Die Wallerts's 2019 Concert History

Die Wallerts are a german Humppa band founded in 2004. They are heavily influenced and inspired by Eläkeläiset. When one of the later band members saw Eläkeläiset play in Finland, the cornerstone for their style of music was laid.

Date Concert Venue Location
May 04, 2019
Ball of Inclusion
TV Smith / Vizediktator / Die Wallerts / Jetzt kommt Fargo / Metzer58 / Graf Fidi / Pommes Oder Hilla
Columbia Theater Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Pov: Indie
Chicago Indie
Reggae En Espanol
Puerto Rican Indie
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2019 1 concert
2017 2 concerts
2016 1 concert
2015 1 concert
 Michael Müller

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