Doo Rag's 1993 Concert History

Duo hailing from Tucson, Arizona, whose music may be best described as lo-fi blues-trash. Whilst Bob Log III howled and modeled his repetitive guitar style on Mississippi Fred McDowell, Thermos Malling hammered out percussion on bits of junk metal placed on the ground.

Date Concert Venue Location
Nov 10, 1993
Crash Worship / Doo Rag RC Bridge Lounge New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Punk Blues
Tucson Indie
1997 1 concert
1996 3 concerts
1995 8 concerts
1994 6 concerts
1993 1 concert
1992 1 concert
 Old Man Winter
 Sacramento Shows
 Gordy Williams
 R Cushayer
 The High Epopt
 Erica Stover
 Bunnykins Mc Precious
 Eric Q
 Edward Shaver
 Abnormal Listening Habits
 Racket Club
 Joey Mizrahi
 Scot Phillips
 Marion Hardin
 Matthew Petz

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