Detachments Concert History

Detachments are a London based troupe (led by creative force Bastien Marshal) that have caused waves of excitement on the more discerning dancefloors and clubs over the past two years with singles such as “Circles” “H.A.L.” and "Holiday Romance" not least thanks to collaborations with PItchfork favourites Salem, Tim Goldsworthy (DFA), Andrew Weatherall and Trevor Jackson (Playgroup / Output).

Date Concert Venue Location
Feb 29, 2020
Detachments / Mängelexemplar

Detachments @ Tsunami Club

Tsunami Club Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
May 18, 2018 –
May 21, 2018
Wave-Gotik-Treffen 2018
The Jesus and Mary Chain / Wardruna / rome / Boy Harsher / The New Division / Front Line Assembly / The KVB / Tiamat / Mr.Kitty / Eivør / Heidevolk / Dive / Zeromancer / God Module / Greyhound / Les Discrets / Schandmaul / Paddy & the Rats / Skeletal Family / The Other / Solitary Experiments / SITD / Trisomie 21 / Author & Punisher / Seigmen / Diorama / Cellar Darling / First Hate / Arcana / Feuerschwanz / Drifter / Wolfchant / Ye Banished Privateers / Detachments / Centhron / Ash Code / Crisis / Grave Pleasures / Chameleons Vox / Second Still / Monolith / Heimataerde / Einar Selvik / Ost+Front / Rapalje / Zanias / Dool / Elegant Machinery / The Beauty of Gemina / Ataraxia / Illuminate / Samsas Traum / The Eden House / Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld / Raison d'Etre / Torul / Boytronic / Imperium Dekadenz / Dead Leaf Echo / Then Comes Silence / Vomito Negro / Nytt Land / The Crimson Ghosts / Autobahn / Phosgore / Grimner / Nothgard / Heldmaschine / Sturm Cafe / Traitrs / Bootblacks / A PROJECTION / Schonwald / E-Craft / Pyogenesis / Jo Quail / Principe Valiente / Trepaneringsritualen / Merciful Nuns / kiEw / Extize / Sarin / Monica Richards / Klutae / Kaunan / Hapax / Formalin / Synapscape / Fairytale / Undertheskin / Sulpher / CONFRONTATIONAL / Svartsinn / Hekate / Silent Runners / All Gone Dead / Black Line / Actors (CA) / Cesair / Seelennacht / ÆON RINGS / Kaizer / Ingrimm / Vogon Poetry / Imminent / Xenturion Prime / Haul / Eden Weint Im Grab / The Last Cry / Die Kammer / scheuber / crying vessel / Vocame / Oberer Totpunkt / SUIR / Mystigma / Traumtaenzer / Dageist / Molllust / Scarlet and the spooky spiders / Palast / Unterschicht / Black Light Ascension / Mercury's Antennae / Phil Shöenfelt & Southern Cross / Hexheart / Readership Hostile / Feline and Strange / Monica Jeffries / suld / Eminenz / Model Kaos / Fabrik C / Beinhaus / Surturs Lohe / Rosa Crvx / Stahlr / Nachtsucher / Totus Gaudeo / Buzz kill / Spark! (SWE) / Sardh / JOY/DISASTER (Fr) / midgards boten / Japan Selbstmord / kalter Krieg Show all bands
Leipzig, Saxony, Germany
Nov 03, 2010
Detachments / Pope Joan / Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows / Fuel Fandango Bull & Gate London, England, United Kingdom
Sep 05, 2009 –
Sep 06, 2009
Offset Festival 2009
The xx / Bombay Bicycle Club / Metronomy / The Jesus and Mary Chain / The Horrors / Gold Panda / Wild Beasts / The Futureheads / Connan Mockasin / Lower Than Atlantis / Danger / Clinic / The Slits / Good Shoes / Maps / Pulled Apart By Horses / Factory Floor / She Keeps Bees / Future of the Left / Dananananaykroyd / Male Bonding / harry james / A Certain Ratio / Your Demise / Arno / S.C.U.M / Turbowolf / Rolo Tomassi / Kap Bambino / Let's Wrestle / Bo Ningen / Mazes / Friendship / Tim Burgess / Fiction / Devil Sold His Soul / D.A.N. / Spectrals / More Than Life / Cheval Sombre / The Ghost of a Thousand / Tubelord / Teeth of the Sea / Gramme / Kong / Sonic Boom / Dead Swans / Die! Die! Die! / The Eyes of a Traitor / Bearsuit / John & Jehn / Damo Suzuki / Hatcham Social / Detachments / Blakfish / Wild Palms / Cold Pumas / Panico / Discipline / The Chapman Family / Shrag / A Grave With No Name / The Fables / Official Secrets Act / Hook & The Twin / Blackhole / Outcry Collective / Ipso Facto / Rinoa / Magnus Betnér / The Plight / Wetdog / Death In Plains / Sian Alice Group / No Bra / Maths / Throats / Stupids / Math Head / Azriel / Ali Renault / Ulterior / Brownies / Kasms / Dead Kids / Tortuga / Daniel Savio / Analog / Electricity In Our Homes / The Ruling Class / Rrr / What Would Jesus Drive / The Brides / Holy State / run,WALK! / Shaped By Fate / The Tupolev Ghost / Gyratory System / Crocus / Berlin Brides / Disconcerts / An Experiment On a Bird In the Air Pump / Niyi / Attack! Vipers! / C.R.A / Drum Eyes / ROMANCE (UK) / NewIslands / LR Rockets / Quad Throw Salchow / Ghostcat / London Blackmarket / Artefacts for Space Travel / The Rayographs / Tommi / Josh Caffe / The Duloks / Tulipomania / Ye Nuns / Sunderbans / Whole Sick / Magic & Fur / Advert / Brontosaurus Chorus / Goodnight and I Wish* / K-tron / Death Cigarettes / Dogshow / Speak and the Spells / Cementimental / Nullifier / Stranger Son Of WB / Teen Sheikhs / Chapter Sweetheart / Douglas Hart / Casper Clark / Devil Man / Easy Hips / Buster Bennett / Fonteyn / Methodist Centre / Daniel Simonsen / Koogaphone / Kap Bambino Dj / Cooks Dj / The Beat Djs / Private Trousers / Paul B Davis / Douglas Hart Jesus and Mary Chain Dj Set / Snitch Djs / Chris Flatline / Cheval Sombre Sonic Boom / The Quietus DJs / Hampus Time Dj / David Freedom / Paul St Paul / John and On / Complexxion / miss something / Bob Slayer / Jake Moore / Lekiddo / God Don't Like It Djs / Clash Magazine Djs / K.Wale / Jim Warboy / Smith Tropical / Milan O / Not Shy / Nuke Em All / This Is Music Dj's / SHE SET / Louis Enchante Show all bands
London, England, United Kingdom
Jul 26, 2009
Truck Festival
"Truck Festival" / Supergrass / Farmer Jason / Chew Lips / And So I Watch You from Afar / Pulled Apart By Horses / Calories / The Candyskins / Dive Dive / The Long Insiders / The Epstein / Jali Fily Cissokho / Alphabet Backwards / The Relationships / YACHT / The Ghost of a Thousand / The Joy Formidable / The Hot Rats / Sky Larkin / The Xcerts / Telegraphs / Talons / Maybeshewill / Minor Coles / Hot Club Of Cowtown / Pete Molinari / Angie Palmer / The Oxygen Ponies / Eliza Gilkyson / KTB / Trevor Moss & Hannah Lou / Thomas Truax / nervous_testpilot / Detachments / We Are Enfant Terrible / Sportsday Megaphone / TTNG / Luke Smith / Little Sister / Neil Halstead / Sam Isaac / Mark Olson / Gary Louris Show all bands
Hill Farm Steventon, England, United Kingdom
Jul 25, 2009 –
Jul 26, 2009
Truck Festival 2009
The xx / Two Door Cinema Club / Crystal Fighters / The Joy Formidable / Frank Turner / Wild Beasts / Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs / Ash / YACHT / We Were Promised Jetpacks / fanfarlo / Stornoway / A Place To Bury Strangers / Supergrass / Wintersleep / And So I Watch You from Afar / Felix / DJ Food / Chew Lips / Maybeshewill / TTNG / Neil Halstead / Pulled Apart By Horses / Vieux Farka Toure / Errors / Total Science / The Xcerts / Foamo / Broken Records / Sky Larkin / Hjaltalín / Treetop Flyers / Dear Reader / Foundation / Red Light Company / Colour (US) / The Ghost of a Thousand / Tubelord / Pete