petrol Bastard / Pirates of the Pubs / Pizzatramp / Plizzken / pop will eat itself / Popes Of Chillitown / The Primitives / The Professionals / Radical Dance Faction / The Ramonas / Redlightz / Resistance 77 / The Restarts / The Rezillos / Riskee & The Ridicule / Roundeye / Rumkicks / RUST / Ruts DC / Sally Pepper / The Samples / Sex Gang Children / Sham 69 / The skids / Slackrr / Slaughter Bite Back / Slice of Life / Smiley and The Underclass / Spear of Destiny / Special Duties / Spectrum 4 / Splodgenessabounds / Spunge / Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions / Squeeze / Steve Drewett / Steve Ignorant / Stiff Little Fingers / The Stranglers / The Stupids / Sub Existencia / Subalternos / Subhumans / Suede Razors / Surgery Without Research / Sveltanas / T-Bitch / The Take / Takers & Users / Tiger Sex / Tim Holehouse / Tom Robinson Band / Tom Tom and the Knuckleheads / Toyah / Turtles Jr / UK Subs / Ultra Sect / The Undertones / the vapors / Vomit / Vulpynes / The Warriors / The Wildhearts / Wonk Unit / Young Offenders / Yer Mum / Zero Tolerance Show all bands
Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Jun 01, 2019 –
Jun 02, 2019
Camden Rocks Festival 2019
Frank Turner / Wheatus / Ash / The Pigeon Detectives / Deaf Havana / Rat Boy / The Wonder Stuff / A / New Model Army / The Virginmarys / Eliza and The Bear / Hundred Reasons / Discharge / Vista Kicks / Pretty Vicious / Angelic Upstarts / Carl Barât / Skinny Lister / loathe / Sonic Boom Six / The Last Internationale / Glamour Of The Kill / Milk Teeth / Ego / Our Hollow, Our Home / [Spunge] / Lighthouse / Karima Francis / Bridges / Area 11 / Hurricane #1 / SHVPES / Desperate Journalist / The Professionals / Driftwood / Orchards / Random Hand / King Nun / The Luka State / Luna Bay / Warrior Soul / Raging Speedhorn / Red Rum Club / Acres / Wild Front / Strange Bones / Hands Off Gretel / Ferocious Dog / Skarlett Riot / The Lottery Winners / Asylums / Lebrock / Ruts DC / Chamberlain / the spitfires / Towers Of London / The Skinner Brothers / Jeremy? / Bang Bang Romeo / REWS / Spit / Press To Meco / The Dunts / Ginger Wildheart / Lotus Eater / Catholic Action / Bottom Line / Saint Agnes / THECITYISOURS / Coast to Coast / Hello Operator / False Heads / Richie Ramone / Rascalton / The Franklys / The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing / Never Not Nothing / Koyo / SUGARTHIEF / Beach For Tiger / Buster Shuffle / RAVENFACE / Bad Touch / Cavalcade / Mellor / Greywind / John J Presley / wars / White Eskimo / Ondt Blod / Catch Fire / Drool / Behind Blue Eyes / Bitch Falcon / Seán McGowan / Alexis Kings / The Black Roses / Short Stories / Queensway / Lazy Day / Sweet Things / Annabel Allum / Juicebox / Soeur / Nervus / Queen Zee / Janus Stark / Glen Matlock / Phoxjaw / The Howlers / Cruel Hearts Club / Exist Immortal / Earl Slick / On Video / Brand New Friend / Black Orchid Empire / Riskee and the Ridicule / River Becomes Ocean / The Kut / Big Boy Bloater / Duchess / Berries / Flight Brigade / white trash / Colt 45 / Rubber Jaw / Gold Key / The Five Hundred / Novacub / Average Sex / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Mutant Monster / Dead Label / Dirty Thrills / Vigilantes / Healthy Junkies / The Liptones / Projector / Death Remains / Heavy Rapids / Modern Error / Dragster / The Estevans / Pengshui / Sulpher / Sworn Amongst / Oxygen Thief / Harry Marshall / Lots Holloway / The Wood Burning Savages / Collateral / Federal Charm / The Hip Priests / Famous Class / No Fit State / apollo junction / Adam Masterson / Natalie Shay / The Hyena Kill / The Adventures Of / The Inklings / JOANovARC / Los Pepes / King Creature / Jayce Lewis / Outer Stella Overdrive / Guitar Gangsters / As Sirens Fall / Lara Smiles / Miracle Glass Company / The Cruel Knives / Sleaze / V2A / Luke Rainsford / Killit / Thousand Thoughts / Lost in Stereo / Tova / FAERS / Indian Queens / deux furieuses / Longy / Maven / Kit Trigg / Sick Love / Tokyo Taboo / The Empty Page / Glass Peaks / Big Boy Bloater & the Limits / Doomsday Outlaw / Seasonal / Two Year Break / Last Great Dreamers / Salvation Jayne / Red Method / Mercutio / All Ears Avow / Suzie Stapleton / Delaire the Liar / Rival Karma / Glossii / Playmaker / The Garage Flowers / Daxx & Roxane / Novatines / The Dirty Strangers / PET NEEDS / The Collier / Urock / Calico Jack / No Violet / The Idol Dead / Cellar Door Moon Crow / MUX / Ventenner / Derange / IAMWARFACE / D_Drive / The Brandy Thieves / The Chords UK / Sweet Crisis / The SoapGirls / Gaygirl / KNOCKSVILLE / Al Moses / Syteria / Weekend Recovery / At The Sun / The DSM IV / Brightlight City / Late Night Legacy / Funeral Shakes / Best Of Enemies / Tom Lumley / Hawxx / A Story To Tell / Matty James Cassidy / Vía Dolorosa / Dirty Orange / Sugar Horse / Selfworth / Silvercord / Bugeye / Mick O'Toole / The Purple Lights / Coast to Coast UK / Monty Taft / The Gulps / Non Canon / Laulia / Toffees / The Black Orchids / Third Lung / Dutch Mustard / Bad Solution / Sugarwolf / Bengal Lancers / Tony Goff & The Broken Colours / Henry Grace / Lee Patterson / Panic Island / Izzy Thomas / Lloyd Llewellyn / Thunder on the Left / Fine Creatures / MYOK / Pilgrims' Dream / Indya / Pretty Pistol / Ringo Franco / Black Sixteen / The Silver Bayonets / This Year's Ghost / The Filthy Spectacula / DR!FTWOOD / Colt48 / young garbo / XIII Weeks / The Wild Things / Repair to Ruin / London SS / Priests to Pilots / Flesh Tetris / J.W. Paris / Thieves Of Liberty / After Smoke Clears / Rhyn / Witchingseason / The Bottom Line (UK) / LEONTAS / Bexatron / Man The Lifeboats / Tenyson / Flawless Carbon / River Hounds / The Muffin Heads / Waterfools / Unknown Chapters / 10 Gauge / Puppet Kings / Silent Cities / BRIDGES (UK) / COLORWAVE / BoyFromTheCrowd / Dig Lazarus / Cross Wires / Dead at Eleven / From Once We Came / ROE (NI) / The Midwich Cuckoos / Ping Pong Warrior / Nash Albert / Desert Clouds / Waco (UK) / Flavour Nurse / Sinka / Arcane Militia / Jack and Sally / The Good Tenants / Shaun O'Reilly / Black Roze / Building Giants / Plain Sails / Youth Illusion / Rich Ragany & the Digressions / The Offdays / Joe Asteroid / The Pearl Hearts / Twin Jackal / Prisoners of Mother England / Undead Raisins / Rollers of bedlam / Black Lightning / Junky Love / Lunar Echoes / Louzada / DAM_FINO / Die Ego / Maxx Palmer / Slip Digby / L Sicario / Shea Rafferty / Seven Days And Doesn't Die / BLESS (UK) / Colt 48 / Sasha & The Shades / DROOL (UK) / Brain Ape / Albany (UK) / Living On Universal Denial / Jonny Weathers / Duck Lips / Marty Broke My Heart / Dan Coburn / TVVINNS / SILVERKORD / THE WiDOWS UK / Autopilot (UK) / Ryuketsu Blizzard / Everything Imagined / JuiceBox (UK) / Angerland / Polly Pik Pocketzs / David Stevens And The Beguiled / The Tip UK / The Respites / Snak Dracula / Offend My Ego Show all bands
