Deathmachine Concert History

Deathmachine’s love for hard dark music started way back in the early 90’s where his imagination was captured by the then relatively young hardcore scene. He attended many of the big UK raves over the following years and became addicted to the new sound that had arrived.

Date Concert Venue Location
Mar 10, 2023 –
Mar 11, 2023
Modestep / Pegboard Nerds / Droeloe / Eptic / Andy C / Macky Gee / Philanthrope / Black Tiger Sex Machine / Moods / Bear Grillz / Riot Ten / DJ Hazard / Alix Perez / Poldoore / Tantrum Desire / Plastician / Ray Volpe / Tokyo Machine / Whipped Cream / Grafix / Badklaat / Teddy Killerz / Hedex / vowl. / Prolix / CounterStrike / SP:MC / Whales / Kareful / Andromedik / Jessica Audiffred / Aweminus / Limewax / MC Mota / Mollie Collins / Agressor Bunx / hyperforms / Bredren / The Caracal Project / Visages / Buunshin / Mycelia / Ruth Royall / MC Skywalker / Deathmachine / MC Coppa / Madcore / Kill Feed / Captain Bass / Flakzz / Krankk / Trasher / Lucy Furr / Wulflock / Atex / HOL! (FR) / Adi-J / Mad Dubz / FarFlow / Chenzo / Used (BE) / gladde paling (NL) / MC Dart / Murdock (be) / Explorers of the Internet / SHRQ / SUB Skankerz / Elle Rich / Dr.Ushūu / Rudi Ratte / Basstripper (BE) / Svbliminal / DIKKE BAAP (NL) / Burr Oak (DNB) / Primate (BE) / MAZE (BE) / MNDSCP (HU) / CaitC (NL) / Jetyx (NL) / Jade (HU) / Cybertr0n (BE) / Teezer (BE) / Tasha (UK) / 19825 (BE) / Yasper (NL) / Afroham (NL) / Figures (BE) Show all bands
Sportpaleis Antwerpen (Antwerp Sports Palace) Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
Jun 28, 2019 –
Jun 30, 2019
Defqon.1 Festival 2019
Headhunterz / Uzi / Dr. Peacock / Ran-D (NL) / Atmozfears / Sub Zero Project / Psyko Punkz / Code Black / Bass Modulators / Wasted Penguinz / Sefa / Toneshifterz / Radical Redemption / Dr. Phunk / Frequencerz / Hard Driver / Evil Activities / Titan / Billx / WARFACE / Mark With a K / Sephyx / The Nosferatu / Audiotricz / Zany / AniMe (IT) / Neophyte / Ruffneck / Max Enforcer / Korsakoff / SOUND RUSH / B-Front / Endymion / Adaro / Akira / Phuture Noize / E-Force / Digital Punk / Audiofreq / D-Sturb / Activator / Re-style / Adrenalize / Partyraiser / Art of Fighters / A*S*Y*S / Rebelion / Noize Suppressor / Rooler / Devin Wild / Promo / Deepack / KELTEK / Act of Rage / Deadly Guns / D-fence / Destructive Tendencies / The Darkraver / Sub Sonik / Mental Theo / Remzcore / The Sickest Squad / A-Lusion / MC Nolz / Charly Lownoise / The Stunned Guys / Ophidian / Bass Chaserz / Dither / Unexist / Demi Kanon / The Outside Agency / Caine / DJ Thera / F Noize / Pavo / Andy The Core / Da Mouth of Madness / Degos & Re-done / Rejecta / Clockartz / Andy Svge / Angernoizer / Manu Le Malin / Envine / Chris One / Hellfish / MC Villain / Unresolved / Hyrule War / Lady Dammage / MC DV8 / Imperial / Tartaros / The Dj Producer / The Melodyst / RVAGE / GPF - Greazy Puzzy Fuckerz / CRYOGENiC / Mr. Ivex / DJ The Prophet / Ncrypta / Thyron / Sei2ure / Katharsys / Luminite / Ivan Carsten / Spitnoise / Primeshock / Riot Shift / Vertile / Jay Reeve / Wasted Mind / DJ Luna / MC Alee / Synapse / Neroz / MC Chucky / Mindustries / MC Ruffian / Aversion / Amada / Buzz Fuzz / MC Focus / Dj Vince / Chaotic Hostility / Stormerz / Deathmachine / Jason Payne / MC DL! / Dark Pact / Dj Panic / Trespassed / Prefix & Density / Sprinky / D-Attack / Crystal Mad / Dart / MC Livid / The Playah / Nexone / Typhoon (NL) / Access One / Imperatorz / Somniac One / Retaliation / Hard Effectz / Apexx / Dawnfire / Mind Dimension / Super Trash Bros / Mashup Jack / Bryan Fury / Pila / Jesse Jax / Streiks & Kratchs / Dissoactive / Khaoz Engine / Lip DJ / PRDX / MC RG / DRS Official / MC Dash / System:Overload / MC Da Syndrome / MC No-iD / Trilok & Chiren / Frenchcore Familia / Outsiders (NL) / Tat & Zat / N-Vitral (NL) / Unifire / Mad Dog (IT) / Strange Arrival / Kuzak / MYST (NL) / ZazaFront / Sequence & Ominous / The Viper (NL) / Delete (AU) / DJ Sunny D / Requiem (NL) / MANDY (BE) / Malice (IT) / I:gor (POL) / Regain (PL) / Penta (BE) / Unproven (NL) / Frantic Freak / Chain Reaction (NL) / Dj Crypton / Killshot (NL) / The SATAN (RU) / Bulletproof (NL) / Dr. Ruthless / Ransom (NL) / Charter (NL) / Dana (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / Bestia (NL) / Lunatic (NL) / Emphasis (NL) / Vandalism (NL) / The Scientist (NL) / Retrospect (NL) / The Purge (IT) / Helix (NL) / Yoshiko (IT) / The Apexx Machine / The Classics Machine / Tha Nouky / The Raver (NL) / The Clamps (FR) / Mental Twister / Attack (NL) / MC LePrince Show all bands
Defqon.1 Festival 2019 Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Jun 23, 2017 –
Jun 25, 2017
Defqon.1 Weekend Festival 2017
Darren Styles / Brennan Heart / Angerfist / Dr. Peacock / Wildstylez / Coone / Da Tweekaz / D-block & S-Te-Fan / noisecontrollers / Sub Zero Project / DJ Isaac / DJ Paul Elstak / Zatox / Atmozfears / Gizmo / Ran-D (NL) / Rooler / Sefa / Psyko Punkz / WARFACE / Gunz for Hire / Wasted Penguinz / Code Black / Rebelion / Dirtcaps / Radical Redemption / Hard Driver / Bass Modulators / miss k8 / Toneshifterz / D-Sturb / Dano / Phuture Noize / SOUND RUSH / Frequencerz / Mark With a K / Dr. Phunk / Evil Activities / The Nosferatu / Neophyte / Adaro / Titan / Deadly Guns / Audiotricz / Tatanka / Tuneboy / Sephyx / Zany / Korsakoff / Endymion / E-Force / B-Front / Re-style / AniMe (IT) / Act of Rage / Charly Lownoise And Mental Theo / Max Enforcer / Ruffneck / Tha Playah / Partyraiser / Adrenalize / Audiofreq / Digital Punk / Donkey Rollers / Activator / Crypsis / Devin Wild / D-fence / Art of Fighters / Promo / Dr. Rude / Rebourne / Sub Sonik / Noize Suppressor / Alpha² / Deepack / Deetox / Destructive Tendencies / Dither / The Darkraver / The Sickest Squad / F Noize / Andy The Core / The Stunned Guys / Unexist / Demi Kanon / Bass Chaserz / MC Nolz / Artifact / Unresolved / Josh&Wesz / Spitnoise / DJ Thera / The Outside Agency / Lady Dammage / Pat B / amnesys / Caine / Pavo / Galactixx / Noisekick / TNT aka Technoboy ‘n Tuneboy / Degos & Re-done / Drokz / Andy Svge / Ncrypta / Clockartz / Da Mouth of Madness / JNXD / NSD / Dailucia / Manu Le Malin / SRB / Decipher / Chaotic Hostility / Jay Reeve / Detest / MC Villain / The Dj Producer / Dione / Sjammienators / MC DV8 / The Speed Freak / The Melodyst / Tartaros / DJ The Prophet / Tymon / Bloodcage / Sei2ure / Rocky Wellstack / War Force / Ghost In The Machine / Death by Design / Dutch Movement / D-Attack / THE BRAINDRILLERZ / DJ Luna / The Wishmaster / NSCLT / Tears Of Fury / Tripped / Mindustries / Weapon X / Jason Payne / MC Ruffian / Buzz Fuzz / switch technique / Deathmachine / Malúa / Access One / Meander / MC DL! / Dj Panic / Prefix & Density / Somniac One / Sickddellz / MC Diesel / MC Livid / Goetia / Pyra / Airtunes / DJ Ruthless / Udex / Bit Reactors / Apexx / Denekamps Gespuis / Mind Dimension / Balistic / MickeyG / Puinhoop Kollektiv / Bryan Fury / Mashup Jack / Insidiouz / Pila / Theo Gobensen / SUPER MARCO MAY / MC Dash / Defqon.1 Legends / Outsiders (NL) / Synaptic Memories / MC Da Syndrome / N-Vitral (NL) / MC No-iD / Mad Dog (IT) / MC Dart / Kuzak / Beastarius / Bouncing Ball / Skoften Sloopservice / ZazaFront / MYST (NL) / The Viper (NL) / Delete (AU) / Malice (IT) / Geck-o (NL) / DJ Sunny D / Bloodpeak / MC The Russian / Cyber (CH) / Unishock / Kevin Hucker / BeastyBoy / Regain (PL) / Public Enemies (NL) / Counterstrike (NL) / Dolphin (UK) / NCBM / Ecstatic (NL) / MC Tellem / Catscan (NL) / Frantic Freak / Shag Ü / Blamenoise / Plug 'N Play (NL) / Sawtooth (NL) / Retrospect (NL) / Re-Mind (DE) / HKV / Haze & Abyss / The Scientist (NL) / Roberto DaVinci / iGnition (NL) / Unchained (NL) / Stephanie (IT) / Bass-D (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / Ransom (NL) / X-Pander (FR) / Genius (NL) / Francois (NL) Show all bands
Evenemententerrein Walibi World Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Jun 19, 2015 –
Jun 21, 2015
Defqon.1 Festival - No Guts No Glory 2015
Wildstylez / OMI / The Partysquad / Mightyfools / Brennan Heart / Brooklyn Bounce / Coone / Angerfist / Frontliner / Zatox / Justin Prime / D-block & S-Te-Fan / Psyko Punkz / Titan / Dirtcaps / Ruffneck / Donnie Darko / Tatanka / Da Tweekaz / Atmozfears / Crystal Lake / Evil Activities / Zany / Uzi / Code Black / Toneshifterz / Donkey Rollers / The Pitcher / Wasted Penguinz / Bass Modulators / Neophyte / Max Enforcer / Charly Lownoise And Mental Theo / Nosferatu / Akira / Gunz for Hire / Korsakoff / Argy / B-Front / Endymion / Frequencerz / Hard Driver / Mark With a K / Audiofreq / Crypsis / Alpha² / Isaac / Scope DJ / Digital Punk / Deepack / Critical Mass / Tha Playah / Alex Kidd / Dr. Rude / Radical Redemption / A*S*Y*S / The Supreme Team / Josh&Wesz / Kutski / Noize Suppressor / AK47 / Adaro / E-Force / Promo / Dr. Peacock / Pavo / Tommyknocker / Outblast / Artifact / Jack of Sound / Lowriderz / Acti / Waverider / Lenny Dee / Feestdjruud / Rebourne / Scot Project / Mental Theo / The Stunned Guys / The Outside Agency / Omegatypez / WARFACE / DJ Thera / The Sickest Squad / Ophidian / Kasparov / The Darkraver / Chris One / Demoniak / MC Villain / Dr. Phunk / G-Town Madness / Phuture Noize / Slim Shore / Deetox / D-Passion / Partyraiser / Manu Le Malin / Degos & Re-done / MC DV8 / Phrantic / Devin Wild / Marc Acardipane / SOUND RUSH / The Dj Producer / Tieum / Destructive Tendencies / DJ Luna / MC Jeff / Sub Sonik / Miss Djax / MINUS MILITIA / Noisekick / The Wishmaster / Thrasher / Giocatori / Bass Chaserz / Detest / Akyra / Amada / Dj Panic / Petduo / Pandorum / switch technique / DJ Ruthless / Wasted Mind / Sei2ure / Frank Kvitta / Crossfiyah / Bloodcage / Pat B / SRB / Transfarmers / Andy The Core / Act of Rage / Enzyme X / MC Chucky / Nico And Tetta / Festuca / Dj Vince / MC Ruffian / Dark Pact / Deathmachine / MinuPren / Electronic Vibes / Dither / Break Zero / DJ DANA / Hardcraft / Mc Renegade / Synthax / Freakz at Night / The Dreamteam / Arkus P. / Da Mouth of Madness / Traxtorm Gangstaz Allied / MC Axys / Mc D. / Stephy / MC DL! / Balistic / Pila / DJIPE / S1ngular / System Shock / Jason Payne / Kevin Kaos / Faizar / Solutio / Ran-D (NL) / Bold Action / Project Exile / Riiho / Mashup Jack / Exit Mind / Main Concern / Freestyle Maniacs / Atmo / MC Livid / Wavolizer / Notoriouz / Lip DJ / Max Moore / Marcus Decks / DJ Icha / Trilok & Chiren / Warchetype / Simon Underground / MD&A / Jimmy The Sound / Bmg Aka Brachiale Musikgestalter / 2Faded / Geck-o (NL) / The Viper (NL) / Mithridate / Mad Dog (IT) / MC No-iD / Demanufacturer / Eyoung / AniMe (IT) / Melanie di Tria / N-Vitral (NL) / Polish Raw Showcase / Khaleesi / Kronos (IT) / MC Diesel / War Is Inevitable / J.D.A. (NL) / High Voltage (NL) / Chain Reaction (NL) / Delete (AUS) / Done Heavy / Radiance (EE) / Bass-D (NL) / The Resistance (NL) / Jones (NL) / X-Pander (FR) / Stephanie (IT) / Elkabass / iGnition (NL) / The Destroyer (IT) / MANDY (BE) / Dune (DE) / The Vision (NL) / Typhoon (IT) / Outbreak (AUS) / Predator (NL) / GoldL!on / DJ Bike (IT) / Ghost (BE) / Cyber (SWI) / amnesys / miss k8 / noisecontrollers / Art of Fighters / Re-style Show all bands
Evenemententerrein Walibi World Biddinghuizen, Flevoland, Netherlands
Hardcore Techno
Industrial Hardcore
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2023 1 concert
2019 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2015 1 concert
 Twee Zee
 Always Nick
 Rax Gab

As Seen On: