Deadstring Brothers's 2003 Concert History

It may be a surprise to hear the country rock sounds of Detroits Deadstring Brothers coming from a city better known for loud rock and roll, but disillusionment can take many channels. Desolation, frustration and regret have always been present where great country music was played, and from its bombed-out inner city to its sterile suburbs, Detroit has its share.

Country Rock
Roots Rock
Southern Rock
Alternative Country
Alternative Roots Rock
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2013 24 concerts
2012 9 concerts
2011 3 concerts
2010 10 concerts
2009 31 concerts
2008 5 concerts
2007 36 concerts
2006 72 concerts
2005 1 concert
2004 2 concerts
2003 3 concerts
 Buz Zann
 Mac (Hull, Uk)
 Shania Blanton
 Jonathan H. Levin
 Bryan P.
 Jen Pope
 Dan Stapleton
 Ashleigh Huber
 James Hook
 Tina Kim
 Keke Sanders
 Eric Strombach

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