Camden Rocks Festival London, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for Jun 01, 2019
Feb 09, 2019
Dragster / wars / TRVS PRKNS / Plague / Plague UK / David Stevens And The Beguiled / The Midwich Cuckoos / The Unprecedented UK / Black Powder Merchants / High Vis The Monarch London, England, United Kingdom
Jan 08, 2019
DragSTER / Ruts DC / Blue Carpet Band 100 Club London, England, United Kingdom
Dec 08, 2018
Healthy Junkies / Dragster The Unicorn London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 04, 2017
Rebellion Festival
"Rebellion Festival" / Svetlanas / Rain City Drive / Wonk Unit / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / The F.U.'s / M.D.C. / Dragster / Petrol Girls / The Outfit / Youth Man / D.O.A. / The Real McKenzies / Subhumans / Vice Squad / Argy Bargy / Tagada Jones / Membranes / Maid of Ace / The Kenneths / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / The Professionals / The Members / The Godfathers / TV Smith / Protex / Interrobang!? / Sheer Terror / Foreign Legion / Sick on the Bus / Los Fastidios Show all bands
Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Aug 03, 2017 –
Aug 06, 2017
Rebellion Festival 2017
Abrasive Wheels / The Agitators / Angelic Upstarts / ANGER FLARES / Anti-Nowhere League / B Squadron / Bad Religion / The Bar Steward Sons Of Val Doonican / The Bar Stool Preachers / Booze & Glory / Brains All Gone / Brassick / Brassknuckle / Bratakus / Buster Shuffle / Church of Confidence / Combat Shock / The Creepshow / The Cundeez / Davey Malone / Dirt Box Disco / D.O.A. / Dragster / The Dreadnoughts / Drongos For Europe / The Droogettes / Duncan Reid & The Big Heads / Epic Problem / Face To Face / Fire Exit / Frank Carter & The Rattlesnakes / The Franklys / The Gakk / Gimp Fist / Glen Matlock / Grade 2 / Hands Off Gretel / Headsticks / Headstone Horrors / Hobo Jones & The Junkyard Dogs / Hospital Food / Inca Babies / In Evil Hour / Kenneths / Kiss My Acid / The Kopek Millionaires / The Kut / The Last Gang / The Lee Harveys / The Liptones / Los Fastidios / The Lurkers / Maid of Ace / Matilda's Scoundrels / The Members / The Membranes / Menace / Nothington / The Not Sensibles / On The Job / Pennywise / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Petrol Girls / Popes Of Chillitown / The Professionals / The Proles / Propagandhi / Psychords / The Real McKenzies / Reno Divorce / The Resignators / Resistance 77 / Richie Ramone / Rock & Roll Gypsies / Ruebella Ballet / Screech Bats / Scumbrians / Sem Futuro / The Senton Bombs / Sensa Yuma / Sham 69 / The Shrives / Slaves / Spirit Bomb / Splodgenessabounds / Spoilers / Spunk Volcano And The Eruptions / Super Fast Girlie Show / Svetlanas / Tagada Jones / Takers & Users / Teenage Bottlerocket / Terminal Rage / Top Dog / Toyah / Turbulent Hearts / The Tuts / UK's Lowest / UK Subs / Vice Squad / Wolf Bites Boy / 13 Bats / 88 Fingers Louie / Leftover Crack / Roddy radiation and the skabilly rebels / Skaciety / The Zero boys / Knock Off / Subhumans UK / Wonk Unit / Citizen Fish / 999 / Millie Manders & The Shut Up Show all bands
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Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Sep 10, 2016
