DMLH Concert History

Honest hip hop music for life in the new american dustbowl. DMLH tells a story of waking up amid collective dementia. Soul music for androids. Books for generation txt. Bottle scrolls floating in the cloud.

Date Concert Venue Location
Aug 21, 2012
Kristoff Krane / The Illusionists / Zac HB / DMLH

Kristoff Krane @ Berbati's Pan

Berbati's Pan Portland, Oregon, United States
Aug 05, 2012
Vans Warped Tour 2012
Taking Back Sunday / Sleeping With Sirens / Pierce the Veil / All Time Low / Above the Broken / After the Burial / Apollo / Ballyhoo! / Big Bang / Blood on the Dancefloor / Breathe Carolina / Blessthefall / Born of Osiris / Captain Capa / Champagne Champagne / Chelsea Grin / Cherrie Bomb / The Chicarones / City in Ashes / The Concussions / DJ Saucy / DMLH / Dusks Embrace / Echo Movement / Eddie Valient / Everytime I Die / Falling In Reverse / For Today / Four Year Strong / Geoff Rickly / The Ghost Inside / The Greatest American Heroes / The Heretic Foundation / Hostage Calm / I Call Fives / I Fight Dragons / Kate Morgan / Koji / Larry and His Flask / A Loss for Words / Lostprophets / Machine Gun Kelly / Make Do and Mend / Man Overboard / Matt Toka / Mayday Parade / Memphis May Fire / Might Mongo / Miss May I / Motionless in White / New Found Glory / Noise Brigade / Of Mice and Men / Oh No Fiasco / Onward, etc. / Owen Plant / P.J. Franco and the Burn-Outs / Polar Bear Club / Rise To Remain / SAS Attack / Senses Fail / Shifter / Sicarius / Sick of Sarah / Skinny Lister / Skip the Foreplay / Streetlight Manifesto / T. Mills / Title Fight / Tonight Alive / Tony D'angelo / Transit / Twin Atlantic / Vampires Everywhere! / Vanna / Verah Falls / We Are the In Crowd / We The Kings / Wick-it the Instigator / Yellowcard Show all bands
Rose Quarter Riverfront Portland, Oregon, United States
Hip Hop
Nigerian Pop
Afro Dancehall
West Coast
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