Dirty Thrills is a dirty blues-rock band from London founded on October 2012. Band members are Louis James (Lead Vocals), Jack Fawdry (Guitar), Steve Corrigan (Drums) and Aaron Plows (Bass). Their influences are Queens of the Stone Age, Black Keys, Led zeppelin, Rival Sons and Jack White. On November 2014 they had released their self-titled debut CD.
The Kentucky Headhunters / Jason & the Scorchers / Pig Iron / Voodoo Six / Gorilla Riot / Doomsday Outlaw / Stand Amongst Giants / Elevation Falls / Swamp Born Assassins / Nine Miles South / Collateral / Black Whiskey / Revival Black / Sons of Liberty / Dead Man's Whiskey / hells addiction / Dirty Thrills / The Outlaw Orchestra / Hell's Addiction / Hatfield Rising / The Jupiter Blues / Steve Jones and the Wildfires / Black Cat Bones
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Frank Turner / Wheatus / Ash / The Pigeon Detectives / Deaf Havana / Rat Boy / The Wonder Stuff / A / New Model Army / The Virginmarys / Eliza and The Bear / Hundred Reasons / Discharge / Vista Kicks / Pretty Vicious / Angelic Upstarts / Carl Barât / Skinny Lister / loathe / Sonic Boom Six / The Last Internationale / Glamour Of The Kill / Milk Teeth / Ego / Our Hollow, Our Home / [Spunge] / Lighthouse / Karima Francis / Bridges / Area 11 / Hurricane #1 / SHVPES / Desperate Journalist / The Professionals / Driftwood / Orchards / Random Hand / King Nun / The Luka State / Luna Bay / Warrior Soul / Raging Speedhorn / Red Rum Club / Acres / Wild Front / Strange Bones / Hands Off Gretel / Ferocious Dog / Skarlett Riot / The Lottery Winners / Asylums / Lebrock / Ruts DC / Chamberlain / the spitfires / Towers Of London / The Skinner Brothers / Jeremy? / Bang Bang Romeo / REWS / Spit / Press To Meco / The Dunts / Ginger Wildheart / Lotus Eater / Catholic Action / Bottom Line / Saint Agnes / THECITYISOURS / Coast to Coast / Hello Operator / False Heads / Richie Ramone / Rascalton / The Franklys / The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing / Never Not Nothing / Koyo / SUGARTHIEF / Beach For Tiger / Buster Shuffle / RAVENFACE / Bad Touch / Cavalcade / Mellor / Greywind / John J Presley / wars / White Eskimo / Ondt Blod / Catch Fire / Drool / Behind Blue Eyes / Bitch Falcon / Seán McGowan / Alexis Kings / The Black Roses / Short Stories / Queensway / Lazy Day / Sweet Things / Annabel Allum / Juicebox / Soeur / Nervus / Queen Zee / Janus Stark / Glen Matlock / Phoxjaw / The Howlers / Cruel Hearts Club / Exist Immortal / Earl Slick / On Video / Brand New Friend / Black Orchid Empire / Riskee and the Ridicule / River Becomes Ocean / The Kut / Big Boy Bloater / Duchess / Berries / Flight Brigade / white trash / Colt 45 / Rubber Jaw / Gold Key / The Five Hundred / Novacub / Average Sex / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Mutant Monster / Dead Label / Dirty Thrills / Vigilantes / Healthy Junkies / The Liptones / Projector / Death Remains / Heavy Rapids / Modern Error / Dragster / The Estevans / Pengshui / Sulpher / Sworn Amongst / Oxygen Thief / Harry Marshall / Lots Holloway / The Wood Burning Savages / Collateral / Federal Charm / The Hip Priests / Famous Class / No Fit State / apollo junction / Adam Masterson / Natalie Shay / The Hyena Kill / The Adventures Of / The Inklings / JOANovARC / Los Pepes / King Creature / Jayce Lewis / Outer Stella Overdrive / Guitar Gangsters / As Sirens Fall / Lara Smiles / Miracle Glass Company / The Cruel Knives / Sleaze / V2A / Luke Rainsford / Killit / Thousand