Molinari / Younghusband / Danny & The Champions Of The World / The Hot Rats / Jeremy Warmsley / Euros Childs / Hot Club Of Cowtown / Sam Isaac / Talons / Detachments / Grammatics / Damo Suzuki / Detroit Social Club / Nedry / Mark Olson & Gary Louris / Little Sister / 6 Day Riot / Alphabet Backwards / The Candyskins / The Epstein / Simon D / Sad Day for Puppets / Lee Mortimer / nervous_testpilot / Heloise & The Savoir Faire / Thomas Truax / The Koolaid Electric Company / Mark Gardener / White Belt Yellow Tag / Aphasia / Sportsday Megaphone / Calories / Ute / Trevor Moss & Hannah-Lou / Dreaming Spires / Disasteradio / The Candy Skins / Mike Heron / Data.Select.Party / Cat Martino / Truckers of Husk / Telegraphs / Dial F for Frankenstein / Atlantic/Pacific / Data Select Party / Panama Kings / Their Hearts Were Full of Spring / Tired Irie / KTB / Angie Palmer / House of Brothers / B2B / Ruth Minnikin and Her Bandwagon / Jali Fily Cissokho / The Relationships / Gabriel Minnikin / The Long Insiders / Holton's Opulent Oog / Andrew Ferris / Minor Coles / From Light to Sound / Mr Strangelove / James Norman Show all bands
Hill Farm Oxford, England, United Kingdom
May 24, 2008 –
May 25, 2008
Dot To Dot Festival 2008
Florence and the Machine / All Time Low / Santigold / Cobra Starship / Metronomy / Example / Caribou / Noah & The Whale / A-Trak / Frank Turner / Blitzen Trapper / Wild Beasts / Ladyhawke / Mystery Jets / Glasvegas / Spiritualized / Oh Sees / Hercules & Love Affair / Born Ruffians / Slow Club / Soko / Dan Deacon / Alphabeat / Johnny Flynn / Ida Maria / Dirty Pretty Things / Animal Kingdom / Midnight Juggernauts / Saul Williams / Two Gallants / Emmy the Great / Buraka Som Sistema / Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly / Teenagers / The Little Ones / The King Blues / Iglu & Hartly / The Holloways / The Boy Least Likely To / Maybeshewill / Sons and Daughters / Tropics / The Pack A.D. / Operator Please / Natty / The Ruby Suns / Ettes / PVT / Eugene McGuinness / Telepathe / The Most Serene Republic / The Death Set / The Xcerts / Peggy Sue / Rolo Tomassi / Legowelt / Kissy Sell Out / 1990s / Esser / The Mae Shi / Oppenheimer / Cazals / The Bumblebeez / I Was a Cub Scout / We Are Wolves / Swimming / Red Light Company / Sarabeth Tucek / The Ghost of a Thousand / The Lost Boys / Thomas Tantrum / Jeremy Warmsley / The Lancashire Hotpots / Palladium / Primary 1 / Hatcham Social / Detachments / Royworld / Heartbreak / Tim Sweeney / Juiceboxxx / Chrome Hoof / Tim Goldsworthy / Tigers That Talked / Dag för Dag / Beat Union / XX Teens / Team Waterpolo / Mirror Mirror / The Ghost Frequency / Semifinalists / Operahouse / Cheeky Cheeky And The Nosebleeds / Rosie & The Goldbug / The Rushes / Mockingbird, Wish Me Luck / Cutting Pink With Knives / The Bang Gang DeeJays / Tomb Crew / Haunts / A. Human / Holloway / House of Brothers / Talk Taxis / Santa Dog / Bloc Party DJ Set / Friends of the Bride / Damn Shames / The Bang Gang Dj's / Kissy Sell Out Dj Set / Rgbs / Kill Cassidy / Brandon Steep / La La Lepus / Alexander G. Muertos / Lena Rez / Med Damon Show all bands
Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Show Duplicate for May 24, 2008
New Wave
Cold Wave
Deep Gothic Post-Punk
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2020 1 concert
2018 1 concert
2010 1 concert
2009 3 concerts
2008 1 concert
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 Jeremy Dunham
 Lisa Nocturne
 Michael Seiss

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