Undercover Festival
"Undercover Festival" / Dreadzone / Sonic Boom Six / Eddie & The Hot Rods / Spear of Destiny / Dragster / Witchdoktors
Brighton Racecourse Brighton, England, United Kingdom
Aug 08, 2014
Rebellion 2014 - Day 2 of 4
Rotunda / The Talks / Night Of Treason / Self Abuse / The Filaments / Splodgenessabounds / Argy Bargy / Pauline Murray / TV Smith & The Bored Teenagers / Dragster / GBH / Ramonas / The Fits / The Dictators NYC / The Gonads / Jello Biafra / The Ejected / Patrik Fitzgerald / The Men They Couldn't Hang / Slaughter & The Dogs / Reagan Youth / Doctor & The Medics / Stiff Little Fingers / Anti-Pasti / Case Show all bands
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Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Jun 28, 2014
Vice Squad / TV Smith / Dragster / The Latchicos / The Phobics / The Threats
100 Club London, England, United Kingdom
Aug 10, 2013
Rebellion Festival
"Rebellion Festival" / Misfits / Cock Sparrer / Cockney Rejects / U.K. Subs / Street Dogs / King Prawn / Vice Squad / 999 / Jaya The Cat / Texas Terri Bomb! / Dragster / The Rezillos / The Warriors / The Uppercuts / The Varukers / Terveet Kädet / Harrington Saints / The Smears / Random Hand / New Town Kings / Reazione / The Mahones / The Offenders Show all bands
Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Jul 13, 2012
"GuilFest" / Jools Holland & his Rhythm & Blues Orchestra / The Straits / Beth Hart / Buzzcocks / Roland Gift / The Skints / Subscape / Pyramid / Polar / LostAlone / Ben Montague / Nell Bryden / ABC / Heaven 17 / The Doors Alive / Macavity's Cat / The Fortunate / TV Smith / Dragster / The Ramonas / Kids In Glass Houses / Black Spiders / Devil Sold His Soul / Pint Shot Riot / Electric River / Benga / Mitch Benn Show all bands
Stoke Park Guildford, United Kingdom
Jul 13, 2012 –
Jul 15, 2012
Guilfest 2012
ABC / According To You / Ade / A Few Days Remain / The After Affect / Agent Smith / Ahab / Aimee / Alex Louise / Alistair Griffin / Alvin Stardust / Andy C / Andy Deurden / Apache Chief / A Room Swept White / Ash / Avenue Dispute / Avondale 45 / Bastille / The Beat / Bemis / Benga / Ben Montague / Beth Hart / Björn Again / Black Iris / Black Spiders / Bokwa / Boo / Brian M / The Brompton Mix / Brookes Brothers / Bryan Ferry / Buzzcocks / Candi Staton / Captain Flatcap / Carthis / Chalk Angels / Chancers / Charley Farley Sunday Four / Cher Lloyd / Chic / Chords UK / City of Ashes / Coma 69 / Corey Sharp / COW / Cremyll Road / The Crosstown Trio / Crowns / Deaf Jams B2B Murkle / Delilah's Eye / Delion / Devil Sold His Soul / Dirty Legion / Dirty Ugly Punk Monkeys / Dismantle / Disorda / District 6 / Diversion Tactics / DJ Miracle / DJ Shep / DJ Tom Lockdown / Dream Overkill / Dr Zygote / Dodgy / Dorian Graze / Dragster / Doomed from Day One / D.Trac3d / Dub Fidelity / Ed Patton / Elliot James / Elvis and Friends / Eptune / Everything But Arms / Every Other Weekend / Exit_International / Fable / The Fail / Fearless Vampire Killers / Feed the Rhino / Fella / The Fortunate / Franklin / Freshold B2B Retrix / Friction / Gary Numan / Gavin Thomas / Ghost Writers / The Glitter Band / Goldblade / The Goldtones / Graham Taylor / Guildford Vox Community Choir / Gutterfly / Habit / Hannah Perrin / Haptic / Harry Houseago / Heaven 17 / Hector's House / Hillsy / The Hutchinson Brothers / Identity / Invaders / It Varies / I Was A Hurricane / Jailbait / Jakob Deist / Jay Info / Jazzy M / Jesus Wears Addidas / Jimmy Cliff / Jimmy Jumps / Joanna Weston / John Spillane / Johnny Luv / Jools Holland / Jordan Lisle / The Kalebs / Kamla / Keith Donnelly / Kevlar B2B Fierce / KFC / Kid Capola / Kids In Glass Houses / Klean Livin Kru / Kreepah & Tone Deaf / Levi Roots / Lillian Todd Jones / Lindsay Jokling / Lisa Kwei Band / Look! No Hands! / Loose Talk Costs Lives / LostAlone / Macavity's Cat / Mandrills / Mary Miss Fairy / Massmatiks / May Contain Nuts / Mayflys / Millions Like Us / Miss Demeanour / Mocara / Moment Too Late / The Morellas / MP5 / Mr. B The Gentleman Rhymer / Mr Jim / Mug Shot / Mungo Jerry / Natalie Ross / Nell Brydon / Newtown Kings / Nicolette Street / Nouvelle Vague / Nova Scotia / Nylon Sky / Ocean's Ink / Olly And Sam Bare Jams / Olly Murs / Ovidian / Paper Boats / Passenger Smith / Paul Carella / Paul Gibbard / Peach / Penance / Pint Shot Riot / Polar / The Priscillas / Private Jet / Professor Stretch / Pyramid (England) / Quarrel / Que To Mutiny / Redeye / Red Horizon / Redshift / Redwood / Republica / Return Of Thanks / Rhizomes / Rob Loco / Rock Choir / Rolo Tomassi / Ross Bennett / The Rubberbandits / The Salts / Sarus / Scott Hutchinson / Scud Penguin / Seventh Seeker / The Sex Pistols Experience / Sharks / Shotgun House / The Sian Sanderson Band / Sigma / The Signal Fires / Simon Friend / Quiet Engines / The Ramonas / The Rapids / The Sirens / Skylarks / Skyline / Slider / Skindred / The Skints / The Son / The South / Squeaky Da Riksta / The Stanley Blacks / The Steadyman Band / Steve Appleton / Stone Foundation / Stooshe / The Straits / Street Vibes / Sub Focus / Subscape / The Sundaes / Sundara Karma / Synergy / Take Fat / TC Smythe / Thank You London / Tim Minchin / Tin Palace / Today We Fly / Tommy Ashby / Tomorrow Is Ours / The Tones / Tormead Jazz Band / Track Of Words / TRC / The Trellicks / Trenchtown / The True Deceivers / Tumbleweed / TV Smith / Tyranasaurus Alan / Uke Jam / The Unbelievable Freeloaders From Mars / The Undertones / Underview / United Stoats Of America / Unsung Lilly / Upon the Shore / The Validators / Vanity Draws Blood / Velvet Razor / The Vibe Tribe / Victor P / Voodoo Rising / Wake The Dreamers / Water For Boats / We Are Superheroes / We Struck Lucky / Wayward Chile / White Hot Flames / Will B And The Bikini Black Special / The Witchdokters / Wizard Sleeve / Wizzi / The Wonder Stuff / Wonk Unit / The Wurzels / Yashin / Young Guns / Yearbook / The Zone / Passport to Stockholm / KiZmiT Show all bands
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Stoke Park Guildford, England, United Kingdom
Aug 04, 2011 –
Aug 07, 2011
Pennywise / The Damned / The Bouncing Souls / The Hood Internet / The Exploited / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / The Adicts / Authority Zero / The Dickies / GBH / Off! / Street Dogs / UK Subs / Subhumans / The Vibrators / The Skints / Eddie and the Hot Rods / Cock Sparrer / Blame / The Boys / 999 / A Wilhelm Scream / The Meteors / Control / Captain Sensible / Anti-Nowhere League / The Business / The Creepshow / Fiend / Bay city rollers / MDC / Sarah Blackwood / Mad Sin / Left Alone / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Vice Squad / Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of Medicine / Toyah / Jaya The Cat / Astronauts / Crows / Capdown / Citizen Fish / The Lurkers / London / Slaughter and the Dogs / Mike Scott / Booze & Glory / Exposed / Varukers / Menace / The Old Firm Casuals / Random Hand / Fearless Vampire Killers / Middle Finger Salute / Deadline / Kunt And The Gang / Devils Brigade / Splodgenessabounds / The Duel / Frenzy / Infa Riot / The JB Conspiracy / Mouthwash / TV Smith / The Have Not$ / English Dogs / Jons / Red Alert / The Filaments / Hard Skin / Neck / Pipes and Pints / Segismundo Toxicomano / RUST / The Grit / Strawberry Blondes / Goldblade / Crack / Newtown Neurotics / The Here and Now / Guilty Pleasures / Argy Bargy / Dirty Revolution / Major Accident / Red Eyes / The Human Project / Rubella Ballet / ATV / Stage Bottles / The Defects / Gimp Fist / Stza Crack / The Cravats / Stupids / Hateful / Sick on the Bus / Louise Distras / Heavy Metal Kids / Resistance 77 / Rat City Riot / Runnin' Riot / Tom Hingley / The Agitators / Dragster / Tyrannosaurus Alan / Captain Hotknives / Crashed Out / Texas Terri Bomb / Billy Liar / Threats / Guttersnipe / Paranoid Visions / Section 5 / Drongos For Europe / Marching Orders / Eastfield / Atheist Rap / Choking Susan / Ex-Cathedra / Criminal Class / Dipsomaniacs / Glen Matlock and The Philistines / The Rockabellas / On Trial / Demob / Radio Dead Ones / Ben Potter / Broken Nose / Perkie / Resolution 242 / A-Heads / H.D.Q. / The Zips / Church of Confidence / Anti-Vigilante / Spanner / Drunken Balordi / Geoffrey Oi!cott / Hotwired / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Mangled / Bootstroke / The Bleach Boys / Fornicators / Mike Marlin / Poisoned Electrick Head / Jericho Hill / Girlfixer / Monkish / Joe Tilston / Towerblocks / The Septic Psychos / Pascal Briggs / Instant Agony / Paul Carter / The Red Eyes (UK) / The Angry Agenda / Emily & the Faves / Pink Hearse / El Morgan / Charred Hearts / Tight Finks / Steve Rawles / Sensa Yuma / Balsall Heathens / 3CR / Chas Palmer Williams / Backbiter / Maximum Rnr / Surfin Turnips / Picture Frame Seduction / Reazione / 5 Shitty Fingers / Simon Friend / New Forbidden / Matt Voodoo / Mike Only / Short Bus Window Lickers / Gimpfist / Noise Agents / A Heads / Kings of the Delmar / Barnyard Masturbator / One Man Stand / Biteback / Suicide Si / Dirty Folkers / Mauri Clash City Rocker / Dun2Def / Nick Cash / Bank Holiday Jez / The Disruptors / Robin Leitch / Abba Sensation / Tina Lee / The Shook Ups / Jonny One Lung / Last Amendment / Will Tun / The Multi-coloured Pop Shop / Prairie Dugz / Craig Temple / Jim Sorrow Show all bands
Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Nov 04, 2010
Dragster / Shy FX / Maximum Rnr / General / Nukebox Kasbah Coventry, England, United Kingdom
Aug 15, 2010
Vintage At Goodwood
"Vintage At Goodwood" / Heaven 17 / Gaggle / The Feeling / Kid Creole & the Coconuts / Chris Sullivan / The Damned / Matchbox / Keb Darge / Lonnie Donegan Band Feat. Peter Donegan / Dragster / The Puppini Sisters
Goodwood Estate Chichester, United Kingdom
Aug 05, 2010 –
Aug 08, 2010