Thoughts / Lost in Stereo / Tova / FAERS / Indian Queens / deux furieuses / Longy / Maven / Kit Trigg / Sick Love / Tokyo Taboo / The Empty Page / Glass Peaks / Big Boy Bloater & the Limits / Doomsday Outlaw / Seasonal / Two Year Break / Last Great Dreamers / Salvation Jayne / Red Method / Mercutio / All Ears Avow / Suzie Stapleton / Delaire the Liar / Rival Karma / Glossii / Playmaker / The Garage Flowers / Daxx & Roxane / Novatines / The Dirty Strangers / PET NEEDS / The Collier / Urock / Calico Jack / No Violet / The Idol Dead / Cellar Door Moon Crow / MUX / Ventenner / Derange / IAMWARFACE / D_Drive / The Brandy Thieves / The Chords UK / Sweet Crisis / The SoapGirls / Gaygirl / KNOCKSVILLE / Al Moses / Syteria / Weekend Recovery / At The Sun / The DSM IV / Brightlight City / Late Night Legacy / Funeral Shakes / Best Of Enemies / Tom Lumley / Hawxx / A Story To Tell / Matty James Cassidy / Vía Dolorosa / Dirty Orange / Sugar Horse / Selfworth / Silvercord / Bugeye / Mick O'Toole / The Purple Lights / Coast to Coast UK / Monty Taft / The Gulps / Non Canon / Laulia / Toffees / The Black Orchids / Third Lung / Dutch Mustard / Bad Solution / Sugarwolf / Bengal Lancers / Tony Goff & The Broken Colours / Henry Grace / Lee Patterson / Panic Island / Izzy Thomas / Lloyd Llewellyn / Thunder on the Left / Fine Creatures / MYOK / Pilgrims' Dream / Indya / Pretty Pistol / Ringo Franco / Black Sixteen / The Silver Bayonets / This Year's Ghost / The Filthy Spectacula / DR!FTWOOD / Colt48 / young garbo / XIII Weeks / The Wild Things / Repair to Ruin / London SS / Priests to Pilots / Flesh Tetris / J.W. Paris / Thieves Of Liberty / After Smoke Clears / Rhyn / Witchingseason / The Bottom Line (UK) / LEONTAS / Bexatron / Man The Lifeboats / Tenyson / Flawless Carbon / River Hounds / The Muffin Heads / Waterfools / Unknown Chapters / 10 Gauge / Puppet Kings / Silent Cities / BRIDGES (UK) / COLORWAVE / BoyFromTheCrowd / Dig Lazarus / Cross Wires / Dead at Eleven / From Once We Came / ROE (NI) / The Midwich Cuckoos / Ping Pong Warrior / Nash Albert / Desert Clouds / Waco (UK) / Flavour Nurse / Sinka / Arcane Militia / Jack and Sally / The Good Tenants / Shaun O'Reilly / Black Roze / Building Giants / Plain Sails / Youth Illusion / Rich Ragany & the Digressions / The Offdays / Joe Asteroid / The Pearl Hearts / Twin Jackal / Prisoners of Mother England / Undead Raisins / Rollers of bedlam / Black Lightning / Junky Love / Lunar Echoes / Louzada / DAM_FINO / Die Ego / Maxx Palmer / Slip Digby / L Sicario / Shea Rafferty / Seven Days And Doesn't Die / BLESS (UK) / Colt 48 / Sasha & The Shades / DROOL (UK) / Brain Ape / Albany (UK) / Living On Universal Denial / Jonny Weathers / Duck Lips / Marty Broke My Heart / Dan Coburn / TVVINNS / SILVERKORD / THE WiDOWS UK / Autopilot (UK) / Ryuketsu Blizzard / Everything Imagined / JuiceBox (UK) / Angerland / Polly Pik Pocketzs / David Stevens And The Beguiled / The Tip UK / The Respites / Snak Dracula / Offend My Ego
