Derek James's 2010 Concert History

From his first live performance in Australia, Derek James has paved his way from the streets of Southern France to the swanky bar of Manhattan's Trump Tower. His musical canvas is at once a streak of vintage icons, at other times shades of contemporary flavor, but primarily, a whole lotta fresh charisma.

Date Concert Venue Location
Oct 21, 2010
CMJ Music Marathon
"CMJ Music Marathon" / Goodbye Picasso / The Rest / Danny Ross / Casey Shea / Dandelion Wine / Lyle Divinsky / Julius C / Chamberlin / Scattered Trees / Ian Axel / Madison Square Gardeners / Black Taxi / Your Vegas / Derek James
Rockwood Music Hall New York, New York, United States
2010 1 concert
2008 6 concerts
2007 7 concerts
2006 1 concert
2005 2 concerts

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