David Roth's 1997 Concert History

Singer-songwriter David Roth strikes many chords, hearts, and minds with his unique songs, offbeat observations, moving stories, and powerful singing and subject matter. Since emerging from a couple of nationwide fields of several hundred songwriters to take top honors at the Kerrville (TX) and Falcon Ridge (NY) Folk Festivals, the Chicago native (and two-time national anthem singer for the NBA’s Michael Jordan-era Bulls) has garnered accolades for his performances, workshops, writing, and recordings.

Date Concert Venue Location
Jul 25, 1997 –
Jul 27, 1997
Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
Caroline Aiken / Dan Bern / Chuck Brodsky / Greg Brown / Dee Carstensen / Cordelia’s Dad / Geno Delafose & French Rockin' Boogie / disappear fear / Einstein’s Little Homonculus / Vance Gilbert / Kim & Reggie Harris / janis ian / Magpie / Bob Malone / Tim Mason / David Massengill / Moxy Früvous / Viva Quetzal / June Rich / David Roth / Salamander Crossing / Les Sampou / Karen Savoca & Pete Heitzman / Martin Sexton / Jay Unger & Molly Mason with Swingology / Washboard Slim & the Blue Lights / cheryl wheeler / David Wilcox / Wild Asparagus / Dar Williams Show all bands
Long Hill Farm Hillsdale, NY
Pacific Islands Pop
2018 1 concert
2017 1 concert
2016 1 concert
2013 2 concerts
2008 2 concerts
2002 1 concert
1997 1 concert
1996 1 concert
 Leah Tedesco
 The Valley Archivist

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