Dead Black Concert History

Noise/drone/doom/hardcore band from Massachusetts featuring members of various other bands from the current Boston scene. APE MAN APE.

Date Concert Venue Location
Apr 16, 2008 –
Apr 18, 2008
As One Fest
100 Demons / Ambitions / Bitter End / Blacklisted / Bracewar / Colin of Arabia / Cold World / Crowns Of Kings / Dead Black / Dead Up / Energy / Have Heart / Hostage Calm / The Kill Boys / Living Hell / Meltdown / Mind Eraser / The Mongoloids / New Lows / Palehorse / Reign Supreme / Shipwreck / The Carrier / Unforgiven / War Hungry / Wrench in the Works / Boiling Point Show all bands
Bobby Allens Waterbury, Connecticut, United States
 Wavy Havok
 John Hutchison
 Ben Levesque
 Daniel Loso

As Seen On: