Smooth like smoke from the tip of a Cuban cigar, and as sensuous as morning love, electro-soul duo Denitia an Sene not only exude sexy through their music, they invent it. The Brooklyn, New York-based musicians came together a year ago with a shared vision to bring truth and ingenuity to stylistic music, and they’ve held their ambitions high ever since. Simple. Rare. Sumptuous. Bold. They’ve been influenced by a range of sonic proclivities. Thus...
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Denitia and Sene has had 2 concerts.
Denitia and Sene is most often considered to be Electronic, Soul, R&B, Neo Soul, Nu Disco, and Neo R&B.
The last Denitia and Sene concert was on December 09, 2014 at Barboza in Seattle, Washington, United States.