Bad Religion / Streetlight Manifesto / New York Dolls / Peter Murphy / Stiff Little Fingers / Fucked Up / Strung Out / Agent Orange / Gallows / Agnostic Front / Big D And The Kids Table / Catch 22 / The King Blues / GBH / UK Subs / Subhumans / The Slackers / Dwarves / The Aggrolites / The Vibrators / The Skints / Discharge / Blame / Cro-Mags / Hazel O'Connor / The Rezillos / 999 / Control / The Godfathers / Cockney Rejects / 7Seconds / Perfect / Star Fucking Hipsters / Demented Are Go / Department S / Left Alone / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Sonic Boom Six / Vice Squad / Jaya The Cat / Penetration / Robin / Citizen Fish / Chelsea / The Lurkers / The Valentines / Slaughter and the Dogs / London / Mike Scott / Bombshell Rocks / Shapes / World/Inferno Friendship Society / The Last Resort / Varukers / Menace / Glitter Band / Random Hand / King Kurt / The Oppressed / Frantic Flintstones / Deadline / Channel 3 / The cynics / Kunt And The Gang / Middle Finger Salute / One Way System / This Is A Standoff / Broken Bones / The Duel / Splodgenessabounds / Vic Ruggiero / civet / Kevin Seconds / Viv Albertine / Blood Or Whiskey / Blitzkrieg / The JB Conspiracy / Abrasive Wheels / Mouthwash / TV Smith / Attila the Stockbroker / Gorgeous / Funeral Dress / Red Alert / The Filaments / Hard Skin / The Rabble / Dan Potthast / Neck / The Grit / Strawberry Blondes / Goldblade / Krawallbruder / Guilty Pleasures / Argy Bargy / The Pigs / Stomper 98 / Dirty Revolution / The Human Project / Stage Bottles / Gimp Fist / The Defects / Stza Crack / The Cravats / Punishment of Luxury / Intro5pect / Subterraneans / Sick on the Bus / The Skunks / Resistance 77 / The Stiffs / Accelerators / Suicide Bid / Klasse Kriminale / The Agitators / Tom Hingley / The Remnants / Static Thought / Dragster / Crashed Out / Captain Hotknives / Ich / Blaggers ITA / Billy Liar / Texas Terri Bomb / Section 5 / Drongos For Europe / Rentokill / Guitar Gangsters / Certified / The Dead Pets / Ed Tudor Pole / Choking Susan / Criminal Class / Dipsomaniacs / Ashers / Evacuate / On Trial / Radio Dead Ones / East End Badoes / Broken Nose / Perkie / Church of Confidence / Anti-Vigilante / Pete Bentham & The Dinner Ladies / Chris Butler / Geoffrey Oi!cott / Poisoned Electrick Head / Jericho Hill / Bastard Squad / BabyBoom / Girlfixer / Joe Tilston / Monkish / The Septic Psychos / No Thrills / Guns On The Roof / Andrew Cream / Chas / Paul Carter / The Red Eyes (UK) / Instant Agony / Keyside Strike / Some Sort of Threat / Pink Hearse / Charred Hearts / Poundaflesh / Sensa Yuma / Balsall Heathens / The Casual Terrorist / 3CR / Goo Goo Muck / Badtown / Rebel City Radio / Picture Frame Seduction / ZOOPARTY / Potential Victims / Reazione / Danger's Close / Flav Giorgini / Noise Agents / Max Splodge / G.G. Elvis and the T.C.P. Band / Mauri Clash City Rocker / Dun2Def / Nick Cash / Tina Lee / Abba Sensation / Chas & His Band / Arturo Bassick / Ben Childs / Johnny One Lung / Potential Victim / The Multi-coloured Pop Shop / Micky Oliver / Craig Temple / Play Daisy / Jim Sorrow Show all bands
Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
Aug 07, 2008 –
Aug 10, 2008
