Doe Paoro's 2019 Concert History

Sonia Kreitzer (born September 19, 1984 in Syracuse, New York, United States), known by her stage name Doe Paoro, is an American singer-songwriter based in Los Angeles, California, United States, whose ethereal sound blends elements of pop, dubstep, soul, and R&B and bears strong influence of Lhamo, a vocally acrobatic, centuries-old Tibetan folk opera tradition. Her debut album, Slow to Love, which Paoro composed while isolated in a cabin near her hometown of Syracuse, New York, was released on February 14, 2012.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 15, 2019
KT Tunstall / Doe Paoro Daryl's House Pawling, New York, United States
May 06, 2019
KT Tunstall / Doe Paoro The Imperial Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Indie Pop
Rhythm And Blues
Vapor Pop
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2019 2 concerts
2018 22 concerts
2017 10 concerts
2016 17 concerts
2015 18 concerts
2014 9 concerts
2013 3 concerts
2012 7 concerts
 Joe Saturday
 Heidy Griffin
 Chris Mount
 Michelle Elizabeth
 Craig Morrison
 Kelly Jean
 Joel Carriere

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