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Playmaker / Frank Turner / Wheatus / Ash / The Pigeon Detectives / Deaf Havana / Rat Boy / The Wonder Stuff / A / New Model Army / The Virginmarys / Eliza and The Bear / Hundred Reasons / Discharge / Carl Barât / Angelic Upstarts / Pretty Vicious / Vista Kicks / Skinny Lister / Sonic Boom Six / Glamour Of The Kill / [Spunge] / Lighthouse / Karima Francis / Milk Teeth / The Last Internationale / Bridges / Hurricane #1 / Ego / Area 11 / Our Hollow, Our Home / Driftwood / Desperate Journalist / Random Hand / The Professionals / Warrior Soul / Raging Speedhorn / SHVPES / Luna Bay / Asylums / Towers Of London / Ruts DC / Acres / Orchards / King Nun / Spit / Chamberlain / Wild Front / Jeremy? / Ferocious Dog / The Luka State / the spitfires / Ginger Wildheart / Skarlett Riot / Strange Bones / The Franklys / Coast to Coast / loathe / Catholic Action / Press To Meco / Bottom Line / Richie Ramone / REWS / Hello Operator / The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing / THECITYISOURS / John J Presley / Hands Off Gretel / Cavalcade / Greywind / RAVENFACE / Mellor / Short Stories / Beach For Tiger / The Black Roses / Buster Shuffle / Bang Bang Romeo / The Lottery Winners / Sweet Things / Catch Fire / White Eskimo / Bad Touch / The Dunts / Rascalton / Lebrock / SUGARTHIEF / Ondt Blod / Janus Stark / Behind Blue Eyes / Koyo / Saint Agnes / wars / Seán McGowan / Red Rum Club / Queensway / Alexis Kings / Glen Matlock / Earl Slick / Juicebox / Black Futures / Bitch Falcon / The Howlers / Annabel Allum / The Skinner Brothers / False Heads / Big Boy Bloater / Soeur / Lotus Eater / Lazy Day / white trash / Flight Brigade / Exist Immortal / Drool / Colt 45 / Nervus / The Kut / Death Remains / Brand New Friend / Dirty Thrills / The Liptones / Vigilantes / Queen Zee / Healthy Junkies / Dragster / Famous Class / Oxygen Thief / Adam Masterson / Gold Key / Sworn Amongst / The Adventures Of / Sulpher / Federal Charm / Dead Label / Average Sex / The Hip Priests / The Hyena Kill / River Becomes Ocean / Riskee and the Ridicule / Guitar Gangsters / The Five Hundred / Lara Smiles / Los Pepes / Black Orchid Empire / deux furieuses / The Wood Burning Savages / Sleaze / Jayce Lewis / Berries / Killit / V2A / The Inklings / JOANovARC / Miracle Glass Company / Heavy Rapids / FAERS / Rubber Jaw / Lost in Stereo / Collateral / Lots Holloway / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Big Boy Bloater & the Limits / Longy / Luke Rainsford / Glass Peaks / Maven / Projector / Kit Trigg / Harry Marshall / Mutant Monster / Duchess / Indian Queens / King Creature / Natalie Shay / Last Great Dreamers / The Empty Page / Doomsday Outlaw / Mercutio / Tokyo Taboo / All Ears Avow / The Dirty Strangers / No Fit State / The Estevans / Phoxjaw / apollo junction / Suzie Stapleton / The Garage Flowers / The Cruel Knives / Modern Error / Seasonal / The Idol Dead / Salvation Jayne / As Sirens Fall / The Brandy Thieves / Rival Karma / The Collier / Ventenner / No Violet / MUX / D_Drive / Best Of Enemies / Funeral Shakes / Matty James Cassidy / Cellar Door Moon Crow / The Chords UK / Brightlight City / KNOCKSVILLE / Tom Lumley / Calico Jack / Urock / A Story To Tell / Derange / Daxx & Roxane / Tova / Vía Dolorosa / Novacub / Novatines / Pengshui / IAMWARFACE / The Purple Lights / Weekend Recovery / Coast to Coast UK / At The Sun / Syteria / Dirty Orange / Late Night Legacy / The SoapGirls / Mick O'Toole / Toffees / Non Canon / Panic Island / Bad Solution / Thousand Thoughts / Sweet Crisis / Al Moses / Bengal Lancers / On Video / Gaygirl / Fine Creatures / Izzy Thomas / Thunder on the Left / Red Method / Tony Goff & The Broken Colours / Pretty Pistol / Black Sixteen / Silvercord / Bugeye / Third Lung / Lee Patterson / Selfworth / Two Year Break / This Year's Ghost / The DSM IV / Ringo Franco / Rhyn / Lloyd Llewellyn / Priests to Pilots / The Silver Bayonets / Monty Taft / Flawless Carbon / The Filthy Spectacula / London SS / Sugarwolf / The Black Orchids / Outer Stella Overdrive / PET NEEDS / The Muffin Heads / Glossii / DR!FTWOOD / River Hounds / Witchingseason / BRIDGES (UK) / Silent Cities / Puppet Kings / Tenyson / Delaire the Liar / LEONTAS / The Bottom Line (UK) / Waco (UK) / Repair to Ruin / Laulia / Sick Love / Henry Grace / BoyFromTheCrowd / Indya / Colt48 / J.W. Paris / ROE (NI) / Bexatron / Dead at Eleven / Cross Wires / Waterfools / From Once We Came / COLORWAVE / Desert Clouds / Nash Albert / The Gulps / Arcane Militia / 10 Gauge / Flesh Tetris / Flavour Nurse / Sugar Horse / The Good Tenants / young garbo / Thieves Of Liberty / Man The Lifeboats / The Pearl Hearts / XIII Weeks / Undead Raisins / Plain Sails / Dig Lazarus / Junky Love / The Midwich Cuckoos / Black Lightning / Pilgrims' Dream / MYOK / Hawxx / Unknown Chapters / Joe Asteroid / Dutch Mustard / Prisoners of Mother England / BLESS (UK) / Shaun O'Reilly / Twin Jackal / Rich Ragany & the Digressions / Rollers of bedlam / Jack and Sally / DAM_FINO / Louzada / Lunar Echoes / Building Giants / Colt 48 / Black Roze / Ping Pong Warrior / The Offdays / Sinka / Youth Illusion / L Sicario / Seven Days And Doesn't Die / Dan Coburn / Slip Digby / Brain Ape / Maxx Palmer / DROOL (UK) / Die Ego / Jonny Weathers / Living On Universal Denial / Ryuketsu Blizzard / Autopilot (UK) / Albany (UK) / Cruel Hearts Club / After Smoke Clears / Offend My Ego / SILVERKORD / Snak Dracula / TVVINNS / The Respites / The Tip UK / Marty Broke My Heart / Duck Lips / David Stevens And The Beguiled / Polly Pik Pocketzs / Angerland / JuiceBox (UK) / Everything Imagined / Shea Rafferty / Sasha & The Shades / THE WiDOWS UK / The Wild Things UK
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Maxïmo Park / Crazy Town / Public Image Ltd / Twin Atlantic / Sea Power / Blood Red Shoes / Sleep Token / Beatsteaks / The Rifles / Mallory Knox / Echobelly / Eliza and The Bear / pop will eat itself / SikTh / Findlay / The Faim / Airways / Hacktivist / InMe / Empire / Sonic Boom Six / The LaFontaines / Lighthouse / Kid Kapichi / Heavy Lungs / The Men They Couldn't Hang / SHVPES / The Luka State / The Professionals / Missing Andy / John Buckley / Bryde / Those Damn Crows / Alvarez Kings / Hands Off Gretel / Childcare / Raging Speedhorn / Black Map / The Skinner Brothers / Canvas / Massive Wagons / Skarlett Riot / Vex Red / Loom / The Red Paintings / Asylums / RavenEye / Ramonas / Brigade / Pm / REWS / Towers Of London / Press To Meco / False Heads / The Urban Voodoo Machine / Saint Agnes / Harry Pane / Blackwaters / The Kings Parade / Kris Barras Band / KOYO (UK) / October Drift / The JB Conspiracy / Ducking Punches / Carcer city / Cavalcade / Freeze the Atlantic / White Eskimo / Black Orchid Empire / Single By Sunday / The Amorettes / The Black Roses / Berries / Juicebox / Riskee and the Ridicule / Leon of Athens / Autopilot / Deadly Circus Fire / we are one / Reigning Days / Tarantula / The Kut / Create To Inspire / The SoapGirls / Sisteray / PET NEEDS / The Strides / Tequila Mockingbyrd / Gold Key / Miss Vincent / Confessions of a Traitor / Rising Souls / Healthy Junkies / Hollowstar / Bad Sign / Dirty Thrills / Sulpher / Death Remains / Lots Holloway / As Sirens Fall / Natalie Shay / Los Pepes / The Inklings / Two Year Break / Doomsday Outlaw / Danny Goffey / Fire Red Empress / Longy / Lost in Stereo / The Bongo Club / Danny Starr / Desperate Measures / better than never / the Bad Flowers / Naked Six / Rival Karma / Damn Dice / The Gulps / Dead! (UK) / The Lutras / Hightown Parade / The Main Grains / Calico Jack / Ryan Hamilton & The Traitors / IAMWARFACE / Weekend Recovery / Deadset Dream / Talia Dean / At The Sun / Sad Season / Screech Bats / Bugeye / Brightlight City / Vía Dolorosa / The Ha'pennies / Tim Muddiman & The Strange / Death Valley Knights / HVMM / Mick O'Toole / Duke of Wolves / Toffees / Katalina Kicks / Cheap Meat / Reverted / Iridesce / Lucie Barât / Man The Lifeboats / Broken Colours / Drones (UK) / Panic Island / Thieves Of Liberty / Indya / Edgar Road / Nightlord / Jawless / The Silver Bayonets / The Bottom Line (UK) / LEONTAS / Black Sixteen / This Year's Ghost / Priests to Pilots / 7he 7ouch / Riverchild / Witchingseason / Bexatron / 10 Gauge / Dr Schwamp / River Hounds / The Muffin Heads / Desert Clouds / Charlie Manning / Dead at Eleven / Nash Albert / Flavour Nurse / I Plead Guilty / Arcane Militia / Wicked Splinters / This Boy's Fire / Dame Jean / Wolf Cellar / Elswhere / Arable Desert / Greyhaven UK / Lupus-Dei / L Sicario / Colt 48 / Sickjoy / Albany (UK) / Ryuketsu Blizzard / Pete Spiby & The Beat Alls / Sarah Vista And The Henchman / CalicoJack / SuspectsUK / Jacques (UK)
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Hacktivist / The Red Paintings / The JB Conspiracy / Twin Atlantic / Maxïmo Park / Mallory Knox / Vex Red / Ducking Punches / Blood Red Shoes / British Sea Power / Eliza and The Bear / Public Image Ltd. / Crazy Town / Black Map / Echobelly / Alvarez Kings / Skarlett Riot / Loom / InMe / Raging Speedhorn / we are one / Empire / Sonic Boom Six / Findlay / Towers Of London / SHVPES / Asylums / Miss Vincent / Death Remains / Press To Meco / Confessions of a Traitor / The Urban Voodoo Machine / pop will eat itself / The Men They Couldn't Hang / RavenEye / The Professionals / Reigning Days / Cheap Meat / Airways / Beatsteaks / The Rifles / Tony Goff & The Broken Colours / Deadly Circus Fire / Childcare / Dr Schwamp / better than never / The Amorettes / Bad Sign / Blackwaters / Brigade / Los Pepes / Lighthouse / Create To Inspire / Healthy Junkies / Damn Dice / Dirty Thrills / Longy / Tim Muddiman & The Strange / Those Damn Crows / False Heads / Missing Andy / Carcer city / Dead! (UK) / Freeze the Atlantic / Riskee and the Ridicule / Desperate Measures / Tequila Mockingbyrd / Harry Pane / Fire Red Empress / Sulpher / The Bottom Line (UK) / October Drift / REWS / The Luka State / Tarantula / Screech Bats / The Kut / Hands Off Gretel / Gold Key / Sleep Token / Naked Six / The Main Grains / Drones (UK) / Massive Wagons / Sisteray / Deadset Dream / Brightlight City / Danny Starr / Death Valley Knights / Koyo / Autopilot / The Strides / The Faim / Canvas / Lost in Stereo / Charlie Manning / John Buckley / Pm / Bryde / Ramonas / The Kings Parade / The Black Roses / White Eskimo / Cavalcade / Juicebox / Leon of Athens / Single By Sunday / Saint Agnes / Rising Souls / The Inklings / Kris Barras Band / the Bad Flowers / Berries / The Bongo Club / Natalie Shay / Kid Kapichi / The Soap Girls / Ryan Hamilton & The Traitors / Lots Holloway / Rival Karma / Black Orchid Empire / Calico Jack / Vía Dolorosa / Duke Of Wolves / Katalina Kicks / The Skinner Brothers / HVMM / Doomsday Outlaw / Panic Island / Toffees / Reverted / The Ha'pennies / Black Sixteen / Mick O'Toole / IAMWARFACE / Lucie Barât / Danny Goffey / Heavy Lungs / This Year's Ghost / Weekend Recovery / Nightlord / Hollowstar / Bugeye / As Sirens Fall / Hightown Parade / Jawless / 7he 7ouch / The Silver Bayonets / Riverchild / Iridesce / Priests to Pilots / The Muffin Heads / Nash Albert / Arcane Militia / At The Sun / Dead at Eleven / Talia Dean / Witchingseason / Wicked Splinters / LEONTAS / This Boy's Fire / River Hounds / Indya / Desert Clouds / Bexatron / PET NEEDS / Two Year Break / Greyhaven UK / Arable Desert / 10 Gauge / Lupus-Dei / Flavour Nurse / The Gulps / The Lutras / I Plead Guilty / Colt 48 / Dame Jean / Sad Season / Wolf Cellar / Man The Lifeboats / Ryuketsu Blizzard / Albany (UK) / Edgar Road / Thieves Of Liberty / Sickjoy / CalicoJack / L Sicario / Elswhere / Pete Spiby & The Beat Alls / Sarah Vista And The Henchman / Jacques (UK) / SuspectsUK / SikTh / The LaFontaines
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The Darkness / Thunder / The Answer / Terrorvision / The Dead Daisies / Vega / Blues Pills / Von Hertzen Brothers / RavenEye / Tax The Heat / Toseland / Hey! Hello! / Dirty Thrills / Hand of Dimes / Last Great Dreamers / Big Foot (UK)
Escape the Fate / The Cribs / Billy Bragg / Yuck / Young Guns / Cub Sport / Zebrahead / Norma Jean / New Years Day / The Qemists / We Are the Ocean / The Virginmarys / GUN / CREEPER / The Godfathers / Yonaka / SikTh / The Algorithm / Carl Barât / InMe / Yashin / Sonic Boom Six / Reckless Love / Black Foxxes / Youth Club / Hotel Mira / Black Spiders / The Bulletproof Bomb / Vukovi / The Dirty Youth / Tellison / Dorje / Room 94 / Francobollo / Fort Hope / SHVPES / Blood Youth / Carl Barât & The Jackals / As Lions / Warrior Soul / Victoria / The Graveltones / The Tuts / Asylums / Fizzy Blood / Forever Never / Evil Scarecrow / Deadcuts / Palm Reader / Ginger Wildheart / The Kings Parade / Queen Kwong / Press To Meco / CC Smugglers / Hands Off Gretel / Youth Killed It / Oh Boy / Nova Twins / Continents / Heck / The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing / Amaryllis / Jim Jones and the Righteous Mind / Cameron Sanderson / Franko Fraize / Freeze the Atlantic / The Carnabys / As December falls / The Amorettes / Scholars / Counting Days / The Lounge Kittens / wars / October Drift / Vodun / False Heads / IV / Wearing Scars / Grumble Bee / Glen Matlock / The Step / Sisteray / Cope / Reigning Days / Create To Inspire / Cold In Berlin / Cruel Hearts Club / Zoax / Florence Black / Witterquick / Ashestoangels / The Kut / Louise Distras / Kenneths / Bad Sign / Dirty Thrills / Black Casino & the Ghost / The RPMS / Oxygen Thief / Goldray / Rumble Fish / Coquin Migale / Sky Valley Mistress / Chasing Cadence / Bare Knuckle Parade / Them&Us / The Hyena Kill / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Samoans / Dana Immanuel / Piano Wire / Mystified / FAERS / Roxanne de Bastion / This Be the Verse / OhBoy! / Damn Dice / Naked Six / Lon-G / The Ghost Riders In The Sky / Stoneghost / Mercutio / The Main Grains / Suzie Stapleton / Peckham Cowboys / The DeRellas / Role Models / Brightlight City / Nine Miles South / Devience / Matty James Cassidy / Pretend Happy / Apeman Spaceman / Five By Five / Callow Saints / One Man Boycott / Dana Immanuel & The Stolen Band / 48hours / Reverted / Suburban Symphony / The Novellas / Saint Leonard / Lost Gravity / Electric Child House / Leisure Tank / Young Native / Drones (UK) / Thunder on the Left / Staring Out The Sun / Adam Double / The Scruff Club / Vivien Glass / Brawlers (Leeds) / Hoodoo Daze / Alive With Eyes / Leika / Starsha Lee / The Dirty Mojos / AvaGrace / Komodo (UK) / The Hell (UK) / Jolanga / Black rose Cadillac / Chinese Missy / Anita Chellamah / M O S E S / Nash Albert / L'Anima / Falling Knives / Zoe West / The Pearl Hearts / Vaduz / My Deadly Secret / Nibbinz / Barcreeps / Party Blinders / Raleigh Rye / Fathoms Uk / The Sovereign (UK) / Critics (UK) / Sons (UK) / Heel (London) / S.E.X. (UK) / Shea (UK) / Shields (Leeds) / Penetration