Chumbawamba / Grits / The Boomtown Rats / Stiff Little Fingers / Bad Manners / Agnostic Front / Voodoo Glow Skulls / The King Blues / The Dickies / Subhumans / UK Subs / Pain / The Vibrators / Cock Sparrer / Discharge / The Toasters / The Rezillos / Blame / 999 / Cockney Rejects / Anti-Nowhere League / The Business / Conflict / Peter And The Test Tube Babies / Vice Squad / Sonic Boom Six / [Spunge] / Total Chaos / Citizen Fish / The Lurkers / Chas 'n' Dave / Chelsea / 4 Skins / Varukers / Random Hand / Menace / Glitter Band / Heideroosjes / Deadline / Kunt And The Gang / Uproar / One Way System / Subway sect / Middle Finger Salute / The Duel / Splodgenessabounds / Blood Or Whiskey / Blitzkrieg / The Neville Staple Band / The JB Conspiracy / TV Smith / Johnny Moped / Failsafe / Attila the Stockbroker / Red Alert / The Rabble / Plague / Neck / Strawberry Blondes / Goldblade / Argy Bargy / Guilty Pleasures / Major Accident / Rubella Ballet / The Cravats / Hateful / Intro5pect / Sick on the Bus / 4ft Fingers / Accelerators / Suicide Bid / The Agitators / The Resignators / MDM / Dragster / Crashed Out / Fandangle / Captain Hotknives / Paranoid Visions / Section 5 / jc carroll / Inca Babies / Fast Cars / Bad Co. Project / Frontkick / Choking Susan / Dipsomaniacs / Criminal Class / Babar Luck / Grown At Home / Radio Dead Ones / East End Badoes / Devilish Presley / Disrupters / Mangled / Manufactured Romance / Outl4w / BabyBoom / Monkish / Molotov Cocktail / Ben Schofield / Mouthguard / Paul Carter / Instant Agony / the Lobotomies / Eddie Shit / DEAD HEROS / The Casual Terrorist / 3CR / Frank Sidebottom / Love & A .45 / Picture Frame Seduction / Dirtbird / Danger's Close / Knife Edge / The Amazing Space Frogs / Tina Lee / Nick Cash / Steve Drewett / London PX / Shame Academy / Jonny One Lung / The Multi-coloured Pop Shop / Play Daisy Show all bands
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Blackpool Winter Gardens Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
May 03, 2008
Mad Sin / The Damned / Buzzcocks / The Rezillos / The Beat / G.B.H. / Spunge / U.K. Subs / Deadline / Drongo's For Europe / Dragster / New York Alcoholic Anxiety Attack O2 Academy Liverpool Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Nov 04, 2007
Spit Like This / Dragster / Zombina and the Skeletones The Underworld London, England, United Kingdom

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Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Embedded by Didymus Holmes

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Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [257-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [256-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [255-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [254-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [253-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [252-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [251-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Rebellion Festival 2017 on Aug 3, 2017 [250-small]

Rebellion Festival 2017
Aug 3 - 6, 2017
 Blackpool, England, United Kingdom
  Uploaded by Didymus Holmes

Heavy Metal
Garage Punk
2023 1 concert
2022 1 concert
2019 3 concerts
2018 1 concert
2017 2 concerts
2016 1 concert
2014 2 concerts
2013 1 concert
2012 1 concert
2011 1 concert
2010 3 concerts
2008 2 concerts
2007 3 concerts
2006 2 concerts
2004 1 concert
1982 1 concert
 S Jackson16
 Ruairidh Wilson
 John Goaten
 Unusual Chris
 Dave Cauvin
 Graham Smith
 John Kemp Photography
 Ben Kortekaas
 Nicky Boothroyd
 Ij Travis
 Estee Alducente
 Sam Bateson
 Wayne Sullivan
 Oliver Hepp
 Ryan Davies

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