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Escape the Fate / Billy Bragg / The Cribs / Yuck / Cub Sport / Young Guns / Zebrahead / Norma Jean / New Years Day / The Qemists / We Are the Ocean / The Virginmarys / GUN / Yonaka / CREEPER / The Godfathers / SikTh / The Algorithm / Carl Barât / InMe / Yashin / Sonic Boom Six / Reckless Love / Black Foxxes / Vukovi / Hotel Mira / Youth Club / Nova Twins / Black Spiders / The Bulletproof Bomb / SHVPES / The Dirty Youth / Dorje / Blood Youth / Tellison / Victoria / Room 94 / Francobollo / Fort Hope / Carl Barât & The Jackals / As Lions / Warrior Soul / The Tuts / The Graveltones / Hands Off Gretel / Fizzy Blood / Asylums / Palm Reader / Evil Scarecrow / Cameron Sanderson / The Kings Parade / Press To Meco / Forever Never / Ginger Wildheart / Deadcuts / Queen Kwong / As December falls / CC Smugglers / Youth Killed It / Oh Boy / False Heads / The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing / Heck / Continents / Amaryllis / Jim Jones and the Righteous Mind / October Drift / Franko Fraize / Freeze the Atlantic / wars / Florence Black / The Carnabys / The Amorettes / The Lounge Kittens / Counting Days / Scholars / IV / Wearing Scars / Vodun / Grumble Bee / Cope / Glen Matlock / The Step / Cruel Hearts Club / Reigning Days / Sisteray / Create To Inspire / Cold In Berlin / The Kut / Witterquick / Black Casino & the Ghost / Zoax / Ashestoangels / Louise Distras / Millie Manders and The Shutup / Bad Sign / Kenneths / Dirty Thrills / The RPMS / Rumble Fish / Oxygen Thief / Sky Valley Mistress / Goldray / Chasing Cadence / Coquin Migale / The Hyena Kill / Them&Us / Bare Knuckle Parade / Dana Immanuel / Samoans / Roxanne de Bastion / Piano Wire / FAERS / Mystified / This Be the Verse / Naked Six / OhBoy! / Lon-G / Damn Dice / Mercutio / Suzie Stapleton / The Ghost Riders In The Sky / Stoneghost / The Main Grains / The DeRellas / Peckham Cowboys / Role Models / Devience / Brightlight City / Nine Miles South / Matty James Cassidy / Pretend Happy / Apeman Spaceman / Five By Five / Callow Saints / Suburban Symphony / Dana Immanuel & The Stolen Band / One Man Boycott / The Novellas / 48hours / Lost Gravity / Electric Child House / Reverted / Leisure Tank / Saint Leonard / Drones (UK) / Young Native / Thunder on the Left / Staring Out The Sun / Adam Double / Vivien Glass / The Scruff Club / Brawlers (Leeds) / Hoodoo Daze / Leika / Starsha Lee / AvaGrace / Alive With Eyes / The Hell (UK) / Chinese Missy / The Dirty Mojos / Jolanga / Nash Albert / M O S E S / Komodo (UK) / Anita Chellamah / Black rose Cadillac / Zoe West / L'Anima / Falling Knives / The Pearl Hearts / Nibbinz / My Deadly Secret / Vaduz / Party Blinders / Barcreeps / Raleigh Rye / Fathoms Uk / Sons (UK) / Critics (UK) / The Sovereign (UK) / Shields (Leeds) / Shea (UK) / S.E.X. (UK) / Heel (London)
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The Blockheads / Dirty Thrills / Larry Miller / Harry Court Band / Anna Phoebe / Rich Somers / Rosco Levee & The Southern Slide / FCUK / Mel Hayes / Cowboy Hat & That Fuzzbox Voodoo
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